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Conservation Commission Minutes - 04/23/2015

Franklin Conservation Commission
Minutes of Meeting
April 23, 2015
To:  Town Clerk
cc:   Members

Present:  J. Livingstone, R. Pendkar, S. Younis, S. McLean, George Russell, Conservation

Absent:   P.Harrington

Mr. George Russell’s Agent’s Report has been appended to the minutes.

Mr. William Batchelor appeared before the Commission to inform them that he is interested in becoming a Commission member.  He gave a brief synopsis of his background.

The Commission made a recommendation to inform the Town Administrator that they would like to have Mr. Batchelor appointed to the Commission.

Public Hearing – Request for Determination – 237 Conlyn Avenue – Sandman
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Sandman, both appeared before the Commission for the installation of a fence in their backyard.  The fence would be erected no further than the existing shed.

The Chairman stated that they should keep the excavation piles covered to prevent the dirt from washing into the wetlands.

There was a motion made by Ravi Pendkar to close the public hearing for 237 Conlyn Avenue.  The motion was seconded by Steve Younis and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.  

There was a motion made by Scott McLean for a Negative RDA for 237 Conlyn Avenue.  The motion was seconded by SteveYounis and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.

Continued - Public Hearing  - Notice of Intent – 10 Cotton Tail Lane – Ronca – CE159-1081
The Conservation Chairman read a letter from the applicant’s representative requesting a continuance of the public hearing until the May 14th meeting.  

There was a motion made by Scott McLean to continue the public hearing for 10 Cotton Tail Lane until May 14th at 7:20 p.m.  The motion was seconded by Ravi Pendkar and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.

Public Hearing – Request for Determination – 606 East Central Street – Pericolo
Mr. Ed Pericolo, the applicant, and Mr. Jim Susi, Engineer of United Consultants, both appeared before the Commission for the installation of a driveway and sewer service.

Mr. Susi gave the Commission a brief overview of the proposed plans for the site.  He stated that this project is for the demolition of an existing house and the construction of a new house at the corner of East Central Street and Red Gate Lane.  There are wetlands located across the street.  The majority of the work will be located outside of the 100 ft. buffer zone.

Mr. Susi stated that there is one tree in the location of the proposed driveway.  The tree is situated outside of the 100 ft. buffer zone.  Either the tree could be relocated on the lot or the driveway could be moved away from the tree but in doing this the driveway would be located further into the buffer zone.

Mr. Russell recommended that the driveway location not be moved further into Conservation jurisdiction.

Mr. Russell stated that the address for this RDA is 1 Red Gate Lane.   

There was a motion made by Scott McLean to close the hearing for the RDA for 1 Red Gate Lane.  The motion was seconded by Steve Younis and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.

There was a motion made by Scott McLean for a Negative Determination for 1 Red Gate Lane for the driveway and the sewer connection.  The motion was seconded by Steve Younis and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.

Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – 606 East Central Street – Pericolo – CE159-1088
Mr. Ed Pericolo, the applicant, and Mr. Jim Susi, Engineer of United Consultants, both appeared before the Commission for the construction of a single-family house.  Mr. Pericolo stated that the address for this site is now 5 Red Gate Lane.

Mr. Susi informed the Commission members that this whole site is currently lawn area.  He also gave the Commission members a brief overview of the proposed plans for the project.

One tree will have to be removed for the construction of the single-family house.  

Mr. Russell stated that if changes are made to the site it will have an impact on which plan gets filed at the Registry of Deeds for the NOI for documentation purposes.

There was a motion made by Ravi Pendkar for the 5 Red Gate Lane NOI.  The motion was seconded by Steve Younis and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.

There was a motion made by Ravi Pendkar to approve the NOI for 5 Red Gate Lane with the condition that the driveway be moved 10 ft. from what is shown on the plan and also the conditions #20, 20-24, 28, 34, 43&44.  The motion was seconded by Steve Younis and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.

Continued – Public Hearing – ANRAD – 60 Daniels Street – Longobardi – CE159-1083
Mr. Paul DeSimone, Engineer of Colonial Engineering, appeared before the Commission for a resource area delineation.  

