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July 26, 2007

July 26, 2007
Third Floor Meeting Room

Attending:  Carl Shredder, John Bell, Charles Waters, Paul Nelson, Steve Przyjemski, Sharon Munro



        -OoC for Bailey Lane Bridge

        -OoC for North Street Culvert

        -CoC for Emma Harris Way

MOTION to issue CoC Paul/John B. All/unam

        -OoC for 18 Taylor Street

        -EO for American Legion Park: Grading on the field was supposed to be gentle grading and was supposed to come to us with a proposal for the area but in the mean time I found that they significantly dug out the area beyond what was agreed upon. We should have a site walk on July 28th @7:30 AM

MOTION to ratify the EO for the American Legion Park Charles/ Carl all unam

MOTION to pay the bills Carl/ Paul all/unam


        -Regarding Open Space Plan
        -Regarding Potential Stone Row Open Space:

TJ Conte, Stone RowI am here this evening to establish what the Georgetown Conservation Commission wants to suggest on this plan. We are all set with the Planning Board however, we wanted to donate a parcel of land but, Steve suggested that you all wouldn’t be interested in this particular land. We have offered it to Greenbelt and they didn’t were asking too much money. So, we want to see if the GCC would be interested in taking the land with restrictions.

Carl Shreder, GCC Would it be us or the homeowner that holds the deed?

TJ Conte, Stone RowThe homeowner would but, there would be a CR on the deed so there would not be an allowance on certain things.

Paul Nelson, GCC – There would have to be some sort of monitoring.

TJ Conte, Stone Row – Yes, there is an association in the works for the area.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – This looks different from what I saw a month ago and you have to remember this is landlocked.

Charles Waters, GCC – So, this land wasn’t originally supposed to be conservation land?

TJ Conte, Stone Row – No, but, we want to allow the conservation oversee this area.

Charles Waters, GCC – I don’t know what the jurisdiction the con com would have.

TJ Conte, Stone Row – Where then does the con com get involved?

Charles Waters, GCC – I don’t know how a situation like this works, where we would enforce violations in an area that is considered private property. It would seem that the association would be the policing authority.

TJ Conte, Stone Row – It would seem that you guys would have jumped all over this opportunity.

Charles Waters, GCC – I worry about this not fitting into our jurisdiction and we end up policing it and run into problems later.

Paul Nelson, GCC – I believe we should consider this land anyway, where we are the Conservation Commission and this is what we are all about…

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Do you want to put this back on the agenda?

TJ Conte, Stone Row – We have an Aug. 8th Planning Board meeting.

Charles Waters, GCC – Is something hinging on this being completed?

TJ Conte, Stone Row – No, but there is some concern as to how this will affect the neighbors. We wanted to make this as iron clad of an agreement as possible before finalizing.

Charles Waters, GCC – Why don’t we look at this.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – How about the Aug. 9th meeting?

TJ Conte, Stone Row – Yes, but we are in a time crunch.

Paul Nelson, GCC – So, you want to resolve this before Aug. 8th.

Charles Waters, GCC – It seems to me that you want to present this to the PB explaining that we are considering it.

Carl Shreder, GCC – I think we need to evaluate how the regulations apply in this situation.

Carl Shreder, GCC – When a third party is involved it makes it more complicated.

GCC – agreed to look into this further to see if a Conservation Restriction with the Con Com as the grantee would a) fit into our charter and b) be advantageous to the town.


16 True Lane
Owner & Rep.: Todd Stauss

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We have some quorum issues for this meeting but, if you can attest to have read and reviewed minutes for May 17th  then there will be no longer an issue.

I, Charles Waters, GCC - Can attest that I have read and reviewed the meeting minutes for this case.

I, John Bell, GCC - Can attest that I have read and reviewed the material from the meeting regarding this case.

Todd Strauss, Owner/Rep. – We have made the necessary changes we discussed last time and we are going to plant on the right hand side. We are going to move in 6’ on three sides and on the backside it was moved 6’, including the restoration.

Charles Waters, GCC – The markers would have the boundaries marked?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Yes, no-cut boundary markers and we just need to add to this because we have looked into the volume of fill that would go into this site. Perhaps, it would be a good idea to make a stipulation on the grading of the slope and limiting the amount of fill.

Todd Strauss, Owner/Rep. – It will be tough to evaluate how much would be necessary for the area.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We could regulate a general idea to keep this under a stipulation.

Charles Waters, GCC – We could make this an OoC stipulation.

Todd Strauss, Owner/Rep. – I am concerned about this stipulation, where I don’t know this work that well and I’m not sure how much I will need in the end.

Charles Waters, GCC – Can he work with you on this, Steve?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Well, it can’t be enforced this way, we really need to have that in the OoC were we can have a clear limit and we will be reasonable about it.

Paul Nelson, GCC – You can calculate the amount using the proposed topology.

