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November 29, 2007
                                                 GCC MEETING MINUTES
Nov. 29, 2007
Second Floor Meeting Room

Attending: Carl Shreder, Paul Nelson, Tom Howland, John Bell, Charles Waters, Steve Przyjemski, and Sharon Munro.



MOTION to bills. Paul/John B. all/unam

-OoC for 4 Thurlow Street (Culvert)


Parish Road
Owner/App.: Parish Road Reality Trust (Mr. DeLorenzo), Atty.: Jim Senior, Rep.: Matt Broussard of Rimmer Environmental Consulting

James Senior, Atty.
Matt Broussard, Rep.

James Senior, Atty. – Last time we discussed waivers. We have submitted a revised plan. We added land to the land to be donated to the town. Jurisdictional land that can be built upon and we will be willing to donate these parcels. 8.6 percent of that land can be disturbed or developed. We hope that this would be an appropriate mitigation.

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, this percentage is the amount that could be built upon?

Jim Senior, Atty. – Right, this area is something you could have something to builds upon. Were this gives you that much more land that would be of benefit. There is an additional acre of land that we are now proposing.

Paul Nelson, GCC – I did have something like this in mind.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Referencing map this is what I was thinking here.

Paul Nelson, GCC – Referencing the plan …I was thinking more like this here.

Tom Howland, GCC – Do you think this enough to grant a waiver?

Paul Nelson, GCC – I think that there is some consideration on open space. It has most of the components for what we would like for on this land. I would like to nail this down now.

Jim Senior, Atty. – I think this is the best we are going to do. We have minimized these two lots in the back.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Has the PB approved this?

Jim Senior, Atty. – A preliminary approval at this time. We don’t anticipate any problem.

Carl Shreder, GCC – What about the BOH?

Jim Senior, Atty. – We don’t have the septic system draw up yet.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Wouldn’t this be a part of this project.

Matt Broussard, Rep. – It doesn’t have to be approved at this time or to have this drawn up?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – were there any new abutters to be notified?

Matt Broussard, Rep. – I don’t know but the list shouldn’t change.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – The horizontal drilling is another waiver. How wouldn’t that affect the abutters list?

Matt Broussard, Rep. – It doesn’t need to have another abutters list for work.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Back to the Open Space discussion; is it your intention to have this plan voted on tonight?

Carl Shreder, GCC – Was the Mullin rule reviewed and or explained to the applicant?

Charles Waters, GCC – Yes, all the options were given and the applicant decided to waive its rights under the Mullin Rule.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – This plan is not final yet and we can’t vote on it.

Paul Nelson, GCC – We don’t have the right plan so, we can not vote on it tonight, anyway.

Jim Senior, Atty. – Perhaps, a vote on the waivers as a package.

MOTION to not accept the Open Space as proposed in mitigation for the waivers requested. Charles/ Tom all/unam
John B. / Abstain

Paul Nelson, GCC – The more you add to the mitigation the more likely we would approve.

Jim Senior, Atty. – Would the Commission approve if we could put on a CR on the land? Would that satisfy the want of the con com?

Carl Shreder, GCC – That would be a process.

Charles Waters, GCC – I don’t think that the land you’ve proposed is enough. I think you have to give a lot more in terms of mitigation for the front waivers. I would still be asking for more land to donate in exchange for with the amount of waivers you are asking for.

Jim Senior, Atty. – When we met the last time I thought I understood what was asked for and were we left the discussion last time.

Charles Waters, GCC – I believe that we need to see this weighing more evenly rather than weighing so heavily to one side. Referencing plan – I was thinking more like this.

Carl Shreder, GCC – I would like to see the trails in less wet areas also.

Charles Waters, GCC – There is very little difference from what you had the last time and now is not much diff.

Jim Senior, Atty. – Maybe I didn’t quite understand what you are asking for. Is the commission talking about the red line as something they want?

Charles Waters, GCC – I would like to see a bigger area donated in the back for mitigation.

Matt Broussard, Rep. –That is going through a jurisdictional area.

