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Agent's Report - 05/15/2014

TO:     Franklin Conservation Commission

FM:     George Russell, AICP
Conservation Agent
RE:     Agent’s Report

DATE:   May 13, 2014

1.0.    PROJECTS

1.0.1. RDA 210 Grove Street: It is my opinion that this RDA is not ready to go forward for the reasons outlined in my e-mail which is below.

1.0.2. NOI – Dacey Fields Foot Bridge Replacement – DPW: The application is to replace an unsafe, temporary crossing of Shepard’s Brook. No bank will be disturbed and the removal of the stone “pier” midstream will help restore natural stream flow. The project has been submitted as a limited project and all stormwater standards have been met. If this project is approved, the following special conditions should be attached: 22, 24 and 27 through 30.

1.0.3. NOI Cooks Farm: The application for a variance on lot coverage was submitted to the ZBA on May 7, 2014. Given that the amount of allowed lot coverage significantly impacts stormwater, I would still recommend the Commission not proceed until this stormwater issue, among others, is resolved.

2.0. General Business

2.1. Minor buffer Zone Activities

2.1.1. 15 Mount St: A field inspection was conducted on May 7. 2014 and there is no reason not to approve the MBZA subject to erosion controls being installed and inspected prior to any construction.

2.1.2. 79 Arlington St.: The approval of the MBZA is warranted.

2.2 Permit modifications/extensions

2.2.1. Lots 1, 2, & 3 Marine Way: The requested report has been received from the applicant’s wetlands professional. This report indicates that the site conditions have not significantly changed. Given this information, the granting of the extension request is in order.

2.3. Certificate of Compliance

2.3.1. 7 Peppermill: The NOI was granted in 1996. I conducted a site inspection on May 7, 2014 and the work appears to be in according to the approved plan. Given the time frames involved, it does not appear to be warranted to request a professional certification nor an as-built.

2.4. Discussion items

2.4.1. RDA Amendment – Beaver Street Sewer Interceptor: When the original RDA was    approved for the emergency cutting of the trees, there appears to have been a “miscommunication” given that the cutting went much further north than originally understood.

2.4.2. Bench policy: Included in your packet of material is a copy of the permit from Arlington. This is a good model to build from, but I think we may need to examine the question of what is someone wants to donate a ready-made bench. If this were the case, we need specifications so that all the benches are the same and have the same estimated life expectancy.

2.4.3. 13 Haverstock Road: The NOI needs to be signed given that we received the DEP number the night of the hearing and the paperwork was thus not prepared.

2.5. Minutes:

2.6. Violations:

You have received a copy of a letter from the owner of 727 Washington St., who has submitted the requested RDA. This permit was not received in time for the instant agenda. It is my opinion that there are a number of statements etc. in the letter that are just plain wrong. These statements refer not only to my actions, but to the chairman’s. I have not generated a response at this point.

  • Chair and Commission Comments

E-mail to applicant for RDA at 210 Grove St.

I have done a preliminary review of the RDA you submitted for 210 Grove St. here in Franklin. I have a couple of issues that need to be addressed prior to moving forward with the application:

Is the signature on the application the property owner's? If not, the property owner must sign the application.

Secondly, in my opinion, the map submitted does not show in enough detail the location of the structures that are the subject of the permit request nor does it show location of the wetlands and any wetlands buffer.

These two issues need to be addressed prior to the application being approved. We will put the application on the May 15th Commission agenda, but I will not recommend that the Commission act favorably until such time as these items are addressed.

In the interim, please let me know if you have any questions.


George Russell, AICP
Town of Franklin Conservation Agent
355 East Central Street
Franklin, MA 02038