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Finance Committee Minutes 5-9-2011
Franklin Finance Committee Minutes
May 9, 2011
Third Floor Training Room

Chris Quinn (CQ), Pat Goldsmith (PG), Mark Cataldo (MC), Linda Huempfner (LH),
Phyllis Messere (PM), Jim Roche (JR), Brett Feldman (BF), Robert Teixeira (RT)
Susan Gagner (Comptroller), Jim Dacey (Treasurer), Jeff Nutting (Administrator)

Rebecca Cameron, Juan Riveira

Item#           Motion/2nd         Discussion, motion, agenda item                        Vote
                                                  Noting a quorum present Jim Roche
                                                  called the meeting to order at 7:00PM

                                                  No citizens comments

                   MC/BF                    Motion to approve Dept 610 Library              8-0-0
                                                   Personal Services   $328,172
                                                   Expenses                    141,000
                                                   Total                            469,172

                 MC/LH                   Motion to approve Dept 220 Fire Department          7-1-0
                                                 Personal Services   $3,782,552
                                                 Expenses                       359,700
                                                 Total                           4,142,252

                 BF/MC                    Motion to approve Dept 300 Public Schools             7-1-0
                                                  Expenses   $51,410,000

                 BF/LH                      Motion to approve Dept 192 Facilities                       8-0-0
                                                   Personal Services   $2,067,960
                                                   Expenses                    4,285,525
                                                   Total                            6,353,485

Old Business:  None
New Business: Jim Roche explained that the new terms for Finance Committee members.
                          Terms would be 1,2,3yrs depending on each member. Also, that the number
                          of Finance Committee members would 9 instead of 11 due to a change in the
                          Town Charter.

Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 8:40PM