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Finance Committee Minutes July 7, 2009
Franklin Finance Committee Minutes
July 7, 2009
Council Chambers

Tina Powderly (TP), Juan Rivera (JRIV), Jim Roche (JR), Phyllis Messere (PM),
Mark Cataldo (MC), Pat Goldsmith (PG),
Rebecca Cameron (RC) arrived at 7:05PM.
Jeff Nutting (Administrator), Susan Gagner (Comptroller)

Brett Feldman, Craig Maire, Robert Teixeira

Item#            Motion/2nd             Discussion, motion, Agenda Item                        Vote
                                                       Call to order. Noting a quorum present,
                                                       Jim Roche called the meeting to order at

                                                       No citizen comments
                       MC/TP                    Approve minutes of June 2nd meeting.              6-0-0
                                                        Rebecca Cameron had not arrived yet for
                                                        this vote.

                      MC/RC                     Motion to approve the following                        7-0-0
                                                        members as officers of the Finance
                                                        Jim Roche – Chairman
                                                        Tina Powderly – Vice Chairman
                                                        Phyllis Messere – Clerk
                                                        Rebecca Cameron is now voting.

                     MC/PM                     Motion to approve the transfer of                          7-0-0
                                                        $500,000 from the following:      
                                                         Receipts reserved for approp. – sale of
                                                        real estate  - $400,000
                                                        Excess funds from SR Ctr. Project - $50,000
                                                        FY2010 hotel/motel tax – Local est. receipts-
                                                        $50,000 to continue renovations on the
                                                        Horace Mann Historical Museum.

                     MC/TP                      Motion to approve $99, 351,634 to amend the        7-0-0
                                                        FY2010 budget from the following appropriations:
                                                        Raise and appropriate - $87,671,044
                                                        Debt Stabilization -                 300,000
                                                         Small cities -                                20,000
                                                        Enterprise Funds -              11,360,590

                  MC/ RC                       Motion to approve the transfer of                       7-0-0         
                                                        $35,000 from general liability account
                                                       #01945200-574000 to Employee benefits
                                                       Workers comp to cover higher than anticipated
                                                       Workers compensation costs to FY2010

                MC/RC                         Motion to recommend that the meals tax           7-0-0
                                                      of .75% be used for operations and the Hotel
                                                      tax of 2% is used for building and open space.

               RC/MC                          Recommendation to the Town Council to              7-0-0
                                                      Stabilization Fund as an emergency fund and
                                                     not used to balance the budget for 2010.
              Old Business:                None

             New Business:              Thanks to the Fourth of July Committee for having a
                                                      great 4th Celebration.

            Adjournment:                Meeting adjourned at 7:48PM.