Carl Shreder, GCC – I want that to be in the conditions of the OoC to be clear that we what the limits drawn.

Todd Strauss, Owner/Rep. – Are we going to continue this to another meeting?

Carl Shreder, GCC – You don’t want anymore meetings. So, please work with Steve.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – There is a viable quorum as you two have attested you have read and reviewed the material.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Anymore discussions?

Carl Shreder, GCC – Abutters?

Charles Waters, GCC – I would like to comment on this applicant’s ability to work so well with the con com.

MOTION to accept 16 True Lane Plan and close with stipulations on planting, possible additional stone bounds, limited fill and we are not accepting the wetland line.  John B. /Paul all/ unam

MOTION to close. Charles/ Carl all/unam

9 Gloria Road
App. Kathleen Low; Owner: Barry Low; Rep. Stephen Sawyer w/ Oak engineers.

Barry Low & Stephen Sawyer

Stephen Sawyer, Rep. – The modification has been significantly reduced as a recommendation of the board. We complied with the hay bails and tonight we want to discuss the plantings on the side slope of the yard. Plus, we have some concerns about the usage of the yard.

Barry Low, Owner – My concern is the 25’ slope on that side of the yard where we have used that part all of these years and I don’t see why we have to eliminate 1000 square feet of lawn to create a buffer as I don’t feel it would be a benefit as a buffer.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We are trying to establish a buffer for the proposed project and we are not trying to cut into your lawn but, as we had discussed before we need to create a better buffer than grass.

Barry Low, Owner – I don’t mind planting closer to the wetlands as long as it doesn’t encroach on the lawn. If I made a buffer down at the edge it would be better as I could keep more yard area.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We are not trying to encroach on your lawn.

Paul Nelson, GCC – I believe you would simply be catching the dirt down there and I feel that Steve was really trying to work with you already. This is a really steep slope and should have some erosion control applied.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We really need to try to work with this and we would want you to work with us on this, as well.

Barry Low, Owner – I will work with Steve on the planting plan.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Can we explain why we will not be able to vote even though we numerically have a quorum.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – It is a state law not bylaw that if you miss 1 meeting and have not reviewed the minutes or have missed two meetings, you cannot vote on an issue.

Barry Low, Owner – So, does it mean that if you miss a meeting then you can’t vote.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I have to make sure everyone has reviewed the material.

Charles Waters, GCC – I thought we had an agreement that we were getting the planting done, already.

Barry Low, Owner – I had talked with my wife. Ha.  Ha.

Charles Waters, GCC – We have to be concrete on the agreement on the planting so, we will be able to work with the planting plan you can give next meeting.

Barry Low, Owner –So, were do we stand on this?

Carl Shreder, GCC – We need to make sure we have a voting quorum.

Charles Waters, GCC – Perhaps, this should be looked into and adding this as an attachment on the comments for agenda.

Carl Shreder, GCC – When is the next availability?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – If they can get this done by Aug. 9th.

MOTION to continue 9 Gloria Road for Aug. 9th 8:30 pm.

74 Jackman Street
App.: Paul Beegan; Owner: Russell Beegan, Trustee; Rep.: Elizabeth Wallis/ Peter Ogren w/ Hayes engineering.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – What is revision date on that plan?

John Bell, GCC – June 28th 2007.

Russell Beegan, Owner  – This is a new drawing showing the 10’ wide pavement, removed designated storage areas, stone bounds, plantings and it was also draw up with the fill included.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – There is additional planting that the engineer missed however; everything else is here as we have agreed.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I would like to mention that John and Charles need to attest to have read those meeting for May 31st.

Charles Waters, GCC – I, Charles Waters attest that I have read and reviewed the meeting minutes for May 31st.

John Bell, GCC – I also attest that I have read and reviewed those meeting minutes.

Paul Nelson, GCC – So, is this plan a combination of both of them then? (EO & OoC)

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - Yes

Paul Nelson, GCC – So, you (Steve) can attest to the compliance to the conditions in the EO?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Yes.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Are there any abutters for 74 Jackman St?

MOTION to lift the EO.  Paul/ John all/unam

MOTION to accept NOI with the exception that the pipe needs to be cut after paving. Paul/ Carl all/ unam

Charles Waters, GCC – I feel that there were safety issues and this was proven by applicant.

MOTION to approve NOI with OoC.   Paul/ John all/unam

47 West Street
Owner: Georgetown West Reality Trust (Richard Morello), Rep.: Michael Seekamp w/ Seekamp Environmental Consult.

Micheal Seekamp: We request a continuation for this hearing.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We were unable to get this in to the paper in time for the new NOI’s so, we are continuing for the Aug. 9th. This works out well as we need to address some other issues now.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We had an EO on this site and we need address this, first.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – It has been over 60 days and as long as we acknowledge this it should be fine.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Should we issue a new EO? I just found out about the quality issue and I’m not sure what the hold up has been but, it does need to be addressed.

