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August 20, 2008
Finance & Advisory Board Meeting        
Georgetown, MA
August 20, 2008

Location:       Georgetown, MA Town Hall - 3rd floor meeting room
Attendees:      Jon Ayres (meeting Chair), Mark Hall, John Bonazoli, Jim Lacey, Jack L’Hommedieu, Tim Ruh, David Surface, Reggie Tardif

Unable to attend: Robin O’Malley (Chairperson)

Guests: Raymond Snyder/Wayne Snow/Edward Dobie- all representatives of the Capital Improvement Planning (CIP) Committee

Meeting called to order by Jon Ayres: 7:08PM    

Item 1 – CIP Committee updates (3 CIP members appeared before the Board)
The CIP representatives expressed frustrations about the current capital project identification, prioritization, and approval process. Because the town has rejected capital improvements in the past several years the effort of the Committee seems fruitless. Town infrastructure is deteriorating and it will cost much more the longer the town waits to address capital repairs.

FinCom Board members offered understanding and encouragement and asked the CIP to prepare a new 5-year project list by category (safety, buildings, road/bridges, vehicles, etc…).

Further discussion ensued until 7:30PM.

Item 2 - Highway Dept – Proposed Fuel Pumps at the Highway Garage (Wayne Snow appeared on behalf of the Light Dept.).
Break down of proposed cost for installation of above ground fuel tank at highway garage” document was presented to the Board. Mr. Snow presented that town fuel consumption is relatively low, but the analysis shows a 5-10% savings on fuel prices.

Mr. Surface asked Mr. Snow if having the fuel tanks would increase liability (insurance) and the need for software. Also the question of maintenance costs was raised. Mr. Snow will follow up on these questions.

Item 3 – Acceptance of Finance & Advisory Board Standard Operating Procedures   
a.      Motion was made to accept and adopt the SOP’s and the latest revisions- Mr. Lacey
b.      Motion was seconded – Mr. Tardif
c.      Vote: Motion passed unanimously (8-0)

Item 4 – Acceptance of meeting minutes from 7/10/08 FinCom meeting
a.      Motion was made to accept meeting minutes of 7/10/08- Mr. Tardif
b.      Motion was seconded- Mr. Lacey
c.      Vote:  Motion passed; 7 for, 1 abstention (Mr. Surface)

Item 5 – Other business – none

Item 6 – Meeting Close
a.      Motion was made to adjourn the meeting – Mr. Lacey
b.      Motion was seconded – Mr. Tardif
c.      Motion passed unanimously (8-0)
d.      Mr. Ayres declared the meeting adjourned at 7:58PM

Next meeting: 7PM Wednesday, 9/17/08, 3rd floor