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Board of Park Commission June 16, 2010
Board of Park Commission June 16, 2010
Board of Park Commission
Chair Carol Collins
I. Called to order and Roll Call. Commissioners present were Jill Wilkinson, Rick Fink, Bill Walton and Carol Collins. Commissioners absent were Kelli Stanley, Deb Kane and Jack Clarkson. Staff present were Open Lands Coordinator Mike Harris and Recording Secretary Crystal Turner.
Chair Carol Collins
II. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda - There was no public present.
Chair Carol Collins
III. Approval of Minutes from May 19, 2010. Crystal did not get the minutes complete in time for public viewing. They will be continued to July's agenda.
Chair Carol Collins
IV. Public Hearings Regarding the Following Action Items - Discussion and Decision to Amend the Board of Park Commission Bylaws
Deb Kane arrived.
Jack Clarkson arrived.
Discussion and Comments regarding the amendments. Crystal stated that she changed the order of the "Order of Business" section after sending it out to the Board one last time, based on the conversation the Board had while she was listening to the minutes.
Jack Clarkson
I would move that we approve the bylaws as presented.
Bill Walton
Motion passed unanimously.
Chair Carol Collins
Approval of Design and License Agreement with Kawanis Club for Picnic Pavilions at Regional Park
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
Displayed a sketch on the projector of what the Kawanis Club has planned. One structure will be 44-foot by 44-foot, and another 24-foot by 24-foot (gazebo style). We will have to get the area prepped prior to construction.
Board questions and discussion. Deb Kane said the buildings look like agriculture buildings to her. Mike reminded the Board that this is the amount of money they have and are willing to spend on these pavilions. This is not a monetary contribution only - they are offering to build them. Deb Kane asked why Kawanis doesn't just offer to build one (nicer) pavilion then. Mike replied that they have said they want to see two out there. Rick and Carol commented that the Board should not discourage donations nor volunteers. Discussion regarding where these would be placed - Board wanted to ensure it had final say-so regarding placement, color, material type, etc... This is for the approval of the design only. License agreement will be on July's agenda.
Rick Fink
I move that we approve the design for the Kawanis Club picnic pavilions as presented.
Jill Wilkinson
Motion passed 5:1. Deb Kane opposed. (Deb Kane left the meeting.)
Chair Carol Collins
Approval of Fencing Material Purchase ($6,719.90)
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
Explained he would like a post and rail system fence used in the entire park. The posts would be wood with a steel rail. Rails would be 2 7/8" thick recycled oil well pipes. It is relatively inexpensive but very durable. Discussion regarding liability for steel rails (safety issues if driven into with a vehicle).
Jack Clarkson
I move that we approve the fencing material purchase.
Rick Fink
Motion passed unanimously.
Chair Carol Collins
Presentation by Gallatin Valley Interconnect on Draft Trails Plan
Crystal Turner
Stated that the May presentation was added to the May agenda (and subsequently continued to June) when the Interconnect group originally sent its timeline. While on maternity leave, the item was continued and she hadn't caught the error when reviewing the updated timeline. This will be presented at the July meeting. A draft of the trails plan will be sent to the Board one week prior.
Chair Carol Collins
Musical Fundraiser Event
Bill Walton
Explained ideas for a fundraiser event. Even if the event only breaks even (financially) it would be good advertisement for the park, and if it made a few dollars it would be a great benefit towards tree planting for instance.
Board discussion and comments regarding inviting various bands. Bill will provide an update in July.
Chair Carol Collins
Update of American Legion Project at Logan Park
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
Mike informed the Board that there is an old platted park in Logan. The American Legion was donated this piece of land. The Legion would like to incorporate a park into but everything they would be doing is on their land. Because of the old hotel location there is already access to well water and electricity. Their idea is to build a veteran's park. No action needed.
Chair Carol Collins
Review of BOPC Claims, Expenditure Report and/or Credit Card Statement
Board questions on Interconnect reimbursement for a vehicle & a coffee purchase.
Chair Carol Collins
Reminder that some member's terms are expiring and to return your board reappointment request if you wish to be reappointed.
Chair Carol Collins
VI. Other - General Park/Subdivision Updates
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
1) 60 holes were dug on Saturday at the Regional Park, with the help of Rick. On Sunday we were able to plant 50 trees, and another 10 more were planted on Monday. Mike reminded the Board of Gene Cook's donated trees. They are currently at his house and some other properties. They are larger, more mature trees and will be planted this fall. 2) Gallatin Valley Land Trust is applying for a new RTP grant, which is a rural trails program. This would put in the trail from Oak Street to the ponds and to Oak Springs Subdivision at the Regional Park. It is an 80/20 matching grant. 3) Also, gophers are an increasing problem at the Regional Park. We've tried many extermination techniques and they are still rampant.
Chair Carol Collins
No Subcommittee Reports.
Chair Carol Collins
No Chair Report. Carol asked if there was anything else any member would like to discuss.
Jack Clarkson
He purchased an "iceberg" float for his resort. It is a large inflatable device that floats on the water, has climbing wall on one side & slides on the other sides. He is willing to give it to anyone who can make good use.
Crystal Turner
Follow up to last month's resolution - the number was correct #BPC2010-004 and is ready for Carol's signature. Also, a call was received inquiring if we had a policy for memoriam trees (with plaques) to be planted at county parks. Rick stated that the City of Bozeman has a policy like that. Rick will get a copy of the City of Bozeman's policy and send it to the Board. This item will be on July's agenda.
Chair Carol Collins
VII. Set agenda, Meeting Time and Location
Update on the donated flag pole - This has been postponed due to the Election. Republican Women are now shooting for next spring. There is also an Eagle Scout looking for a project. Mike has suggested the flag pole to him.
VIII. Adjourned.
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