Paul Nelson, GCC – So, they just need to remove the soil at this point.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – The DEP is saying it has to be processed and no one wants to take the soil off site. There is a lot to go on for next week as far as issues that need to be addressed.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We did not need fines on certain activities but, we were trying to work with them on this, instead. The fill needs to be dealt with. Gale Associates is now excluding their environmental work. Jim Lucre will have a new contract for us soon so he can serve as LSP.

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, we should have every thing lined up.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Abutters?

MOTION to cont. for Aug. 9th @ 7:30pm John/Charles all/unam

Parish Road
Owner & App.: Parish Road Reality Trust, Rep.: Mary Rimmer w/ Rimmer Environmental

Carl Shreder, GCC – I understand they have requested a continuation.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Yes.

Charles Waters, GCC –Why are they continuing?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – This is due to a hang up with the PB and they now need to re-file with an NOI  to be clear with the project as it was very different

Steve Przyjemski, Agent –The DEP hasn’t commented, yet.

Charles Waters, GCC – We need to make sure they have their revision, green cards, and certified abutters list for the next meeting.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Do we have a requested date?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Sept. 6th?

MOTION to continue Parish Road to Sept. 6th @ 8:15 pm

Paul Nelson, GCC – I have some concerns on this one. We have not provided definitive guidance to the applicant.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – It hasn’t changed since we have had this case. Nothing seems to be modified. I think we had some conflicts within Conservation Commission opinions.

Charles Waters, GCC – I respectfully disagree, Paul. I feel they are juggling the PB and Con Com and I think they tried to make some changes.

Paul Nelson, GCC – I just don’t feel they have made much change.

Charles Waters, GCC  – I believe they are working hard to work with us as they are working with both  the PB and Con Com. I believe that we, the Con Com, are not agreeing and we haven’t been clear as to what we want from them either.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I believe they are presenting a criteria that I don’t like with regard to the Open Space land that they are offering and there are waivers there, already.

Paul Nelson, GCC – So, the question is rather the property on far side of current bridge is a viable piece of land for development.

Charles Waters, GCC – They are only discussing this as a single family home.

Carl Shreder, GCC – You really need to consider what the waivers are.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I don’t see anyone concerned about the Zone 2 well heads.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Yes we are, of course we should consider them.

Charles Waters, GCC – The major issue is the crossing of the river.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – But please, keep the Zone 2 well heads in consideration.

Charles Waters, GCC – Sure.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I would like to stipulate what the number of units you want in that we want to be careful on saying a driveway.

Charles Waters, GCC – I think the focus should be what the work is going to be, not the units or the crossing.

Paul Nelson, GCC – You could actually have driveway there now.

Charles Waters, GCC – I don’t think you can.

Charles Waters, GCC – If you say we should take the amount of units in consideration then we should, but I don’t know if the crossing should be an issue.  They even said that even if there were to be one or more units they would still need to do the work.

Charles Waters, GCC – Do you feel comfortable with any units on the backside or maybe you are uncomfortable, period. – So, no matter how much up land it still isn’t enough?  If it’s the work they are doing in the crossing it doesn’t pend on the amount of units.

Carl Shreder, GCC – There are issues that we need to discuss and come up with some solutions.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – The trade off on the waivers for open space is okay but, based on the regulations. We could require that those units in the back be eliminated and that could be the trade off as open space.

Paul Nelson, GCC – I would agree with you but once they (DPW when building I-95) put the bridge in then it can change it by allowing access.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We are thinking away from the regulations. And it seems it more that we are considering the development in terms of money.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – They are looking at a huge amount of waivers.

Paul Nelson, GCC – So, they could build back in the back.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – I don’t agree.

Charles Waters, GCC – I don’t think they could without a crossing. They are not asking to do that work, anyway.

Charles Waters, GCC – I think we are uncomfortable with the development on the back end and if the con com can agree with the trade off on the land back there I think it would be good idea.

Carl Shreder, GCC – I agree but, it will have to ask the applicant to bend a little. Otherwise we will go on with this for a long time.

Charles Waters, GCC – Are you uncomfortable with the development in the back side?

Paul Nelson, GCC – Yes, but there appears to be current access to be able to build one property.

Charles Waters, GCC – What about you, John Bell?

John Bell, GCC – I think the less development the better.

Carl Shreder, GCC – I think we shouldn’t consider amount of units as we are also looking at the impact of the project, here.

Paul Nelson, GCC – If you really want to look at it we should consider were the run off would end up.

Carl Shreder, GCC – The commission needs to guide them better with want we want.

Charles Waters, GCC – I believe we need to see rather we are in on this or not and also the waivers with relation to the wetlands.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – They are within the buffer.

Carl Shreder, GCC – We should continue and we need to think about what we would like to see on this.

MOTION to cont. Sept. 6th @ 8:15 pm