Mr. Russell stated that he has conducted 3 site visits to inspect the wetlands line and there are a few missing flags.  He recommended that should the ANRAD be granted that prior to any future filings for this site that any missing flags be reestablished.

There was a motion made by Ravi Pendkar to close the public hearing for 60 Daniels Street.  The motion was seconded by Steve Younis and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.

There was a motion made by Scott McLean to accept the ANRAD for 60 Daniels Street with the provision that prior to any future permitting flags #103-109 be replaced.  The motion was seconded by Steve Younis and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.

Continued - Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – 11 Forge Parkway – Eastern Propane - CE159-1082  
Steve Younis, Commission member, recused himself from this public hearing.

George Russell, Conservation Agent, stated that there is no quorum at tonight’s meeting for this public hearing.  There is a quorum, however, to decide the issue of whether a special meeting should be held for this application.

There was a motion made by Scott McLean to have a special meeting for the 11 Forge Parkway NOI on April 30th at 7 p.m. in the Town Hall and should that meeting not take place that this hearing be continued until the May14th regular meeting at 7:25 p.m.  The motion was seconded by Ravi Pendkar and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.

Continued - Public Hearing – Notice of Intent – 176 Grove Street – EBI Consulting - CE159-1086  
George Russell, Conservation Agent, stated that the applicant has requested a continuance in writing until the May 14th meeting.  The Commission Chairman read this letter into the record.

There was a motion made by Ravi Pendkar to continue the public hearing for 176 Grove Street until May 14th at 7:30 p.m.  The motion was seconded by Steve Younis and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.


Permit Modification:  485 East Central Street
The applicant for this hearing did not appear at tonight’s meeting.  The letter from the applicant was reviewed by the Commission members and it was deemed that additional information is needed from the applicant in order to make a determination.  The letter was read into the record dated April 17th, 2015 from Midpoint Engineering and there was insufficient information from the applicant.  The discussion will be continued until May 14th, 2015.

Extension Permit:  Villages at Oak Hill – SE159-921
Mr. Erik Bazzett, Engineer of Heritage Design Group, appeared before the Commission for an extension of the Orders of Conditions.  The applicant has submitted a letter stating that the Orders of Conditions is set to expire in July 2015 and requested a three-year extension in order to complete this project.

George Russell, Conservation Agent, stated that under the Local Bylaw an Order of Conditions can only be extended for one year.  

Mr. Bazzett stated that this project may be able to be completed within the one-year time frame.  

There was a motion made by Ravi Pendkar to grant a one-year Extension to the Orders of Conditions for Villages at Oak Hill, DEP file #SE159-921 until July 27, 2016.  The motion was seconded by Steve Younis and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.

Mr. William Batchelor
24 Shayne Road
Franklin, MA  02038
Discussion:  Annual Report      
George Russell, Conservation Agent, requested that any changes/comments regarding the Annual Report be submitted to him by June 1st.   

There was a motion made by Ravi Pendkar to approve the minutes of the March 26th meeting with the 1 correction as outlined in the agent’s report.  The motion was seconded by Scott McLean and accepted with a vote of 3-0-1; 3 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstention.

There was a motion made by Scott McLean to approve the minutes of the April 9th meeting.  The motion was seconded by Ravi Pendkar and accepted with a vote of 3-0-1; 3 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstention.

Signed Certificate of Compliance, Extension Permit & Order of Resource Area Delineation
Certificate of Compliance – 646 Old Farm Road – Maple Sands - SE159-661
Orders of Conditions – 5 Red Gate Lane – Pericolo Construction - CE159-1088
Determination of Applicability (Negative) – 1 Red Gate Lane – Pericolo Construction
Determination of Applicability (Negative) 237 Conlyn Avenue – Sandman
Extension Permit – Villages at Oak Hill – 1000 Washington Street – SE159-921
Order of Resource Area Delineation – 60 Daniels Street – Longobardi – CE159-1083  

There was a motion made by Ravi Pendkar to adjourn the meeting.  The motion was seconded by Scott McLean and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.

The meeting adjourned at 8:35 p.m.                        
Respectfully submitted,

Kathleen Celorier
Recording Secretary