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Finance Committe Minutes 11-30-2010
Franklin Finance Committee Minutes
November 30, 2010
Council Chambers

Chris Quinn (CQ), Jim Roche (JR), Phyllis Messere (PM), Juan Rivera (JRIV), Mark Cataldo (MC),
Linda Huempfner (LH), Pat Goldsmith (PG), Rebecca Cameron (RC), Robert Teixeira (RT)
Brett Feldman arrived at 7:05PM.
Jim Roche stated the meeting was being recorded.

Item#                Motion/2nd      Discussion, motion, agenda item                            Vote
                                                    Noting a quorum present Jim Roche
                                                    called the meeting to order at 7:00PM.
                           Brett Feldman had not arrived to vote on the following
                          PG/MC             Motion to elect the following as officers             9-0-0
                                                     of the Finance Committee:
                                                     Jim Roche – Chairperson
                                                     Rebecca Cameron – Vice Chairperson
                                                     Phyllis Messere - Clerk
                              MC/LH         Motion to approve the minutes of                     9-0-0
                                                   the September 7, 2010 meeting.

                                                   Brett Feldman has arrived and is
                                                    now voting.

                             RT/MC         Motion to recommend a Bond                            10-0-0
                                                  Authorization of $2,000,000 for
                                                   School repairs for the following
                                                  Parmenter    $245,000
                                                  Kennedy        $1,090,000
                                                  Jefferson        $630,000
                                                  High School track $60,000
                                                   Balance of money will come out of the schools accounts.

                                                  2011 Capital Budgets Requests
                                                  School Department requested the following:
                                                  Vans (2) $57,000
                                                   Textbooks $115,000
                                                   Technology $147,000

                                                   Town Technology
                                                   Servers, Fiber Optics $20,000
                                                   Anti-virus Licenses   $12,000

                                                    Police Department
                                                    Total $174,000
                                                     Cars $121,000
                                                     Vans $53,000

                                                    Fire Department $108,000
                                                    Protective Clothing and Dispatch
                                                    technology equipment $80,000
                                                     Vans $28,000

                     Rebecca Cameron recused herself for voting on the following items as she is related
                      to Brutus Cantoreggi.                                                        
                         MC/PM                Motion to approve an authorization                9-0-0
                                                      to borrow $7,500,000 for Water
                                                      Infrastructure Improvements.

                       MC/BF                   Motion to approve the transfer of                          9-0-0
                                                       $1,200,000 from the Water Fund
                                                      Retained Earnings to the Water Capital
                                                      Project Fund.
                     MC/PM                   Motion to approve the transfer of                             9-0-0
                                                     $300,000 from the Sewer Enterprise
                                                     Fund Retained Earnings to the Sewer
                                                     Capital Project Fund.

                   MC/LH                     Motion to approve the transfer of                              9-0-0
                                                     $200,000 from Free Cash to DPW
                                                     Capital Projects – Road Improvements
                  MC/BF                       Motion to approve the transfer of                             9-0-0
                                                     $200,000 from the Hotel/Motel Tax
                                                     Account to DPW Capital Projects –
                                                     Road Improvements.
                                                     A total of $400,000 was requested.

                  Rebecca Cameron is now voting again.               
                   MC/BF                      Motion to approve the transfer of                            10-0-0
                                                    $633,000 from Free Cash for the
                                                     purpose of funding the 2011 capital
                    MC/BF                   Motion to transfer funds from the Open                   10-0-0
                                                   Space Trust for the demolition of house
                                                   located on the DelCarte property and all
                                                   related costs.
                   Old Business:         None
                   New Business:      None

                  Adjournment:         Meeting adjourned at 9:35PM.