Charles Waters, GCC – I understand that you feel that this is generous but for the significant waivers you are asking for I feel you should give more land.

Carl Shreder, GCC – This could be approved upon.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – This property is 4 lots without the waivers.

Tom Howland, GCC – I have problems with the lower area here.

Charles Waters, GCC – The fact that the commission would be willing to grant these waivers here is a significant effort by the commission to compromise. The Riverfront Protection regulations are very strong and entirely support the commission should it decide to deny the waivers relating just to the riverfront.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We have already voted and if we don’t have a plan to vote on then we need to move on.

Charles Waters, GCC – If what we are asking is agreeable with the applicant?

Paul DeLorenzo, Applicant – the red line would be workable but the blue wouldn’t work.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Do you want to continue or vote on the whole thing?

Charles Waters, GCC – Do you want to vote?

Jim Senior, Atty. – If you voted no on the Open Space plan then it would be a no vote on the whole plan. I think we should continue.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We will vote on whatever you want but, you have to understand that we don’t have a plan to vote on.

Paul Nelson, GCC – We can vote on the waivers.

Jim Senior, Atty. – So, we are basically going to get a no vote?

Carl Shreder, GCC – We need a complete plan with everything on it.

Jim Senior, Atty. – So, we could come back and propose more. I would like to cont.

MOTION to continue Jan. 10 @ 8:45pm Charles /Tom all/unam
John Bell/ Nay

Charles Waters, GCC – Please make this your best effort.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Can we have hard copies next time too please?

American Legion Park
Owner/App.: Jim Dimento (Park & Recreation), Rep.: Joe Sinkewicz of the G.A.A.

Mark Perry – Georgetown Baseball
Jim Dimento, Park & Rec.

Mark Perry, Gtn. Baseball – we have run out of fields and we were talking with PR to get a batting cage. This would be a place where we could bring teams during the week. We chose the area because we were told this was the place because of the size. We had an issue with an EO because of a misunderstanding. We have 50’ netting that would prevent the balls from going to the tennis courts. We want to remove the two trees here (pointing to the plan) and run the fencing down.

Jim Dimento, Park & Rec. – This is within the 50’ buffer.

Mark Perry, Gtn. Baseball – We had planned to angle the batting cage but found that wouldn’t work.

Resident – The batting cage will be enclosed?

Mark Perry, Gtn. Baseball – Yes, along with 20’ of fencing to prevent vandalism.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Are you planning any mitigation for the trees you’re taking down?

Jim Dimento, Park & Rec. – I will be willing to do anything you want. If you want us to plant some trees we will put them in if you want. I want to put more trees in, anyway.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I have worked with them on plantings before and it worked out very well.

Paul Nelson, GCC – What about putting a retaining wall
Where the slope is where the proposed cage would be?

Mark Perry, Gtn. Baseball – We felt that the kids would be climbing on the wall and jumping of. Are concern was that they would get hurt.

Jim Dimento, Park & Rec. – It would be a steeper grade if tried to do this differently.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I was concerned about the erosion.

Paul Nelson, GCC – Hydro seeding will be a short cut but will be difficult to get that to grow.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I know you were thinking of retaining and preventing the erosion.

Mark Perry, Gtn. Baseball – We could fence it off.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – You wouldn’t want to

Tom Simons, 36 Prospect Street – How come you are not considering the other school to put this in.

Mark Perry, Gtn. Basement – We would have like to but it is used to the max. When the new school is built we will not have any more room or space. This field is for 11 and 12 year olds.

John Gonoza, Resident – What will be the usage times?

Mark Perry, Gtn. Baseball – We will have posted outside.

Jim Dimento, Park & Rec. – The thought is that we could get this fence put up to avoid any issues with vandalism.

Tom Simons, Resident - You guys have done a great job it’s just the location that is bad.

Carl Shreder, GCC – I just would like to look at the erosion control.

Mark Perry, Gtn. Baseball – There was no other place in American Legion. If we could we could have found a better location we would have.

