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Finance Committee Minutes 9-27-10
Franklin Finance Committee Minutes
September 7, 2010
Council Chambers

Robert Teixeira (RT), Chris Quinn (CQ), Phyllis Messere (PM), Juan Rivera (JRIV),
Linda Huempfner (LH), Mark Cataldo (MC), Rebecca Cameron (RC), Jim Roche (JR),
Brett Feldman (BF), Pat Goldsmith (PG)
Jeff Nutting (Administrator), Susan Gagner (Comptroller), Jim Dacey (Treasurer)


Jim Roche stated that Craig Maire had resigned from the Finance Committee. Also, Steve Sherlock was recording the meeting.

Item#                 Motion/2nd       Discussion, motion, agenda item                        Vote
                                                       Noting a quorum present Jim Roche
                                                       called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.
                                                        No citizens comments.
                           MC/RT               Motion to approve the minutes                        10-0-0
                                                       of the April 27, 2010 meeting.

                            MC/RT              Motion to approve the minutes of                      10-0-0
                                                      the May 4, 2010 meeting.

                           MC/RT              Motion to approve the minutes of                       10-0-0
                                                      the May 6, 2010 meeting.

                           MC/RT              Motion to approve the minutes of                       10-0-0
                                                      the May 10, 2010 meeting.

                          MC/PM              Motion to transfer $140,000 from                       10-0-0
                                                      the Debt Stabilization fund for
                                                       improvements to the Del Carte Property.
                                                      $40,000 – Permits
                                                      $100,000 – Design
Capital Plan Update
Jeff Nutting stated that the FY11 Capital Plan would be looked at sooner instead of January.
FY12 Operating Budget process would be started sooner, first week of October.
No new people would be added to the Towns current employment.
New Business
Architect contract would be signed next week so work could begin the design schematic for
the high school.
Association of Town Finance Committees meeting to be held on October 23rd at the Tri-County School.