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Agent's Report - 10/17/2013
Fax: 508-520-4906


DATE:   October 16, 2013
TO:             Franklin Conservation Commission
FROM:   Bryan W. Taberner, AICP, Director
RE:             Agent Report

This memo is provided as a summary of recent Conservation Department/Commission issues. I will be in attendance at the October 17, 2013 Commission meeting to discuss or address related issues.
Public Hearings
Public Hearing: Notice of Intent – LaCroix, 7 Shawkemo Path
DPCD staff has quickly reviewed the request for determination document, and has identified a variety of issues of concern.  The plans show the edge of wetlands are 37 feet from the proposed deck and less than 50 feet from the proposed building addition. The applicant and Commission should pay careful attention to Section XVI of the Conservation Commissions Rules and Regulations.  The Town’s GIS mapping, which of course is not as accurate as actual delineation by a wetland scientist, shows the proposed deck and building much closer than 37 feet. The “proposed area for roof runoff recharge system” is roughly 40 to 50 feet from the wetland, and the proposed erosion control barrier does not appear to be long enough to protect the wetland resources from the proposed work. A site visit with the applicant’s wetland scientist is highly recommended
DPCD staff recommends the Commission continue the Public Hearing to their next meeting, and conduct a site visit to assess the location of wetlands and potential impacts from the proposed work.
Public Hearing: Notice of Intent - Camp Haiastan, 722 Summer Street, Repair of Septic System.
DPCD staff recommends the Commission continue the Public Hearing to their next meeting.
General Business
Certificate of Compliance: 15 Vine Street, Minihane
DPCD staff have performed site visits on at two occasions and recomends approval of the applicants Certificate of Compliance.

Minor Buffer Zone Activity: 19 Echo Bridge Road
Currently DPCD has no input related to this issue.
656 King Street.  
Since the last Commission meeting I have had conversations with two individuals representing the developer, Peter Williams from GZA (Franklin Planning Board’s consulting engineer for the project), Franklin’s Town Planner and Franklin’s Town Engineer. An email from Town Engineer Michael Maglio is attached. Representatives for the Developer will not be in attendance at the October 17th Conservation Commission meeting, but will attend on October 31st should there be a need. I will be in attendance to report on issues related to this project.  
Other Issues
Staffing. Conservation Agent
The Town interviewed five very qualified candidates for the Conservation Agent position.  Two individuals have been asked to come in next week for second interviews.  I expect to have a new Agent in place by the end of the month (or shortly after).