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November 22, 2010
                    Memorial Town Hall, 1 Library Street, Georgetown, MA 01833
                           Ph. (978) 352-5755 z Fax (978) 352-5727
Memorial Town Hall
Third Floor Meeting Room
7:00 PM

Selectmen Present:      Evan O’Reilly; Gary Fowler; C. David Surface, Clerk; Stephen Smith;

Others Present: Michael Farrell, Town Administrator; Janet Pantano, Administrative Assistant;

Absent:                 Philip Trapani, Chairman;
Call to Order
Mr. Surface called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.  

Warrant & Minutes
Warrant in the office to be signed.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the minutes of November 15, 2010.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Board Business
CPC Grant Agreement-Brocklebank Museum Shoe Shop
Harry LaCortiglia & Kevin Keene Curator of the Historical Society were present.

Mr. LaCortiglia gave an update on this grant and how it came about.   He stated that Town Counsel has reviewed the agreement.  He stated that the Historic Restriction amendment has been recorded as Book 29959, Page 186.

Mr. Keene explained the work that would be done.  Mr. Surface asked if there was anything that the board did to hold this up.  Mr. LaCortiglia stated that there was not.  Mr. O’Reilly asked about the legal fees for these projects and if CPC pays them or the town.  Mr. LaCortiglia stated that the CPC adds funds to the projects for legal fees or they come from the Administrative fees.

Mr. Fowler asked how they would be restoring the building such as the type of shingles.  Mr. Keene explained the product that they would be using and that there is a tight budget.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the CPC Grant Agreement between the Board of Selectmen and the Historical Society for the Brocklebank Museum Shoe Shop.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Town Administrator Contract
Mr. Surface stated that the board has met in executive session on the Town Administrator contract and over the last few months and they are ready as a board to ratify the contract.   

Mr. O’Reilly moved to accept the employment contract between the Town of Georgetown and Michael Farrell effective July 1, 2010.  Mr. Fowler seconded the motion.
Mr. Fowler thanked Mr. Surface for all the work he did on the contract and also Mr. Farrell for all the work he does.  Mr. O’Reilly stated that Mr. Surface and Mr. Fowler did a lot of work to finalize the contract.
All in favor 4-0.  

Mr. Farrell thanked the board and said that there was some good give and take.  He stated that he looks forward to working with the board and town.

Designer Selection Procedures Policy Adoption
Mr. Farrell explained that the Town must have this policy in effect before they go out to bid for the designer and the owner’s project manager.  Mr. O’Reilly asked where the document came from.  Mr. Farrell stated that the document came from Terry Wiggin, School Business Manager who has just finished a State procurement class.  Mr. Surface stated that this is just a policy.  He asked if there is a time limit on when this needs to be approved.  Mr. Fowler asked if Mr. Farrell has reviewed the policy.  Mr. Farrell stated that he has and this gives the BoS authority to select the designer and project manager.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Designer Selection Procedures Policy.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Holiday Schedule-Town Hall Staff
Mr. Farrell explained that the Christmas and New Year holiday fall on a Saturday this year and usually Friday would be the employee holiday but with Town Hall closed Friday he said we either close on Thursday or give a floating holiday as we do for Thanksgiving. He stated that last year we closed on Thursday also and it is a quiet week this works well.  Mr. Surface stated if the Town Hall is closed on Thursday December 23 and December 30th he would ask that it be posted on web and in Town Hall so residents are aware.  

Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the holiday schedule for Town Hall staff with a Floating Holiday for the day after Thanksgiving, and closed December 23 and 30th.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Disposal of Surplus Property Policy Adoption
Mr. Farrell explained that this policy is for property no longer in use and that we have a Van and other equipment such as computers, copiers etc.  He stated that this is an internal document and that this follows the State Procurement Procedures.  He stated that online auction sites are allowed by the State and have regulations for use.  He stated that there is no additional work with this policy.  Mr. Surface stated that they would like to see the list of items before they are auctioned.  Mr. Farrell stated the board would have to approve the items to be sold and declare them surplus before they could be auctioned.  

Mr. O’Reilly moved to adopt the disposal of Surplus Property Policy.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

  • Alcohol License Renewals:
  • Georgetown Post #7608 VFW of U.S. Inc.-All Alcohol-Club
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the All Alcohol-Club Liquor License for Georgetown Post #7608 VFW of U.S. Inc. to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
  • Georgetown Liquors-All Alcohol-Package Store
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the All Alcohol-Package Store Liquor License for Georgetown Liquors to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
  • Crosby’s Markets, Inc.-Wine & Malt Package Store
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Wine & Malt-Package Store Liquor License for Crosby’s Markets, Inc. to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

