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December 6, 2010
                         Memorial Town Hall, 1 Library Street, Georgetown, MA 01833
                                 Ph. (978) 352-5755 z Fax (978) 352-5727
Memorial Town Hall
 Third Floor Meeting Room
7:00 PM

Selectmen Present:      Philip Trapani, Chairman; Evan O’Reilly; Gary Fowler; C. David Surface, Clerk

Others Present: Michael Farrell, Town Administrator; Janet Pantano, Administrative Assistant;

Absent:                 Stephen Smith
Call to Order
Mr. Trapani called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.  

Public Hearing-The Sports Depot at Rock Pond-All Alcohol License
Paul Monroe, Manager Sports Depot was present.
Mr. Trapani opened the Public Hearing for the Sports Depot at Rock Pond All Alcohol- Restaurant Liquor License.  Mr. Monroe explained that he is the assistant Manager and is representing the owner.  Mr. Trapani stated that he has not heard of any issues at the business since they opened and asked the board if they had questions.  Mr. Surface stated that he has frequented the restaurant and business has been going well.  He asked if all staff were tip certified or just the bartenders.  Mr. Monroe stated that the bartenders are all tip certified not the wait staff.   Mr. Surface stated that he would like to see the wait staff certified.  Mr. Monroe stated that the new license is so the previous owner would not be on the license.  Mr. O’Reilly stated that he agrees with Mr. Surface and he agrees that the wait staff should be tip certified.  Mr. Monroe stated that he does educate his staff on alcohol intoxication.  Ms. Pantano stated that there is a new owner of the building.  Mr. Monroe stated that they passed papers the end of last week.  Mr. Surface asked if the lease would stay the same.  Mr. Monroe stated that it would stay the same.

Chris Sullivan, 205 West Main Street asked if this was a new license and if there would be any change to hours of operation.  Mr. Trapani and Mr. O’Reilly explained that there would be no changes to the hours of operation this is just a new license in Sports Depots name.  

Mr. Fowler asked if this license is for 2011. Mr. Trapani stated that it was for next year there current license expires at the end of this year.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the All Alcohol Restaurant license for The Sports Depot at Rock Pond with the ABCC approval to be effective January 1, 2011 and to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Surface seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
Mr. Trapani stated that they received a letter from the Commission on the Status of Women looking for members for the Essex County Commission on the Status of Women.
Mr. Trapani read the letter from the Commission and gave information on how to contact the commission or to stop in the Selectman’s office.

Warrant & Minutes
Mr. Trapani stated that the warrant is in the office for signatures.  

Mr. Fowler had a couple typographical changes to the minutes of November 22, 2010.  Mr. Trapani stated to hold the minutes until changes made and vote at the next meeting.

Board Business
Conservation Restriction Endowments for Bailey Lane Woods and for Camp Denison Adjacent Land
Steven Przyjemski, ConCom Agent; Harry LaCortiglia, CPA and David Santomenna,
Essex County Green Belt were present.
Mr. LaCortiglia explained the two parcels one by Bailey Lane and a parcel by Camp Denison.  He explained that this is an agreement between the Town and Essex County Green Belt to maintain the property.  Mr. Santamena explained that all CPA CR’s are required to have this type of restriction.  He explained the process that they went through of viewing and a requirement of a $15,000 endowment.  Mr. Santamena stated that where Camp Denison was bought for such a low price they will waive the endowment.  He stated that they cover the monitoring process of evaluation of the property at the beginning and then each year or two.  If there is a violation then they work with the property owner.  

Bailey Lane Woods
Mr. Surface moved to approve the Conservation Restriction Endowment for Bailey Lane Woods with Essex County Greenbelt Association for the management of conservation restrictions for the parcels shown on the Assessors Map as Map 6A Lot 2A, Map 6A Lot 2, and Map 6A Lot 3 as voted under Article 17 of the 2005 Town Meeting.  Mr. O’Reilly seconded the motion.

Mr. Fowler asked about Page 9 section C.  Mr. Santamena explained that this is there if there is a violation.  Mr. Fowler asked about use of the land by residents.  Mr. Przyjemski explained that the ConCom will be taking up the asphalt and will put parking at each end for residents and plowing, fix drainage.  He stated that they have a CPA application pending for parking in the area and restoration.

