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Agent's Report - 11/07/2013
DATE:   November 7, 2013

TO:             Franklin Conservation Commission

FROM:   George Russell AICP
Conservation Agent
RE:             Agent’s Report & Commentary

1.1. 77 Jefferson Road Woodcock/Paul DeSimone - NOI

An initial field inspection was undertaken on 11/5/13. The general project description submitted on WPA Form 3 states: “To construct a pool, concrete patio & boulder retaining wall within the 100’ buffer zone”. The plans submitted with the application are dated 9/18/13 and are titled “Addition and Deck as-built Plan of Land”. The plans show two patios, the addition and the deck. The plans do not show the location of the proposed pool, the concrete deck or the retaining wall. In addition, there is an existing, non-paved play area with a swing set and a boulder retaining wall in the rear yard that is not shown on the plans.

It is recommended that revised plans be submitted showing the location of the pool, patio, the proposed grading and any new proposed contour lines and that the hearing be kept open until the revised plans are submitted and reviewed.

I called Colonial Engineering on 11/5/13 concerning these issues and left a voice mail.

1.2. Camp Haiastan 722 Summer St. Don Nielsen – NOI
Application continued to next meeting.

  • 7 Shawkemo Path Lacroix/Karon Catrone – NOI
A field inspection was conducted on 11/6/13. There are no details concerning the “proposed area for roof runoff recharge area” that is shown on the plans. Given the steep slopes and the proximity of the wetlands, I would recommend that the erosion control barriers be extended to the west property line.

  •     General Business
2.1. Minutes

         2.2  Minor buffer Zone Activities

2.2.1      63 Bayberry Common – Spruce Pond

                         2.2.2     64 Bayberry Common –Spruce Pond

Replacement of the existing decks in the same location should not pose any significant wetlands issues.

Certificates of Compliance

2.3.1       End of Nina Lane

A field inspection was conducted on 11/6/13. All appears to be in order for the release from conditions.

2.3.2.    5 Rona Lane

A field inspection was conducted on 11/5/13. The erosion control barriers are still in place and should remain until the lawn is fully established in the area of construction. There is no reason not to issue the Certificate of Compliance.

  • Emergency Beaver Street Interceptor work
I met with the DPW director on 11/6/13 and discussed the background of this project. Due to the negative potential on the town’s sewers, the work should proceed.

  • DelCarte Playground
  • DelCarte Conservation Area naming
  • Eric Drive Culvert
A site inspection was conducted on 11/6/13. The corrugated metal pipe culvert is ¾ full of sediment on the upstream opening and thus is not functioning as intended.

  • Amendment Request 505 West Central Street
The erosion control barriers have significantly deteriorated and/or failed on either side of the roadway of what will become Parcel A, and the southern property lines of what will become lots 1 and 3. This barrier should be replaced or repaired, inspected and approved before any additional work takes place.

  • Amendment Request Franklin Innovation Center, Hayward St.
The new dumpster locations will actually be further away from the wetlands and the additional impervious surface is minimal. There should not be any issues from a wetlands standpoint.
  • 2 Prospective new Con Com Members
  • Masss DOT 495 erosion control letters

  • Chair and Commission Comments