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June 28, 2007
June 28, 2007
Second Floor Meeting Room

Attending:  Carl Shreder, Paul Nelson, John Bell, John Lopez, Steve Przyjemski, Sharon Munro


Parker River Landing request for modification of OOC plan.
Bills to be signed

10 Bartlett Dr.

Pentucket Pond Bridle Shiner Survey

74 Jackman Street
Owner: Russell Beegan (King Reality Trust), Applicant: Paul Beegan, Reps.: Elizabeth Wallis/ Peter Olgren of Hayes Engineering

MOTION to continue for July 26 @ 7:30 Paul/ John all/unam

47 West Street
Owner: Richard Morello, Rep: Michael Seekamp of Seekamp Environmental Consulting
MOTION to continue per applicant due to incomplete information for commission for July 26th @ 7:45pm Paul/ Carl all/unam
North Street
Owner: Town of Georgetown, Applicant: Peter Durkee, Rep.: Steven Tyler of Bayside Engineering, Inc.

Steven Tyler, Rep. – We are here to discuss the replacement of this culvert that has been in disrepair for months now, due to flooding damage.

Steven Tyler, Rep. - We have seen additional damage were water is flowing under not through the culvert. We propose to replace the culvert with same type and size. We would need to cut thru and dismantle tube.

Carl Shreder, GCC - Is this new culvert going to be at the same elevation?

Steven Tyler, GCC - Yes. For the project it will be limited to a low flow period where the control of water will be limited while it is being replaced.

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, will this be a pre-cast culvert, initially?

Steven Tyler, Rep. - Yes.

Paul Nelson, GCC - Will there be a hose across the road to handle the water normally running through the culvert?

Steven Tyler, Rep. - We could use a hose to control sediment control or let it run over land and allow it to flow into the catch basin.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - How long will this take?

Steven Tyler, Rep. – It should take about 2-3 days to complete the project.

Carl Shreder, GCC - So, the elevation is going to be the same?

Steven Tyler, Rep. - Yes, (map) here you can see.

Carl Shreder, GCC – Okay.

Henry Hadley, 279 West St. – What are you cutting?

Steven Tyler, Rep. - What do you mean?

Henry Hadley, Resident - Well, are you going to cut the wall?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - Well, you’re not going to demo anything or cut a tree, are you?

Henry Hadley, Resident - How little water will there be of water? I just don’t want to have it back up in my yard.

Paul Nelson, GCC - What are you going to use, a back hoe?

Steven Tyler, Rep. – An excavator.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - Is this an emergency?

Peter Durkee, Highway Surveyor - I would say that this is definitely an emergency.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - As long as we are careful about the dry season and that the scheduling won’t be an issue.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Also, as long as, the elevation is the same on both sides.

Paul Nelson, GCC - Yes, we would like to have everything in place before work begins.

Carl Shreder, GCC - Did you file as an Emergency?

Steven Tyler, Rep. - No, we hoped to move this along as fast as possible.

Henry Hadley, Resident - Why don’t you put in one of a different size?

Steven Tyler, Rep. – Traditionally, we will replace what was there unless there is an issue to prompt a lager or smaller size.

Paul Nelson, GCC - Was this clogged?

Steven Tyler, Rep. – Yes.

Carl Shreder, GCC - Did you file with MESA?

Steven Tyler, Rep. - Yes, but have no word, yet.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - We can’t close tonight.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - All we are waiting on is NHESP comments, then?

Steven Tyler, Rep. - We would like to move forward by the end of July.

Carl Shreder, GCC - We see this as a clear emergency.

Carl Shreder, GCC - So we are not asking for any changes and do not want to hold up this project.

Carl Shreder, GCC - If we have any issues with NHESP, we will need to find a way to rush this along.

MOTION to continue for July 12 @9:15 John L. / John B. all/unam

Parish Road
Owner: Parish Road Reality Trust, Rep.: Mary Rimmer of Rimmer Environmental Consulting
MOTION to continue for July 26 @ 8:30pm Paul/ John L. all/unam
21 Spofford Ave.
Owner: Steven Cameron, Rep.: Benjamin Osgood of New England Engineering Services

Ben Osgood, Rep. - We had come in with a request for determination. Which was positive and we have filed an NOI.  

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - The decision to go positive on the last hearing was because it was how it was filed. It was filed incorrectly.

Paul Nelson, GCC - What kind of decking is there, now?

Ben Osgood, Rep. – It is wood decking, about 7.5’ above the ground.

Ben Osgood, Rep. - The Board of Health has dimensions for the deck and the BOH has already approved this.

Ben Osgood, Rep. - If the BOH has approved it then why wouldn’t it be good with you, then?

Ben Osgood, Rep. - We have designed a system that will avoid failure.

Carl Shreder, GCC - But they do fail.

Ben Osgood, Rep. - Yes, you’re right and if they are not built or designed properly they will fail.

Carl Shreder, GCC - We know this is a failure but when we write an OoC do you think they are actually followed?

Ben Osgood, Rep. - We have looked at what is reasonable to cover what is best all around.

Carl Shreder, GCC – So, you put in 12’ extra to have room?

Ben Osgood, Rep. - Yes. Just to allow room in case we need the extra room move things in and out if needed.

Ben Osgood, Rep. -The effluent will be treated within the 2’ of sand before it would run into the 100’ buffer

Paul Nelson, GCC - Then we wouldn’t have a need for the 100’ buffer.

Ben Osgood, Rep. - They had actually changed Title 5 because the bio-mat prevents the flow toward a protected area.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - During a heavy flow it may be an issue but, I would like to see this pushed back a bit more.

Carl Shreder, GCC - We are going to have to continue with a new plan.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - We will still work to get this pushed out as far from the resource area as possible.

Carl Shreder, GCC - It is not entirely up to the BOH.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - We really can’t push this to close before we consider rather they can move back two feet.

Carl Shreder, GCC - I don’t think it is reasonable to ask someone to move there deck

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Well, we can ask them to move it 2’.

Paul Nelson, GCC - We would like to move this along.

Carl Shreder, GCC - The applicant appears to be willing to work with us.

Paul Nelson, GCC - If we can put this in the OoC to have the applicant work with Steve in situating the leach field as close to the 100’ buffer line as possible.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - So, will you be able to do this in the field?

Carl Shreder, GCC - I want to be careful about how this is worded and that it is clear what we are asking for.

Paul Nelson, GCC - This is an area were Steve can work with him to clarify what the stipulations are.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - I think it is reasonable to move this along for the applicant.

MOTION to replace septic system with exemption of having the line moved to 12’.  Paul/Carl all/unam

MOTION to close hearing     Paul/John B. all/unam

MOTION to pay bills  

MOTION to sign 10 Bartlett – CoC

MOTION to close public comment on Open Space Plan
-Continue Open Space Plan discussion on July 26th meeting.