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Franklin Finance Committee 10-11-11
Franklin Finance Committee Minutes
October 11, 2011
3rd Floor Training Room
Municipal Building

Phyllis Messere (PM), Michael Dufour (MD), Pat Goldsmith (PG), Sue Dewsnap (SD),
Jim Roche (JR), Chris Quinn (CQ), Linda Huempfner (LH), Tim Smith (TS)
Brett Feldman (BF) arrived at 7:15PM
Jeff Nutting (Administrator), Susan Gagner (Comptroller) Jim Dacey (Treasurer)
Item#        Motion/2nd    Discussion, motion, Agenda Item                                              Vote
                                          Call to order. Noting a quorum present,
                                          Jim Roche called the meeting to order at
                                          7:00PM. Jim stated that the meeting was
                                            being recorded by Steve Sherlock.
                                           Brett Feldman hadn’t arrived yet to vote on the
                                           following motions.
                   PG/PM           Motion to approve the minutes of the May 2, 2011               5-0-3
                   PG/PM           Motion to approve the minutes of the May 3, 2011               5-0-3
                    CQ/PM            Motion to approve the minutes of the May 5, 2011              3-0-5

                    PG/PM             Motion to approve the minutes of the May 9, 2011             5-0-3

                     CQ/PG             Motion to approve Jim Roche as Chairman of the                  8-0-0
                                              Finance Committee.

                      JR/PM             Motion to approve Chris Quinn as Vice-Chairman                  8-0-0
                                               of the Finance Committee.

                       JR/PG             Motion to approve Phyllis Messere as Clerk of the                 8-0-0
                                               Finance Committee.

                                               Brett Feldman has arrived and now will be voting.

                        BF/PG            Motion to approve $165,000 for Nustyle Building                   9-0-0
                                                Demolition funding from Raise and Appropriate.

                        BF/PM            Motion to approve $400,000 for road repairs                          9-0-0
                                                funding from Raise and Appropriate (Hotel-Motel Tax).

                        PG/PM            Motion to approve the transfer of $12,000 for                       9-0-0
                                                OPEB Actuary Study from Free Cash.

                      PG/PM             Motion to approve $85,000 for Fire salaries –overtime         9-0-0
                                                 funding from Raise and Appropriate.

                      PG/PM              Motion to approve the transfer of $8,000 from                       9-0-0
                                                 Employee benefits – Health Insurance for temporary
                                                 clerical staffing for the Planning Dept.

                       PG/PM              Motion to approve the transfer of $9,000 from                       9-0-0
                                                   Employee benefits –Health Insurance for temporary
                                                   clerical staffing for the Health Dept.

            Old Business:               None

            New Business:             Plans to re-open the 2012 Budget.
                                                   Strom water – EPA edict $100,000 million
                                                    Plans for the 2013 Fiscal Budget.

            Adjournment:               Meeting adjourned at 8:30PM