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Finance Committee Minutes 04/09/2008
Franklin Finance Committee Minutes
April 9, 2008
Council Chambers
                            Pat Goldsmith (PG), Ken Norman (KN), Brett Feldman (BF),
                             Jim Roche (JR), Phyllis Messere (PM), Jack Caulfield (JC),
                            Craig Maire (CM), Mark Cataldo (MC), Robert Vitale (RV),
                            Rebecca Cameron (RC)

                            Jim Dacey (Treasurer), Susan Gagner (Comptroller)
                             Jeff Nutting (Administrator)

                            John Redwine (JRED)

Item #                  Motion/2nd             Discussion, motion, Agenda item                          Vote
                                                              Call to order. Noting a quorum present
                                                              Jim Roche called the meeting to order
                                                              at 7:00PM.

                                                              No citizen comments

BF/CM                      Motion to approve Department: Town              10-0-0
                                                               Comptroller, Dept. 135
                                                                Personal Services:     322,951
                                                                Expenses:                      56,350
                                                                Total:                           379,301
                                                                Susan Gagner was present to answer
                                                                KN asked what kind of additional information
                                                                can we get in the audits? Susan answered that
                                                                 could get more if needed.
BF/CM                        Motion to approve Department: Information     10-0-0
                                                                 Systems, Dept. 155
                                                                 Personal Services:       52,000
                                                                 Expenses:                      96,000
                                                                 Total:                            148,000
                                                                 Tim Rapozza was present to answer questions.

BF/CM                          Motion to approve Department: Library,                9-1-0
                                                                  Dept. 610
                                                                  Personal Services:       659,335
                                                                  Expenses:                      229,000
                                                                  Total:                              888,335
                                                                  Felicia Oti was present to answer questions.
BF/CM                         Motion to approve Department: Public                10-0-0
                                                                Property & Buildings, Dept. 192
                                                                Personal Services:          157,646
                                                                Expenses:                      1,081,000
                                                                Total:                              1,238,646
                                                                Mike D’Angelo was present to answer questions.
                                                                MC asked Mike how long the town had to go on
                                                                 its gas and electric contracts. Mike answered that
                                                                 the town had one more year to go and then it would
                                                                 go to bid again.

                                                                 Before any votes were taken for the DPW, Rebecca
                                                                 Cameron recued herself from voting due to the fact  
                                                                  that she is related to Robert Cantoreggi, DPW Director.
BF/MC                      Motion to approve Department: Street                   9-0-0
                                                                  Lighting, Dept. 424
                                                                  Expenses:                      170,000
                                                                  Total:                              170,000
                                                                  Robert Cantoreggi was present to answer

BF/RV                        Motion to approve Department: Highway         9-0-0
                                                                 Maintenance & Construction, Dept. 422
                                                                 Personal Services:           1,671,654
                                                                 Expenses:                          1,916,555
                                                                 Total:                                  3,588,209
BF/MC                         Motion to approve Department: Water             9-0-0
                                                                  Division, Dept. 60-450
                                                                  Personal Services:               1,226,097
                                                                  Expenses:                              1,626,350
                                                                  Equipment Outlay:                 388,000
                                                                  Indirects:                                   504,000
                                                                  Total:                                       3,744,447
                                                                  Debt:                                        1,629,341
                                                                  Total:                                        5,373,788

BF/KN                           Motion to approve Department: Sewer              9-0-0
                                                                   Division, Dept. 65-440
                                                                   Personal Services:               522,217
                                                                   Expenses:                           2,363,250
                                                                   Indirects:                               362,000
                                                                   Total:                                   3,247,467
                                                                   Debt:                                       608,804
                                                                    Total:                                    3,856,271
BF/KN                            Motion to approve Department: Solid       9-0-0
                                                                   Waste, Dept. 69-434
                                                                   Personal Services:                26,150
                                                                   Expenses:                          2,006,250
                                                                   Indirects:                                 61,000
                                                                   Total:                                  2,093,400
New Business:               None

Adjournment:               9:15 PM