Jim Dimento, Park & Rec. – I don’t think this was a bad location.

Tom Simons, Resident – I thought you did this for looks of it rather the functionality.

Paul Nelson, GCC – Where are we at now.

Mark Perry, Gtn. Baseball – We will grade out the hill and fencing would be put in place. We can place plantings there and we would be willing to put in some fencing to close the whole area if you want.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – If it is sloped and has heavy plantings then it may be stable enough to veto the retaining wall. If you could put temp fencing just to protect the plantings. Grass won’t work.

Paul Nelson, GCC – So, you will put together a planting plan.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – The commission is okay with that and I will work with them on this.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Any questions or comments?

Charles Waters, GCC – I thought there was an issue with the tree previously.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Do you want to discuss this?

Charles Waters, GCC – No that’s okay.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We just can’t vote on because we are waiting on the DEP.

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, if we approve the plan then we can approve this next hearing.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – You can’t start work yet but we will sign

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We really can’t make a vote till the DEP responds.

MOTION to continue to Dec. 13th @ 7:10pm. Tom/ John B. all/unam

1 Kinson Court
Owner/App. /Rep.: Mark Mansfield

Attending: Mark Mansfield, Owner/ App.

Mark Mansfield, App. – What you have there is the new plan with the retaining wall. The second plan shows 25’ instead of the 35’ feet from the buffer. At 25’ I will have a steeper slope but Steve wanted to save the tree line at 25’.

Charles Waters, GCC – Which plan do you want us to look at?

Mark Mansfield, App. – Here this one. (Showing the commission)

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, the one you like is the one with 35’ of the buffer?

Mark Mansfield, App. – Yes.

Carl Shreder, GCC - I thought the less intrusive would be the 25’.

Mark Mansfield, App. – To put another wall in there to terrace would push that out another 35’.

Paul Nelson, GCC – So, to terrace would you need to bring more equipment?

Mark Mansfield, App. – you still would be going back 30’ so..

Paul Nelson, GCC – Right behind the house does it (the slope) come down to the base of the house?

Mark Mansfield, GCC – It was 14’ (a 14’ drop from top of hill?).

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, your retaining wall is where?

Mark Mansfield, App. – Here

Carl Shreder, GCC – What are you going to do maintain erosion control?

Mark Mansfield, GCC – I can plant grass.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Grass won’t be enough for erosion control.

Mark Mansfield, GCC – I can do whatever you want I can do rip rap or whatever.

Carl Shreder, GCC – If we allow you to cut the trees up top then what mitigation do you propose?

Bob Gauvain, 22 Nelson Street - We can plant hemlocks and replant other plants.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We would try to plant more native plantings for this if the com wants.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Is there room to do three or two one mitigation here.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I don’t think so. I don’t want to plant big trees. If that is what the commission wants I will work with them on that.

Paul Nelson, GCC – This wall bothers me all together.

Mark Mansfield, App. – I have someone who will be putting in a wrought iron fence on top of the wall and safety is of my concern.

Paul Nelson, GCC – Yes, right now there is still a concern.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – The watershed will be minimal. It still could erode out quick.

Mark Mansfield, App. – We didn’t have too much of a problem with the rainy season.

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, do we see that we need a plan indicating what else will be included on this plan?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Is this a revision?

Paul Nelson, GCC – This isn’t showing fencing.

Mark Mansfield, App. – I just don’t want to keep having plans drawn up.

Paul Nelson, GCC – You could have this drawn up just to show the fencing.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – If the commission is all set, I will finish with him.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Do we want to entertain a continuation?

MOTION to continue to Dec. 13th @ 7:05pm. Tom/ John B./all unam

Mark Mansfield, App. – I am concerned about some of the trees. Can I remove them if there is an emergency?

Carl Shreder, GCC – Of course. You can bring it to our attention and will definitely work with you.

