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April 19, 2007

April 19, 2007 at 7:00 PM
Second Floor Meeting Room

Attending:  Carl Shreder, Paul Nelson, Tom Howland, Mike Birmingham, John Lopez, Steve Przyjemski, Sharon Munro



MOTION to pay bills. Tom/Paul/UNAM


74 Jackman Street
Owner/ Rep.: Paul and Russell Beegan

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Let’s all review the latest plan.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We should do a site walk on this property.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We should review the history on this case.

Paul Nelson. GCC - What is to be restored?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - We talked about the using a backhoe that they could use, hoe???? they can use to restore the area without

compromising existing area.

Paul Beegan, Owner - There are 18 boundary markers already there. They are going to be

replaced and marked to test the lay out.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – If you will plant some plants it would serve well.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - I have worked with them on 18 stone bounds every 3’.
Steve Przyjemski, Agent - Shrubs and tress will take over.

Paul Nelson, GCC - What about drainage?

Carl Shreder, GCC - Was there an issue with the Board of Health?

Russell Beegan, Owner - No, the girl there didn’t seem to have a problem.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - There shouldn’t be a problem.

Paul Nelson, GCC - The concern in this area is the slope.

Russell Beegan, Owner - Next Saturday I plan to get the trees in the ground.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent -This will be needs to be done.

Russell Beegan, Owner - The plants will be in by the mid- May.

Paul Nelson, GCC – I have a catalog of natural plants and can give you a URL/ Phone number.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - There’s a farm where they may be able to get them from.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - So, in order to move along in this I want to lead into the real issue of

the NOI.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – The little stuff is not a big deal. I would like to see big trees put in.

Russell Beegan, Owner, GCC - I have a question regarding the pipe. What is it used for?

PersonNameSteven Przyjemski, Agent –This is used to drive water away.

Russell Beegan, Owner- We don’t understand why the flow in the pipe isn’t consistent.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - There will be some short term damage.

Mike Birmingham, GCC - I want to be able to review this area further.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent – We need more updated information to review.

Russell Beegan, Owner- We can get pictures.

Mike Birmingham, GCC - I would like to see that this area is reviewed further.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent- This area has already been damaged.

Russell Beegan, Owner – I guess there was an issue with the fire department having trouble

getting through there.

Paul Nelson, GCC - That is a concern, if the fire department is having an issue with the area.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - Who was the person you spoke with from the fire department?

Russell Beegan, Owner – I can’t remember.

Russell Beegan, Owner - It wasn’t until the snow came when they felt that there was an issue

with being able to get to the hydrant.

Russell Beegan, Owner – They weren’t able to turn around.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - What we were concerned with is how many trees were removed.

Russell Beegan, Owner -A snow blower is practical for me.

Paul Nelson, GCC – What is the surface of the drive, now?

Russell Beegan, Owner - Its gravel now.

Paul Nelson, GCC - When you pave it you will be able to anything better.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - The paving of the driveway is not an issue with me.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent -I’m concerned with fill and pervious pavement.

Carl Shreder, GCC - How many feet?

Russell Beegan, Owner - About 1000’ on the driveway.

Russell Beegan, Owner - What’s more time to complete.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent –We can give them a time and date but, I want you to give us some

feed back.

Mike Birmingham, GCC - I thought the fill and pervious was the condition.

Mike placeCityBirmingham, GCC - How much can you give back to the wetland?

Steve Przyjemski, Agent- I feel that by Russell Beegan planting vegetation and trees to improve

the area, it will make a big difference.

Russell Beegan, Owner - It wasn’t this way before.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - This is a very sensitive area but, Russell Beegan has offered to plant


Steve Przyjemski, Agent - The size of the fill is going to change the distance.

Russell Beegan, Owner - If there is contact with the fire department and there is an issue with the

area, would it change things for us?

Mike Birmingham, GCC – (Would you ) Consider an pervious surface at 50’?.

Mike Birmingham, GCC - Now look at the 36’ were it’s not pervious.
Paul Nelson, GCC -Yes, this makes sense to make some of the current paved driveway pervious in lieu of wetlands replication.

Paul Nelson, GCC - How do you know where your snow is going to go if you plow, have  youhave you considered using a snow blower?

Russell Beegan, Owner – We looked at it, but it is too time consuming to snow blow as I have to be plowing at the plant as possible after a snowfall.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - It’s still going to be near the wet lands.

