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Glenville Town Board Agenda November 18, 2015

NOVEMBER 18, 2015
7:00 P.M.

1. Invocation

2. Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag.

3. Roll Call

4. Town Council Reports

5. Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. or as soon thereafter as can be reached to hear all persons interested in a proposed local law to amend Chapter 255, “Vehicle & Traffic” of the Code of the Town of Glenville.

6. Presentation on the conceptual “Park Side Reserve” Planned Unit Development, 377 Saratoga Road, by Chris Maddalone of Maddalone Development, Inc.

7. Presentation of the Resident Survey by the Efficiency In Government Committee (EIG).

8. Privilege of the Floor

9. Supervisor’s Comments to the Board

10. Resolution amending the 2016 Preliminary Budget and adopting it as the 2016 Final Budget of the Town of Glenville for the fiscal year commencing January 1, 2016.

11. Resolution approving the Preliminary Capital Expense Budget of Sewer District No. 9 and Woodcrest Sewer Extension of the year 2016.

12. Resolution adopting the Assessment Roll for Water District No. 11 of the Town of Glenville and Extension No’s 1 through 46 for the year 2016.

13. Resolution adopting the Assessment Roll for Sewer District No. 9 and Woodcrest Sewer Extension of the year 2016.

14. Resolution adopting the Assessment Roll for Acorn Drive Sewer District and Woodhaven Sewer District for the year 2016.

15. Resolution adopting the Assessment Roll for Alplaus Sewer District No. 1 and Extension No. 1 for the year 2016.

16. Resolution appointing Lynn Walkuski, 11 Lillian Drive, Glenville, to the position of Executive
Secretary, effective November 30, 2015.

17. Resolution accepting the lowest responsible bid for fence installation at the Andersen Dog Park.

18. Resolution to schedule a public hearing for Wednesday, December 2, 2015, at the Glenville Municipal Center, 18 Glenridge Road, Glenville, NY with respect to the proposed imposition of liens on the parcels of real property listed on Schedule “A” (attached).

19. Resolution approving the Monthly Departmental Reports for October 2015.

20. Residential approving the Town Board minutes of November 4, 2015.

21. New Business

Discussion items:
Rezoning request by Fred Ogle for the former Explorer’s Post cabin property on Route 50. Recommendation from the Planning and Zoning Commission.
Public Safety Consortium firearms range proposal. SEQR recommendation from the Planning & Zoning Commission.