121 Lake Shore Drive
Owner: Roy Gerald, Rep.: Ben Osgood of NEE
Ben Osgood, Rep.

Ben Osgood, Rep. – There is 66’along the pond. We have squeezed it as close as possible. We have installed it as far from the pond as possible. It is a title 5 system. The BOH has granted a waiver for this. We do have 7 upgrade approvals we don’t have any off sets to the water. The septic meets the requirement on the right side. The driveway will be over the septic system.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – So, the driveway will be removed and replaced?

Ben Osgood, Rep. – There was a failure in the old system and it was an emergency situation with the BOH.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Do you have to build a special driveway?

Ben Osgood, Rep. – It is designed to hold a dump truck.

Charles Waters, GCC – Where is the vent?

Ben Osgood, GCC – The vent is off the side of the driveway. If we extended it would have been a problem. We had surveyors come out to establish the pond distance.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Well, we are not accepting the line.

Ben Osgood, Rep. – It is probably 70’ from the pond.

MOTION to accept the NOI without a line acceptance. John B. / Charles all/unam

MOTION to close hearing. John B. / Charles all/unam

6 Hart Circle
Owner/App.: Mark & Gayle Erlandson, Rep.: Bob Grasso of Prof. Land Services.

Bob Grasso, Rep.

Bob Grasso, Rep. – We have an existing lot and a wetland line.

Paul Nelson, GCC – Is that a perennial stream?

Bob Grasso, Rep. – No, intermittent.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – As long as we can get as far as we can from it.

Bob Grasso, Rep. – This is the existing tree line ….showing the map…

Bob Grasso, Rep. – The existing system is out back. What we are proposing is a Presby system it will be a raised system and roughly 2.8’ above ground. There are some trees here so we are using a liner to protect the trees. Everything is all lawn so we are not really disturbing any vegetation.

Charles Waters, GCC – Why can’t you bring it down?

Ben Osgood, Rep. – Because I am running out of grading room.

Charles Waters, GCC – What about the lower left, there.

Ben Osgood, Rep. – I would be asking for major setbacks for that.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I would play around with this a bit.

Ben Osgood, Rep. – This is a least amount impact situation.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Yes, we could loose some trees.

Ben Osgood, Rep. – We have been approved with the BOH. We proposed a silt sock for the limit of the work.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Have you been there, Steve?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Yes, it could be tweaked a little but really it is a tight lot.

Ben Osgood, Rep. – I can work with it but I don’t know how that will be better.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Unless he can put that on the other side then we won’t gain anything significant.

Charles Waters, GCC – I don’t think there is much we can do with this.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – So, we are not accepting the line but, everything looks good?

MOTION to accept plan for 6 Hart Circle without accepting the line. Tom/ John B. all/unam

MOTION to close. Tom/John B. all/unam

19 Heather Road
Owner: George & Robert Burda, App.: Anthony Franciosa of Kings Oak Prop., Rep.: Kevin Fleming of Cyprus Design, Inc.

Kevin Fleming, Rep.
Tony Franciosa, App.

Kevin Fleming, Rep. – We want to resubmit a new NOI for the planting later.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We asked that they keep it out of the 100’ buffer.

Paul Nelson, GCC – So, basically everything (all proposed work) is outside the 100’ buffer?

Kevin Fleming, Rep - Yes

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – They were in our jurisdiction with the demolition.

Charles Waters, GCC – If you pulled this out of our jurisdiction then why are we looking at this?

Carl Shreder, GCC – Because this was brought before us and we have to make a decision.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – They were in our jurisdiction but they have since moved this out of our jurisdiction.

Charles Waters, GCC – I think he should withdraw and file with an NOI with the other next spring.

Kevin Fleming, Rep. – So, when we go to the BOH do we come to you after?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Yes, you would have to get this done first.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We are making assumptions on the wetland lines.

Charles Waters, GCC – Lets continue this next spring and let them remodel this so they don’t have to re-file.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We don’t allow the construction while a NOI is in progress.

Charles Waters, GCC – The construction isn’t going to be in our jurisdiction.

MOTION to continue May 1st 7:30pm. Tom/ John B. all/unam