Russell Beegan, Owner - I will do my best in the winter when it comes to plowing.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - Are we all comfortable with the pervious pavement?

Russell Beegan, Owner – Yes, that’s fine.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - Can we move along paving?

Paul Nelson, GCC – You had a narrow drive from the original plan, anyway.

Carl Shreder, GCC -We simply want you to meet us half way on preserving the surrounding


Russell Beegan, Owner – Okay.

MOTION to continue hearing on May 31st @ 7:30PM -   Tom/ Paul/ UNAM

Parish Road
Reps.: Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc. & Mary Rimmer, Rimmer Environmental Consulting, LLC.
Owner: DeLorenzo family

Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - We had previously discussed designing the road.

way with planning board and there are no problems foreseen.

Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc. - We will actually be able to narrow this up on the


Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - There is an area where the drainage ditch is and

we will be able to develop without disturbing any vegetation.

Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - What we are hoping to accomplish tonight is

to view a set of drawings as proposed and we would like to move forward as quickly as possible.

Steve Przyjemski, Agent - We will need to review this then there will be another filing.

Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - We wanted to do a preliminary hearing in hopes

to speed things along.

Mike Birmingham – What about the water supply in this area?

Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - There are two wells that will be need to be


Carl Shreder, GCC - What types of wells are these?

Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc. - There will be individual wells and private septic

Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., -  It should be pretty easy to get to it with a backhoe without damaging the areas.

Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - Not all of this is outside the jurisdictional areas.

Paul Nelson, GCC - If it is land protected by us, we will not want that to be developed.

Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - We had planned this development as a more rural

Paul Nelson, GCC - It had been suggested by the planning board that if we chop of the bottom
half of the three lots  the land to be deeded to conservation and would be more useable.

Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc. – As we told the Planning Board, the lower three lots are to be sold as estates, which means each lot is around 5 acres.

Carl Shreder, GCC - There is very little upland section.

Paul Nelson, GCC - We really want more upland in the ‘conservation land’ that part.

Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - Suppose some of that was restructured to allow
the upper sections to be preserved.

