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Agent's Report - 01/30/2014
Please note items 2.2 and 2.3 below; they are important procedural issues.

TO:     Franklin Conservation Commission

FM:     George Russell, AICP
Conservation Agent
RE:     Agent’s Report

DATE:   January 28, 2014

1.0.    PROJECTS

1.0.1. NOI 137 Mastro Drive:

The town engineer has requested information and calculations to ascertain if the proposed culvert has been correctly sized to meet stormwater standards. This was forwarded to the applicant. Revised calculations were received on 1/21/14 and forwarded to the town engineer on the same day.

At the last meeting, the issue of a minimum width of a private driveway came up. This is no minimum width of a private driveway.

1.0.2. 14 Garnet

The plans have been revised to show the deck in a slightly different location and an additional 20 ft²± addition in the rear of the proposed structure. These modifications do not impact the jurisdictional area in any meaningful way.

  • General Business
2.1. Minutes

I would suggest that in the minutes for the continued hearings that were continued to conduct site visits, that the dates of the site visits be contained in the motions to continue. These site visits must be documented as part of the hearing process.
Certificate of Compliance: 18 Island Road. I would recommend that after the word “completed” that “and all the work is underground” be added.

Under the public meeting for the DelCarte invasive species removal, in the second paragraph, I would recommend that the word “they” be changed to “the Commission’s”. In the third paragraph, after the word “stated”, add the words “in the application narrative”. The sixth paragraph should be reworded to read: “Mr. Russell addressed the report prepared by the New England Wildflower Society (NEWS) that identified the invasive species that were found on site during a site visit on December 30, 2013. Mr. Russell indicated that his office and DPW will work with the NEWS to develop a plan to identify, the procedures to remove, and the procedures to apply herbicides to these invasive plant species. In the final paragraph in this section, we should add after the 30th, “to allow time for the town to work with NEWS to develop the appropriate plans to remove the invasive plants.”

Under the application for 137 Mastro in the first paragraph after the word “commission”, the words “a limited project for a stream crossing and ” should be added. I would recommend the fourth paragraph be reworded to read: Mr. Russell conducted three site visits and the wetlands line and flagging is now believed to be correct. Mr. Russell noted that during all three visits, the stream contained flowing water. Additional issues are outlined in the attached Agent’s report.

2.2. Hearings

Chris Stearns, who produces the TV for the hearings, has asked that the commission members use the microphones since the audio is not always being picked up. So please speak directly into the microphones when addressing the applicants etc.

2.3. Orders etc.

Just a reminder, that when you sign a document that is going into the Registry, e.g. an Order of Conditions and Certificate of Compliance, please print your name below your signature. This is required now that the forms are no longer being notarized. The Registry of Deeds may refuse to accept any document for recording that does not have a printed name below the signature. This would cause a real burden to applicants.

2.2 Minor buffer Zone Activities


2.3. Permit modifications

2.3.1. None

2.4. Release from Conditions

2.4.1. Lot 3 on Cottontail Lane was in essence permitted under four Orders of Conditions including a superseding order for the entire development, under SE159-590, and an order, both local and state for the lot itself under CE159-906. The request you have in front of you is for a partial release for lot 3 under the local order under SE159-590. All of the other orders have been either partially or fully released.

2.4.2. DelCarte Dam has been completed and all is in order for the release from conditions.

2.5.    Discussion items

2.5.1. Violations: I will distribute copies of letters that have been generated for new and/or on-going violations.

2.5.2. 727 Washington St: I will distribute correspondence and photos of the instant violation.

  • Chair and Commission Comments