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Finance Committe Minutes 10-7-2008
Franklin Finance Committee Minutes
October 7, 2008
Council Chambers

                     Pat Goldsmith (PG), Craig Maire (CM), Jim Roche (JR), Phyllis Messere (PM)
                     Jack Caulfield (JC), Mark Cataldo (MC)

                     Jeff Nutting (Administrator), Jim Dacey (Treasurer), Susan Gagner (Comptroller)

                     Brett Feldman (BF), Rebecca Cameron (RC)

Item#                  Motion/2nd            Discussion, motion, Agenda Item                              Vote
                                                            Call to order. Noting a quorum present,
                                                             Jim Roche called the meeting to order
                                                            at 7:00PM.
                                                             No citizen comments
                           CM/JC                     Approve minutes of June 16th meeting.                 4-0-2

                          MC/JC                     Motion to approve Jim Roche as Chairman,           6-0-0
                                                          Brett Feldman as Vice-Chairman and
                                                          Phyllis Messere as Secretary for 2008-2009

                                                         Jeff Nutting spoke of FY09 updates.
                                                         Question 1 on the November 4th ballot if approved
                                                         would cause cuts to local aid.
                                                         The following FY 09 Budgets would be short this
                                                          year:      Fuel Bid
                                                                         Snow & Ice
                                                          FY 10 Budget might bring a reduction in state aid.

                                                           School Building Committee
                                                           15 member group
  • High School Renovations – Debt Exclusion
  • Improvements – Davis Thayer, Kennedy, Parmenter
  • Portable Classrooms
                                                            Financial Planning Committee
                                                            Working on forecasting for the next 3 years


                                 New Business:   Jim Roche stated that there were 3 openings
                                                             on the committee and that the new members
                                                             would be appointed at the next Town Council
                                                             November 1st the annual Finance Committee
                                                             Meeting would be taking in Westford, Ma.
                                                             Next meeting would be on Tuesday, November
                                                              4th, Election Day.
                              Adjournment:      Meeting adjourned at 7:40PM