Carl Shreder, GCC - Is this a public or private road?
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - There are some questions around weather this is private or public road.
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - If we can provide some gain to what are
proposing in this development.
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - We could offer an alternative.
Carl Shreder, GCC - I do not want conservation land that will become private to only those residents.
Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Those who would want to cross that land would not have an easy time of it, unless there is access for them.
Mary Rimmer – Environmental Consultant – There is a possibility to even improve wetlands.
Steve Przyjemski, Agent - We are just discussing for now. No decisions will be made yet.
Carl Shreder, GCC - Have you heard from Newburyport, yet.
Steve Przyjemski. Agent - What are the waivers?
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - Block out five of these lots.
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - We could almost do this verbally on how we can improve this area.
Mary Rimmer, Environmental Consultant - All we want to do is to get the proposals for a waiver plan.
Mary Rimmer, Environmental Consultant - We wouldn’t need a NOI if we are not in the jurisdiction.
Steve Przyjemski, Agent - Unless the water that is draining from that area it is not in our jurisdiction.
Mary Rimmer, Environmental Consultant – It would not necessarily be in your jurisdiction.
Paul Nelson, GCC - So, are you cutting a public access road?
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - Not really. It would be for the community living here.
Steve Przyjemski, Agent -What about taking out a couple more waivers for some of the areas on top there (on the plan).
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - We can certainly discuss it further as we move further. However, the road there is really already there.
Mike Birmingham, GCC – Technically, it’s not developed.
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - There is an existing access now.
Paul DeLorenzo, Owner -Is there such thing as a public access here?
Paul DeLorenzo, Owner - I didn’t know you would want a public access?
Carl Shreder, GCC - Well, we want this area available to the public for is value to the community.
Paul DeLorenzo, Owner - I want to make this development happen.
Paul DeLorenzo, Owner - If are you interested in cash as an alternative…??
Carl Shreder, GCC - No, we do not what it to appear as though we’re asking for money on the value of the property.
Mike Birmingham GCC - Maybe we should consider how the public access could be utilized.
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - My concern is if you guys will turn around later and feel that there is too much being disturbed.
Carl Shreder, GCC - What I’m trying to get at is that there is public land where the subdivision will be and this subdivision as plannedit will make the conservation land unable to be accessed.
Mary Rimmer, Environmental Consultant - I would like to get back to what the impacts (common drive) of the property will produce in those areas. It is felt that this isn’t a large problem.
Carl Shreder, GCC - But you are asking about waivers for these (mitigations?)
Mary Rimmer, Environmental Consultant - We need to know, to what extent will the grading will need to be done?
Paul Nelson, GCC - Would you be interested in an impervious surface for this driveway?
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - Yes.
Steve Przyjemski, Agent - What is the indecline like?
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - There is a 6 to 8” grade and this will be filled and graded. There will be a fair amount of earth work.
Paul Nelson, GCC - We had proposed a lot of road side drainage. It really is just draining to the road way because there is such a narrow strip of drainage.
Paul Nelson, GCC - Are you going to have a lip or something there as catch basin?
Carl Shreder, GCC - What about the driveways?    
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - They are going to be 18’ wide driveways to accommodate three residents.
Mary Rimmer, Environmental Consultant - There really isn’t going to be a lot of tree clearing.
Paul Nelson, GCC - What is the definition of a driveway? In terms of regulations?
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc.,-“Common driveways” is what I’m inclined to call them.
Paul Nelson, GCC - What would the regulations consider this type of driveway?
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - I’m not sure.
Paul Nelson, GCC - Where did the 18’ come from?
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - It came from our office as a standard.
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - It is a manageable width.
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - We have in the past been asked to keep a clear 18’ away for the fire lane.
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - I don’t feel that the width of the road would cause any substantial issue for this project.
Mike Birmingham, GCC - I think we would want to know that there would be walkway?
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - Yes, there will be a walkway?
Paul Nelson, GCC - How long is the culvert?
Steve P. / Tom H. / Mike B., Agent & GCC - 62’
Paul Nelson, GCC - It doesn’t seem to be 62’ to me when viewing it.
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc. – This is what is on the plan.
Paul Nelson, GCC – So, you would use this as a basis?
Paul Nelson, GCC - When you grade and fill around a culvert how will you silt-fence in the area?
Steve Przyjemski, Agent - I believe it was Russell Beegan in the plan when the athe raised silt fence went in up above.
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - We should look into another option.
Carl Shreder, GCC - Steve, we never agreed to the wetland delineation lines on this that we have on this plan?
Steve Przyjemski, Agent - No.
Carl Shreder, GCC – We should look at the area.
Mary Rimmer, Environmental Consultant - Steve, is that something you could do?
Steve Przyjemski, Agent - Would you all like to go out to do a site walk to review this?
Steve Przyjemski, Agent - I do not think we are agreeing on what waivers to obtain?
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - What if we propose a plan were we can enhance the area and work around the environmental features.
Steve Przyjemski, Agent - My concern is that there is not an even trade, here. Technically, those houses should not be there with relation to the wetland and that road will require a waiver.
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - The common road?
Steve Przyjemski, Agent – Yes, based on the regulations but, this is where we need to stop straying away.
Carl Shreder, GCC - We would hope to begin with minimal regulations until we foresee larger regulation issues.
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - This project would be a benefit to the land .land.
Steve Przyjemski, Agent - What other gradients are actually showing?
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc. - These are the areas, here.
Mike Birmingham, GCC - So, if we can see your original plans.
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc.-Yep.
Steve Przyjemski, Agent - I’m open for you ideas but, I do have to bring the focus back to the regulations.
Paul Nelson, GCC - We are open to your ideas.
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - I believe that is what we were looking for. We had hoped to see what we have to work with at this time.
Paul Nelson, GCC - We have to protect our lands. So, we need to see how this land is going to be used.
Paul Nelson, GCC - Any waivers should start with the top portion of area proposed.
MOTION to have a 3rd party review on the area on Parish Road.  Paul/Tom/ UNAM.
SITE WALK - May 12 @9:00 am for Parish Road. Paul/ Tom/ UNAM.
Scott Edwards, Georgetown Citizen - I had some concerns over the spillage from the construction. It feels as though you (GCC) are going to make sure that this is done right. I’m glad you are considering what is important to me. That is why I came tonight. Thank you.
Carl Shreder, GCC - What type of feedback have you gotten back from the planning board?
Matt Broussard, Broussard Engineering, Inc., - It looks possible.
MOTION to continue hearing May 31 for Parish Road @ 8:30pm. Paul/ Tom/ UNAM