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Agent's Report - 01/07/2014
DATE:   January 7, 2014

TO:     Franklin Conservation Commission

FM:     George Russell, AICP
Conservation Agent
RE:     Agent’s Report
1.0.    PROJECTS

1.0.1. 14 Garnet Dr.:

A second field inspection of the site was conducted on 12/24/13. The wetlands have been reflagged and appear to be in order. I forwarded my findings to the applicant’s engineer and the applicant and requested additional information on the roof recharge area discharge which the engineer has submitted. DEP has not issued an NOI number as of today.

I would recommend that the following stipulations be added to any approvals. (Note: the commission may want to consider these as standard special conditions.):

1. In order to help prevent the spread of invasive plant species, the use of haybales as erosion control is prohibited.

2. Any soil areas, including stockpiles, which will remain exposed for longer than 45 calendar days shall be mulched or covered with a short-lived annual herbaceous cover crop.

3. In order to help prevent the spread of invasive plant species, all vehicles entering or leaving the site must be thoroughly cleaned of accumulated soil or plant material.

1.0.2. 28 Steward St.:

The issue is outlined on the attached letter. The work is completed and I would recommend a negative determination.

1.0.3. RDA DelCarte vegetation removal:

This was previously discussed with the commission at their 11/7/13 meeting. The reasons for and the extent of the work, involving the removal of the invasive plants between the playground area and the water body, was outlined by DPW at that meeting. The work does not involve anything more than the vegetation removal and the work is all in the buffer area as well as an area beyond the buffer.

A site visit with representatives from the NE Wildflower Society was conducted on 12/30/31 to help identify the invasive species that are present on the site. Based on this site inspection, there does not appear to be any Kudzu or Mile-a-Minute present. New England Wildflower has submitted a report on their findings and recommendations. This report was previously forwarded.

I would recommend a negative determination with the following stipulations:

1. That erosion control barriers between the work area and the pond be installed and that they be approved by the agent prior to the start of any work;

2. The area be re-inspected in the late spring-summer of 2014 to determine if any additional work needs to be undertaken and that any work necessary, if within the scope of the instant approval, be approved by the agent and

3. Spot treatment with appropriate herbicides should be undertaken to help slow the re-growth of the invasives.

I have also previously forwarded a brief blurb on invasive plants that addresses some of the species that are present in the area that is the subject of this application.

1.0.4. NOI 137 Mastro Drive:

A field inspection was conducted on 12/26/13 and my findings were forwarded to the applicant and his engineer. A second field inspection was conducted on 1/7/14 based on information from the applicant’s engineer that the driveway had been staked out in the field. Some of my original concerns have not been addressed, nor have revised plans been submitted as of this date. My biggest concern is the stream in that I am not convinced it is intermittent. It had flowing water in it today and if it is not intermittent, there is a 200” buffer. My original comments from 12/26/13 were:

There appear to be a set of wetlands flags in the field that are not on the map. There is a set of flags numbered in the single digits and teens in the field that are not on the map;
There appear to be duplication of flag numbers on the map. e.g. there are two flags numbered 101-111 and I'm not sure if these is a problem with the maps or the flags in the field;
Please revise the maps to show the stone walls that are in the field and please indicated if these will need to be moved or disturbed and
The "intermittent stream" had running water in it on the 26th. Please provide the specifics of the determination by the Commission that determined that the steam was intermittent or any other information you may have to support this finding.

The special conditions outlined above for the NOI on Garnet Drive should also be attached to this approval.

The town engineer has requested information and calculations to ascertain if the proposed culvert has been correctly sized to meet stormwater standards. This was forwarded to the applicant.

DEP has not issued an NOI number as of today.

  • General Business
2.1. Minutes

No comments

2.2 Minor buffer Zone Activities


2.3. Permit modifications

2.3.1. I recommend the approval of the modification to Silver Fox Lane. For the commission’s edification, I have had conversations with the applicant’s engineer and future amendments will be requested if necessary prior to the request for the release from conditions.

2.4. Release from Conditions

2.4.1. Based on a positive vote on item 2.3.1, the release for Silver Fox Lane can be granted.

2.4.2. A field inspection for the release for 18 Island Drive did not show any reason not to issue the release. As-built plans for this project are not warranted since all of the work, save some reseeding, is underground.

2.5.    Discussion items

2.5.1. Violations: I will distribute copies of letters that have been generated for on-going violations.

2.5.2. Don’t forget the MACC Conference is March 1st. Let us know if you plan on attending so we can reserve you a spot and get the registration fees out.

2.5.3. For the Commission’s information, we have reviewed all files from CE 159-928 to 159-1052. Twenty six initial letters have been generated where there was no Release from Conditions to determine the status of the project. So far, six permit holders have contacted me and indicated that they would file a request for a release or other appropriate action. Additional follow-up letters will be going out during January.

2.5.4. We have so far been unsuccessful in meeting with the property owner to effectuate the repair to the culvert off of Eric Drive.

  • Chair and Commission Comments