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Finance Committee Minutes 10-6-2009
Franklin Finance Committee Minutes
October 6, 2009
Council Chambers

Tina Powderly (TP), Linda Huempfner (LH), Jim Roche (JR), Phyllis Messere (PM),
Robert Teixeira (RT), Mark Cataldo (MC), Pat Goldsmith (PG), Craig Maire (CM),
Juan Rivera (JRIV), Rebecca Cameron (RC)
Brett Feldman arrived at 7:15PM.
Jeff Nutting (Administrator), Susan Gagner (Comptroller), Jim Dacey (Treasurer)

Item#        Motion/2nd           Discussion, motion, Agenda Item                                       Vote
                                                 Call to order. Noting a quorum present,
                                                 Jim Roche called the meeting to order at
                                                 No Citizen Comments

                   RT/MC                 Approve the minutes of the July 7th meeting.                9-0-0
                                                 Brett Feldman had not arrived yet for this
                                                Request for $1,000,000 Bond for High
                                                School Renovations.

                                                Thomas Mercer, Scott Mason, Maureen Sablonski
                                                 Tom Mercer explained the need for the $1,000,000
                                                Bond for the High School Renovations.
  • Hire a Project Manager
  • Architect – Schematic Design
  • Then meet with the state for approval
  • Money to hire the project manager
  • Bidding estimates
  • Debt exclusion.
The Project manager and Architect have to be
approved by the state.

RT/MC             Motion to approve Resolution 09-62                                 11-0-0
                         Appropriation – Feasibility Study of the
                         Franklin High School and Grounds
                         $1,000,000 Bond Authorization

                          FY10 Update
                          Jeff Nutting the Committee on the FY10 Budget.
                          State shortfall half billion dollars.
                          Possible further reduction in aid to local cities and
                         Meals Tax refund – quarterly payment on Cherry Sheet.
                         Hotel/Motel tax – open space and capital infrastructures
            Old Business:             Library sharing with the Town of Medway.

           New Business:           Election Nov. 3, 2009
                                                Meet the Candidates – Monday 10/26 at 7:00PM
                                                                                        Wednesday 10/28 at 9:00AM
                                                Annual Finance Committee meeting on 10/24/09

          Adjournment:             8:02PM