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Agent's Report - 10/04/2012

Date:           2 October 2012

To:             Franklin Conservation Commission

From:           Michèle Grenier, PWS, Conservation Agent

Re:             Agent’s Report

I.      Projects

7:30 PM Continued NOI, DEP # 159-1038,   4 Bogastow Brook Lane, Matthew & Danielle Walsh

        The 10 trees are approximately 60+ years old and are healthy.
        2,800 sf of fill is proposed for this area.              

7:40 PM Continued OC Amendment DEP # 159- 1023, Grace Lane,
Lot 6-3
A revised plan has been submitted. All cutting is now proposed outside the 100 ft Buffer Zone.  The 100 ft buffer should be marked in the field to avoid overcutting.

Manure should be trucked off the parcel on a regular basis. Stalls are cleaned daily.

  • General Business
Approval of minutes

Discussion:     Con’t: 34 South Street – Halterman
Mr. Halterman has agreed to place the Town of Franklin Conservation Comm., Limit of Disturbance signs across his backyard.
                        Residence at Union Place
I have received the Detention Cleaning and Maintenance Plan. I will give you a copy of them at our meeting.