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January 22, 2009

GCC Meeting Minutes
January 22, 2009

Attendance: Carl Shreder, Paul Nelson, Tom Howland, Charles Waters, John Lopez, Mike Birmingham, Steve Przyjemski, and Sharon Munro.

- Bills

MOTION to pay bills. Tom/Mike all/unam

Town of Georgetown Wetland Protection Regulation discussion

Circulate draft with comments and associate dates with updates.
Horsley Witten report is not sufficient and would like to see more.

MOTION to cont. hearing to Mar. 5 @ 7:30pm. Tom/Paul all/unam

2 Abbey Road

Ben Osgood, Rep. from NEE – The last meeting the Com asked for pricing and sketch for an alternative.

Paul Nelson, GCC – You have leveled out the grading here.

Ben Osgood, Rep. from NEE – This is due to a slope requirement. This plan would actually require a waiver and does not meet Title V. because there is a slope guideline for the septic system and we designed this as a 2 to 1 but it isn’t ideal. The fill is the big cost and the sand to go under the system is also very expensive.

Carl Shreder, GCC – I do like the itemization on the cover sheet.

Ben Osgood, Rep. from NEE – It is difficult for a contractor to itemize the cost.

Paul Nelson, GCC – The biggest issue is the waiver for the Title V approval.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We wanted to see if it was feasible to change this to have the least amount of impact.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Are there any abutters?

MOTION to approve 2 Abbey Road with plan dated 9/19/08 and not accepting the delineation for wetland. Tom/mike all/unam

MOTION to close 2 Abbey Rd. hearing. Tom/Mike all/unam

Whispering Pines discussion regarding OoC extensions

Charles Waters, GCC – So, I understand the concern was the current wetland line.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Yes, I have been working on this with the PB and other departments to clarify.

Paul Nelson, GCC – On lot 4 there is a drainage ditch. How would the current regulations apply?

Rich Williams, Rep. – If we do extend the road and adjust the drainage it will be done within the OoC stipulations.

Paul Nelson, GCC – The question I have is rather the extension should go through given the current bylaw based on that drainage ditch.

Paul Nelson, GCC – (to the engineer) Do you recall the drainage?

Rich Williams, Rep. – Yes, there is a culvert and part of the drainage and the road includes the order.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Nick Cracknell from the PB has submitted this letter regarding the PB thoughts on this particular project.

Carl Shreder, GCC – I would like to hear from the applicant or representative.

Rich Williams, Rep. – We had asked to extend this for 2 years because we should be able to compete this in that time period.

Harry LaCortiligia, Planning Board – This all boils down to money but I highly recommend extending these orders on behalf of the PB. If there is a one year extension on the roadway it will eliminate the water issues.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – All of these plans meets the 50’ no-cut setback. They clearly worked with us on the setbacks. So, the question was rather there have been any significant changes in the Regulations and/or Bylaw as well as the wetlands.

Paul Nelson, GCC – I think we need to decide whether we want to accept granting the extensions as this is good for the town or re-evaluate the lots based on current regulations. Because that one house is something we would have an issue with.

Charles Waters, GCC – I wanted to base my decision out here on what Steve’s observations where out there and the fact that PB has been very thorough in looking into this project.

Tilly Evangelista, PB. – The goal of the PB is to get that road finished at this point due to the economic situation it would be a good idea to move this forward if possible.

Charles Waters, GCC – This is not an ideal situation but we have a unique situation here and are not able to go out and look at the area.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Well, based on my observations it is clear that there haven’t been too many changes.

MOTION to extend OoC’s one year for roadways and two years for the house lot sites. Charles/ Paul all/unam

Penn Brook Ave. (Culvert Replacement)

Steven Tyler, Rep. – What we want to do is replace the existing culvert without expanding the footprint. This is a precast, bottomless culvert. So, it will have a natural bottom.

Paul Nelson, GCC – Do you have to dry up the river as you install?

Steven Tyler, Rep. – Yes, one side at a time.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Is this an endangered Species area?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – No.

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, this is an open bottom culvert?

Steven Tyler, Rep. – Yes.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – This makes sense to have this kind of replacement also the ideal conditions will be in low flow on the river.

Steven Tyler, Rep. – By putting the sand bags here to divert it will not have to be all dry.

Mike Birmingham, GCC – We need to prevent cement running down stream when you begin the removal.

Peter Durkee, Highway Dept. – We can always put something up to catch the debris.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Yeah, we can always work together in the field.

Carl Shreder, GCC – This sounds like a very sound and agreeable situation.

Earl Johnson, Resident – I am concerned about the bridge being out. How are we going to get back and forth?

Peter Durkee, Highway Dept. – We are looking at 3-5 business days. We can make arrangements to give some sort of access.

Carl Shreder, GCC – What about safety? Can the fire department get there?

Peter Durkee, Highway Dept. – We would be sure to notify the Fire Department and Police Department, as well as, the residents in order to make this go smoothly.

Mr. Johnson, Resident – I am concerned because we have six families down there.

Carl Shreder, GCC – It seems there needs to be involvement from multiple departments to make sure that the safety issues are resolved.

Peter Durkee, Highway Dept. – We will work with whomever we need to, as far as, public safety.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We are still waiting on the DEP to comment. So, do you foresee any issues?

Steven Tyler, Rep. – No, I don’t.

Knights of Columbus Representative - I would like to offer the Knights of Columbus hall for parking, port-a-potty and we will assist in any way we can for this project.

MOTION to cont. to Mar. 5th @ 8:00pm. Tom/Mike all/unam

47 West Street

The applicant for 47 West Street has requested a continuation to March.

MOTION to cont. to Mar. 5th @ 8:00pm & 8:05pm. Tom/Mike all/unam

Update from Open Space

Harry LaCortiglia of Open Space Committee and CPC, met with the Conservation Commission regarding the purchase of land for greenway project. The discussion on land purchase was to establish the most appropriate method of acquiring land and to see if the Commission supported Harry on the initiative.

Executive Session regarding litigation and land purchase negotiation

Motion to enter Executive Session. Tom/Paul all/unam

Roll call was taken to enter executive session regarding pending litigation:

Charles Waters – Aye
Carl Shreder – Aye
Tom Howland – Aye
Mike Birmingham – Aye
John Lopez – Aye
Paul Nelson – Aye

Motion to exit Executive Session and to close meeting for the night. Tom/Paul all/unam

Roll call was taken to exit executive session regarding pending litigation:

Charles Waters – Aye
Carl Shreder – Aye
Tom Howland – Aye
Mike Birmingham – Aye
John Lopez – Aye
Paul Nelson – Aye