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Finace Committee Minutes Jun 2, 2009
Franklin Finance Committee Minutes
June 2, 2009
Council Chambers

                             Pat Goldsmith (PG), Phyllis Messere (PM), Mark Cataldo (MC),
                              Robert Teixera (RT), Juan Rivera (JRIV), Jim Roche (JR),
                              Tina Powderly (TP), Brett Feldman (BF), Rebecca Cameron (RC)
                             Jeff Nutting (Administrator), Susan Gagner (Comptroller)

                             Jack Caulfield, Craig Maire

Item#             Motion/2nd            Discussion, motion, Agenda Item                        Vote
                                                        Call to order. Noting a quorum present,
                                                       Jim Roche called the meeting to order
                                                       at 7:00PM.
                                                       No citizen comments

                       MC/RT                   Motion to approve the minutes of                      9-0-0
                                                       April 16th, 2009.
                       MC/RT                   Motion to approve the minutes of                      9-0-0
                                                       April 21st, 2009.
                       MC/RT                   Motion to approve the minutes of                      9-0-0
                                                       April 28th, 2009.

                       MC/RT                   Motion to approve the minutes of                      9-0-0
                                                       April 29th, 2009.

                       MC/RT                  Motion to approve the minutes of                       9-0-0
                                                      May 5th, 2009.

                      MC/PM                 Motion to approve the transfer of                       9-0-0
                                                      $14,000 from Free Cash to T.A. Expenses
                                                      Other Professional Services for the
                                                       Retirement Actuary Study.

                     MC/PM                   Motion to approve the transfer of                    9-0-0
                                                       $315,000 from Receipts Reserved for
                                                      Appropriation – Sale of Real Estate (sale
                                                       of Four Corners property) to Library Repairs.

                     Old Business:          Jeff Nutting gave an update on the budget
                                                        at the State House as well as to what the town
                                                       budget was still short by.

                    New Business:          Jeff Nutting thanked everyone who agreed to comeback for
                                                       another year. Also mentioned that there would be one opening
                                                      on the Finance Committee.
                                                      Tina Powderly asked if it was possible to form a Legislative
                                                      Advocacy Committee could be formed.

                 Adjournment:            Meeting adjourned at 7:35PM.