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Finance Commitee Minutes 11-04-2008
Franklin Finance Committee Minutes
November 4, 2008
Council Chambers

                    Pat Goldsmith (PG), Craig Maire (CM), Jim Roche (JR), Phyllis Messere (PM),
                    Jack Caulfield (JC), Mark Cataldo (MC), Robert Teixeira (RT), Brett Feldman (BF),
                    Tina Powderly (TP), Rebecca Cameron (RC)
                    Juan Rivera (JRIV) arrived at 7:05PM

                    Jim Dacey (Treasurer), Jeff Nutting (Administrator), Susan Gagner (Comptroller)


Item#               Motion/2nd         Discussion, motion, Agenda Item                              Vote
                                                      Call to order. Noting a quorum present,
                                                       Jim Roche called the meeting to order
                                                       at 7:00PM.

                                                      No citizen comments

                        MC/JR              Approve minutes of October 7th meeting.                     6-0-0

                        BF/MC             Motion to approve the transfer of $300,000                 10-0-0
                                                  from Free Cash to School Department
                                                   operating budget – Medicare – these funds
                                                  are reimbursed from the federal government
                                                  for Medicare related school costs                          
                                                   Juan Rivera had not yet arrived for this vote.
                       BF/MC               Motion to approve the transfer of $25,000 from          11-0-0
                                                 Free Cash to raise and appropriate additional funds
                                                  to the veterans assistance account, spending at a
                                                  rate of $30,000 per quarter.
                                                 Juan Rivera is now voting.
                     BF/MC               Motion to approve the transfer of $100,000 from          11-0-0
                                                 Free Cash to raise and appropriate additional funds
                                                 to the DPW Fuel Acct 01443200-541010 to cover
                                                 additional fuel costs per bid results.

                    BF/MC                Motion to approve the transfer of $100,000 from           11-0-0
                                                 Free Cash to raise and appropriate additional funds
                                                 To cover additional costs per salt and sand bid results.

                   BF/MC                Motion to raise and appropriate funds in the amount      11-0-0
                                                of $100,600 from sewer 2009 revenues to cover       
                                                 additional costs for bonding for Charles River Water
                                                Pollution Control District.                                                                                        

                   BF/MC                 Motion to raise and appropriate funds in the amount      11-0-0
                                               of $300,000 from FY 2009 hotel/motel tax revenues
                                               to be places in the Stabilization Fund.

                 BF/MC                 Motion to transfer $600,000 from Free Cash for snow       11-0-0
                                              and ice reserve.   

                 BF/MC                Motion to transfer funds of $57,578 voted in the                  11-0-0
                                            Municipal Operating budget to the School operating
                                            Budget for Data base Administrator position in FY 2009
                                            funds to come from General Stabilization fund
                                            funds from:  01155100-511520 IT salaries   52,000
                                                                   01910200-517150 Health Ins.    4,824
                                                                   01910200-517170 Medicare          754            

              BF/MC                  Motion to transfer $1,600,000 from Water Enterprise          11-0-0
                                           Fund Retained Earnings to the Water Capital Project
                                           Fund for infrastructure, engineering, capital equipment
                                           and related costs.
          BF/MC                   Motion to transfer $1,600,000 from Sewer Enterprise            11-0-0
                                          Fund Retained Earnings to the Sewer Capital Project
                                          Fund for infrastructure, engineering, capital equipment
                                          and related costs.

         Adjournment:        Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM