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Finance Committee Minutes 02/05/2008
Franklin Finance Committee Minutes
February 5, 2008
Council Chambers

                     Ken Norman (KN), John Redwine (JRed), Jack Caulfield (JC), Brett Feldman (BF),
                      Jim Roche (JR), Phyllis Messere (PM), Rebecca Cameron (RC), Mark Cataldo (MC),
                      Pat Goldsmith (PG), Robert Vitale (RV), Craig Maire (CM)                                                                                                             
                       Jeff Nutting (Administrator), Jim Dacey (Treasurer), Susan Gagner (Comptroller)
                      John Redwine and Craig Marie could not vote because they were not sworn in
                       as members .     

       Item #                Motion/2nd             Discussion, motion, Agenda Item                                  Vote
                                                                    Call to order. Noting a quorum present, Jim R.
                                                                     called the meeting to order at 7:01PM.
                                   JIMR/KN                 Approve minutes of November 27 meeting                    5-0-1
                                                                    Jim noted changes to the subcommittee
                                                                      Jeff Nutting explained how the Capital Budget
                                                                     works, Free Cash, Stabilization Accounts and
                                                                      Overlay Surplus for the new members.
                                                                     ITEMS FOR ACTION
                                                                     Stabilization Fund
                                  KN/MC                     Approve $590,000 to replenish stabilization                 9-0-0
                                                                     account (school 07 deficit) from free cash                                    
                                                                      New Town Website      
                                   KN/MC                      Approve $22,000 for new website from                     9-0-0

                                                                      free cash
                                  Discussion points:
·  Tim Rapoza explained about the new website that the town would be purchasing. It can be viewed at
·  RC asked who created the old website, how long as it been around and what would happen to the man who keeps it updated.
·  KN asked about the schools website and if it would cost more to update that website. Tim stated that the schools were looking at a different website which could be possibly be free but if not the schools would pay their share.

                     New Ambulance
                                  KN/MC                      Approve $260,000 for new ambulance funding         9-0-0
                                                                      from ambulance receipts

Discussion points:
·  Chief McCarraher spoke as to why the town needs a new ambulance. He explained that the life expectancy of an ambulance is 6 years and that every 2 years they are rotated.

                       New Police Cruisers
                                    KN/MC                       Approve $119,000 for 3 new police cruisers             9-0-0
                                                                       and 1 new motorcycle funding from free cash

                                   Discussion points:
·  Chief Williams spoke on the need for the vehicles and motorcycle.
In the past the motorcycle was leased but now will be buying a new one. Williams also stated that the motorcycle will bring in new revenue and would pay for itself.
MC asked if the cars are bought off the bid lists and was told that they were.

                                    KN/MC                        Approve $11,000 for a mail folder inserter             9-0-0
                                                                          machine funding from free cash

 Discussion points:
·  Jim Dacey explained the need for the new mail folder inserter   machine. The old machine kept breaking down and it was taking twice as long to get the bills mailed out. The new machine will be faster and can handle more mail and will save time. The old machine will be used as a trade in for the new machine.

 KN/MC                        Approve $5000 for a audible signal for                       9-0-0
                                       Intersection funding from free cash

  Discussion points:
·  Jeff explained that a handicapped citizen had asked the town if an audible crossing signal could be installed at the corner of Beaver and Union Streets. Jeff also noted that there was one already at the corner of Beaver and West Central Streets.

Forensic Audit
Jeff and Susan both spoke on the forensic audit for the school department. They stated that everything is moving ahead and that the suggestions that the auditing firm made are being implemented such as cost centers.
Ken suggested that in the future that the town start doing more in-depth audits.

                       Adjournment:  Meeting adjourned at 8:55PM