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January 28, 2010

Finance & Advisory Board Meeting
Georgetown, MA
January 28, 2010

The meeting came to order at 7:07 PM. with the following persons present:
Members:        Robin O’Malley – chair, Jim Lacey – vice chair, Andy Belliveau, Marybeth Foster, Reggie Tardif
Members not present: John Bonazoli - Clerk
Guests: Mike Farrell – Town Administrator, Ruth Eifert – Librarian, Thom Berube – Assessor, Jay Ferreira – Assistant Assessor, Rose Provencher – Assistant Assessor
Minutes taken by Robin O'Malley
Budget Presentations:
Library: Ruth reviewed her budget with us.  She explained the FY11 proposed versus the FY11 Certification budget.  The proposed is what she will need to keep the library open for 33 hours.  The Certification is what is mandated by the state to keep our state certification with the state.  There is a waiver that can be filed, Ruth explained this procedure.  The difference between the two budgets is the special programs, passes etc that she uses the grant money to fund.  

Assessor: Thom explained his FY11 proposed budget.  The Assessor’s office is a state mandated department.  There are certain things that, by law, must be done.  The decrease in the FY11 proposed budget versus the FY10 budget is the recertification.  This is mandated every 3 years, but the Assessors break it up over 2 years; roughly $40,000, so $20,000 each year.

Overlay: Thom explained this account.  It is a reserve fund state mandated account.  The balance represents what the assessors feel is the town’s potential liability might be; abatements, etc.

Town Administrator update:
  • Union contracts: Talk has not begun, but 2 meetings have been scheduled.
  • CIP is somewhat defunct.
  • Mike will check with Wayne on what the FY10 vs FY11 electric cost might be
The next meeting will be February 3, 2010 , 7:00 pm, 3rd floor.
A motion was made by Reg Tardif to adjourn and was seconded by Jim Lacey.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 P.M.