Vote taken and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Camp Denison
Mr. Surface moved to approve the Conservation Restriction Endowment for Camp Denison Adjacent Land with Essex County Greenbelt Association for the management of conservation restrictions for the parcels shown on the Assessors Map as Map 9A, Lot 8F acquired under Article 28 (I) of the 2007 Annual Town Meeting.   Mr. O’Reilly seconded the motion.  Mr.  O’Reilly seconded the motion.  

Mr. Fowler asked if land is separate from Camp Denison. Mr. Przyjemski stated that it is separate from Camp Denison.  Mr. Fowler asked who oversees Camp Denison.  Mr. Przyjemski stated that the ConCom oversees Camp Denison.

Vote taken and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Review and discussion of Priority Based Budgeting Process
Mr. Farrell had a powerpoint presentation on Priority Based Budgeting (PBB).
He stated that we are starting with a $1.2Mil deficit.  He stated that last year we started with Zero Based budgeting and this goes along with that.  He stated that there will be cuts this year and PBB is the way to go instead of across the board cuts and he explained.

Mr. Trapani stated that they plan a Tri-Board meeting on December 20 and they should bring this forward. He asked for more information on the PBB from other towns in the area.  He stated that he wants to look at this deeper but what is this going to take to do this year.  Mr. Fowler asked if other towns have done this but did not call it PBB.  Mr. Farrell stated that PBB has been around since 2004.  Mr. Surface stated that they have been doing this in a way with departments starting from a zero based budget.  Mr. O’Reilly stated FinCom has done the budget in the past and he feels that the BoS should form the budget and then the FinCom advise on the budget.  Mr. Surface stated that he sees it the other way with FinCom forming the budget and the BoS reviewing.  He stated that the largest area is the Schools and the Town is cut to the bones already.  Mr. Farrell stated that we are going to have to give up some services.  Mr. Trapani stated that he would like to see this to the next level and that we do not have stated goals of the community.  Mr. Fowler stated that Mr. Farrell has prepared quite a bit and what does he have in mind.  Mr. Farrell stated that the community has some input in the process but he sees that all towns have the same priorities.  He stated that the BoS with the Schools and FinCom can come up with 4-6 results.  Mr. Trapani asked Mr. Farrell to get the information to all board members.

License Renewals
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Common Victualler. Sunday Live Entertainment, and Weekly Live Entertainment Licenses for Rory O’Connor’s Irish Pub to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Surface seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Alcohol License Renewals
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the All Alcohol Restaurant License for Rory O’Connor’s Irish Pub to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Fowler seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a 3-0 vote.  Mr. Surface abstained.

Mr. Surface asked about the violation at Rory O’Connor’s and if a decision had been received.  Mr. Fowler stated that there had been a decision.  Mr. Surface asked for a copy of the ABCC decision.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the All Alcohol Package Store License for C.J. Liquors, Inc. dba The Liquor Barn to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Surface seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.  

License Renewals
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Second Hand Shop License for Instant Replays to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Surface seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Class II-Used Car Sales License for Georgetown Citgo to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Surface seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Common Victualler License for The Liquor Barn (Johnnies Place) to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Surface seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Selectman’s Report
Government Study Committee
Mr. Trapani stated that there was a meeting last week of the Government Study Committee and they are moving forward to look at the form of Government.  He stated that any residents interested in attending and joining the committee are welcome.

Open Meeting Law Update
Mr. Fowler stated that they received the new changes to the Open Meeting Law allowing notices to be posted online.  He stated that he likes the posting outside and not everyone has a computer and he would like to see this continue.   Discussion and board agreed that they would like the Town Clerk to continue to post meetings in the outside board.

Mr. Surface moved to request that the Town Clerk post all meetings outside on the posting board.  Mr. O’Reilly seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Trapani stated he has a candidate for the CIP Committee and will get a bio for the next meeting.  

Mr. Trapani closed the public hearing on the Sports Depot at Rock Pond Liquor License.

Board discussed having the next tri-board meeting at their next meeting on Monday, December 20 at 7:00PM.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to adjourn.  Mr. Surface seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 PM.

Minutes transcribed by J. Pantano.

Minutes approved January 10, 2011