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Board of Park Commission May 19, 2010
Board of Park Commission May 19, 2010
Board of Park Commission
Chair Carol Collins
I. Called to Order. Park Commissioners present were Carol Collins, Rick Fink, Deb Kane, Jill Wilkinson and Kelli Stanley (Jack Clarkson present via conference call). Commissioner Absent: Bill Walton. Staff present was Open Lands Coordinator Mike Harris. (Minutes taken via recording by Crystal Turner.)
Chair Carol Collins
II. Public Comment on Items not on the Agenda - no one present.
Chair Carol Collins
III. Approval of Minutes from January 20, 2010
Chair Carol Collins
I'd entertain a motion to approve the minutes as presented.
Rick Fink
So moved.
Deb Kane
Motion passed unanimously.
Chair Carol Collins
IV. Public Hearings Regarding the Following Action Items: Decision to Dedicate Dinosaur Playground to the Gallatin Friends of Regional Parks (FOR Parks) "For all their Enthusiasm and Commitment in Making the Dinosaur Playground a Reality"
Mike Harris noted that "FOR Parks" is a national association and so that name could no longer be used. The local group now calls themselves "Gallatin Friends of Regional Parks." Provided history of previously suggested dedication to Bob Farrington only. Carol noted the date is incorrect on the resolution and should be amended. Motion will not have a resolution number in it to ensure we do not duplicate a resolution number in our system.
Rick Fink
I move that we dedicate the dinosaur playground to Gallatin Friends of Regional Parks, for all of their enthusiasm and commitment in making the dinosaur playground a reality.
Deb Kane
Motion passed unanimously.
Chair Collins commented that the resolution will be written up and the board will take it from there. (Crystal Turner will follow up to get the correct resolution number assigned and bring it back to the Chair for signature at the next meeting.)
Chair Carol Collins
Discussion on Upcoming Projects at the Regional Park
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
Kawanis Club re-did their design based on what Deb Kane gave them as a template, and they've determined they can build two picnic buildings. They've met with a contractor and are ready to build. Before construction can begin an architect or engineer needs to sign off on the drawings to present to the City of Bozeman.
Deb Kane said she cannot sign off on the drawings because she's on this board, but architects shouldn't "sign off" anyway, just design it. The drawings have been modified to smaller sizes (probably due to budget constraints). She recommends, to ensure the buildings last at least fifty years, keeping the larger pole sizes and stick with wood - or if using metal, to keep in mind the aesthetics although steel poles could be smaller and still offer the same strength. Carol questioned if the Board had the funding to hire an engineer. Deb stated that the contractor should be able to factor that. Discussion regarding pushing the picnic buildings close to the existing trees. Mike asked Deb regarding the general roof design and layout - if there was anything she wanted to see added. Deb said the number of posts, size and pitch are all different than she had originally sketched and she would like to see them as designed. Carol asked if any other board members had comments regarding the design. Discussion regarding wood posts versus metal posts. Discussion regarding vandalism.
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
Mentioned that the Dinosaur Playground's annual clean-up day is this Saturday, May 22nd. Mike recruited some community service workers as well to help out.
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
"Flag pole" at Regional Park is actually just a large steel tube (from light posts) that were to be recycled and have just been modified to be used as a flag pole. Dennis Harrington and the Republic Women's Club are willing to help figure out how to do the actual install, as well as attach an LED light to it.
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
Tree planting project comes up in June. Gallatin FOR Parks hopes to plant 100 trees. Irrigation system will be installed in the next couple of weeks.
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
Received a note from Lynn Bacon, consultant regarding the ponds. Due to Baxter Meadows' financial situation, the wetlands and the ponds were never completed. The permit has since expired. We no longer have to worry about where the fishing docks would be installed. There is no regulatory requirement any more. This gives us a lot more flexibility.
Carol Collins mentioned, regarding the tree planting project, that a memo states there will be a central kiosk with engraved labels and the Board still needs to determine/decide where that location will be.
Chair Carol Collins
Agenda Adjustment - V. Discussion Items: Update regarding picking up after dogs in County Parks
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
Installed the signs and many people read it while he was installing it. People have been much better about picking up after their dogs. Mike had to install an extra garbage can and each time he's gone out to empty them, both have been full.
Deb Kane was excused.
Chair Carol Collins
Return to IV. Public Hearings...Discussion on the Land and Water Conservation Grant
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
This grant will be closed out. It expired 2009 and we did not realize that.
Chair Carol Collins
(Back to IV. Public Hearings) Discussion and Decision to Amend the Board of Park Commission Bylaws
Comments regarding Crystal Turner mentioning that the bylaws stated the board had to hold 10 meetings a year. This year we have already had more than two meetings missed due to lack of agenda items, so she suggested we amend the bylaws. Upon review of the bylaws though they do not have this requirement, but do need some updates. Rick Fink suggested that Article IV, #2 be addressed since terms begin mid-year and the election of officers does not occur until the first meeting in January. These should coincide to minimize confusion. Board members agreed that terms should expire January 1 and leave the "Election of Officers" as is. Discussion regarding the Executive Committee. Discussion regarding Article V - states, "...the Board shall hold a meeting at least once a month." Rick suggests adding, "or as needed." Discussion regarding attendance. Discussion regarding Article VIII "Roberts Rules of Order." Discussion regarding having a consent agenda. Discussion regarding review and approval of the claims.
No decision made. Those board members present would like the rest of the board to review their suggested changes and discuss it at the June meeting. Then the County Attorney's office should do a review, then the County Commission would have to agree to approve the changes.
Chair Carol Collins
Presentation by Gallatin Valley Interconnect on Draft Trails Plan
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
Distributed Interconnect's timeline. There was once an aggressive schedule to get this approved by June. That won't happen, but it's still creeping along. The Interconnect group will do a draft presentation at the July meeting.
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
V. Discussion Items: Discussion of Y.M.C.A. Lease - Met with new director who wants to move forward in helping the Regional Park and better maintaining their land (weed control).
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
Port-O-Potties at Regional Park - There are now three out at the Regional Park again. There was a request for another one close to the amphitheater because it is a long walk over to the Dinosaur Playground. There are some conceptual ideas of a shelter to house the port-o-potties.
Chair Carol Collins
Review of BOPC Claims, Expenditure Report and/or Credit Card Statement
No claims were emailed out to the board - no review taken.
Chair Carol Collins
VI. Other: General Park/Subdivision Updates
Mike Harris, Open Lands Coordinator
Update on widening road project on Valley Center.
Rick Fink
Mentioned a presentation held at the Story Mansion by a group called "1000 New Gardens" who turn people's backyards into gardens. Mike and Rick discussed if this would be something the BOPC would be interested in seeing at the Regional Park.
There were no subcommittee nor chair reports.
Chair Carol Collins
VII. Set Agenda, Meeting Time & Location - June 16, 2010.
VIII. Adjourned.
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