  • License Renewals
  • Second Hand Shops: Pratt Hobby Shop, Little’s Block of Shoppes
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Second Hand Shop License for Pratt Hobby Shop, Little’s Block of Shoppes to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
  • Common Victualler: Jimmy K’s, Georgetown Fish & Game Assoc., Georgetown Bowling Lanes, Dina’s Roast Beef & Pizza, Crosby’s Markets, Inc., Georgetown Post #7608 VFW, Mystra, LLC dba Dunkin Donuts
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Common Victualler License for Jimmy K’s, Georgetown Fish & Game Assoc., Georgetown Bowling Lanes, Dina’s Roast Beef & Pizza, Crosby’s Markets, Inc., Georgetown Post #7608 VFW, Mystra, LLC dba Dunkin Donuts to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Arian Docnoka, new owner of Dina’s Roast Beef & Pizza came forward to talk with the board about taking over the business.  He stated that the business will stay a family restaurant.
  • Trap Shooting:  Georgetown Fish & Game Assoc.
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Trap Shooting License for Georgetown Fish & Game Assoc. to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
  • Bowling:  Georgetown Bowling Lanes
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Bowling Lane License for Georgetown Bowling Lanes to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
  • Class II-Used Car Sales: B & B Auto Clinic, Inc.
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Class II-Used Car Sales License for B & B Auto Clinic, Inc. to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.
  • Automatic Amusement:  Georgetown Post #7608 VFW
  • Sunday Live Entertainment:  Georgetown Post #7608 VFW
  • Weekly Live Entertainment:  Georgetown Post #7608 VFW
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Automatic Amusement, Sunday Live Entertainment, and Weekly Live Entertainment License for Georgetown Post #7608 VFW to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Winter Parking Ban
Mr. Surface read the letter from the Highway Surveyor on the Winter Parking Ban effective December 1, 2010 to April 1, 1011.

Mr. O’Reilly stated that he would like an update on the Golf Course serving liquor from golf carts.  He stated that he feels the Selectmen should have had more of a say in the license hours then the State allowed them.  Mr. Surface asked that they come in after the holidays to see how they are doing as he would not want to single out one licensee.  Mr. O’Reilly stated that this is the only license selling alcohol from a golf cart. Mr. Fowler stated that he does not agree with the State not giving the town more leeway to adjust the license for alcohol on Golf Courses.  Mr. Smith stated that Mr. Boisvert is working hard to make this work and he would not want to make a hardship for the business but stated that it would not hurt to have a discussion with them.  Board asked to invite Keon’s into a meeting in January for an update.
  • Alcohol License Renewal:
  • Keon’s at the Black Swan Country Club-All Alcohol-Restaurant, Club, Function Hall
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the All Alcohol-Restaurant, Club, Function Hall Liquor License for Keon’s at the Black Swan Country Club to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a 3-1 vote.

  • License Renewals:
  • Keon’s at the Black Swan Country Club-Common Victualler, Local Sunday Entertainment, Weekly Entertainment License
Mr. O’Reilly moved to approve the Common Victualler, Sunday Entertainment, and Weekly Entertainment License for Keon’s at the Black Swan Country Club to expire December 31, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Mr. Surface read a letter from Ms. Gerraughty recommending the appointment of Joseph Cifuni to the Government Study Committee.  Mr. Farrell stated that Mr. Cifuni has already attended two meetings and will be a good addition to the committee.

Mr. O’Reilly moved to appoint Joseph Cifuni to the Government Study Committee term to expire June 30, 2011.  Mr. Smith seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Board Business
Mr. Surface read the list of upcoming Selectmen meetings: January 10, 24; February 7, 28; March 14, 28; April 11, 25, 2011.

Town Administrator’s Report
Mr. Farrell gave an update on the FY11 budget and stated that we are in good shape with revenues and have spent 36% of the budget with a third of the year.  He stated that six employees attended Storm Water Management meeting and that we are moving into Phase II of a 2003 mandate.  He stated that the committee is meeting tomorrow with MVPC who are helping the Town to meet the requirements and they hope to keep the expenses to $25k but may be closer to $50K.  He stated that the town is in compliance with Phase I but failure to comply with Phase II is not an option as we would be fined.  Mr. Fowler asked if there were any grants available to fund this mandate.  Mr. Farrell stated that he did not know of any grants for this.  He stated that there is a good committee in place Deb Rogers, Board of Health Agent; Steve Przyjemski, ConCom Agent; Nick Cracknell, Town Planner; Peter Durkee, Highway Surveyor; himself and that Harry LaCortiglia, George Comiskey, and Glenn Smith, Water Department Manager will also be sitting in on the meeting.  He stated that they will put a place holder into CPC as they may be able to assist with funding.   He stated that the water testing can be done in house and he just wanted to let the board know what is happening.  Mr. O’Reilly asked if this will be a recurring cost.  Mr. Farrell stated that this is the start but is not sure what the continued costs would be.

Mr. Smith moved to adjourn.  Mr. O’Reilly seconded the motion and the motion was approved by a unanimous vote.

Meeting adjourned at 8:05PM.

Minutes transcribed by J. Pantano.

Approved December 20, 2010.