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Finance Committe Minutes 6-16-2008
Franklin Finance Committee Minutes
June 16, 2008
Council Chambers
               Rebecca Cameron (RC), Ken Norman (KN), Jim Roche (JR), Phyllis Messere (PM)
               Jack Caulfield (JC), Robert Vitale (RV), Pat Goldsmith (PG)
               Brett Feldman (BF) arrived at 7:05PM.

               Jeff Nutting (Administrator), Jim Dacey (Treasurer)

               Mark Cataldo (MC), Craig Maire (CM)

Item#              Motion/2nd            Discussion, motion, Agenda item                                Vote
                                                        Call to order. Noting a quorum present,
                                                        Jim Roche called the meeting to order
                                                        at 7:00PM.
                                                        No citizen comments

                         KN/RV                  Approve the minutes of April 14th meeting.              7-0-0
                      KN/RV                  Approve the minutes of the May 6th meeting.            7-0-0
                                                    Brett Feldman had not arrived yet to vote on
                                                    the approval of the minutes of the previous

                    BF/KN                   Motion to approve the transfer of $437,000                 8-0-0
                                                  of which $312,000 is from free cash and $125,000
                                                   is from the Overlay Surplus to be used on
                                                    Capital requests for technology, Dpw, Police and
                                                   Brett Feldman is now voting.

                  BF/KN                     Motion to approve the authorization of a bond         8-0-0
                                                  in the amount of $350,000 for repairs to the
                 KN/RV                      Motion to petition that the Stabilization Account     8-0-0
                                                  not to be used to balance the budget.

               New Business:         Ken Norman stated that he would not be seeking
                                                  re-appointment to the Finance Committee.

              Adjournment:           Meeting adjorned at 8:10PM