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Conservation Commission Minutes - 08/09/2012

     Minutes of Meeting
August 9, 2012

To:  Town Clerk
cc:   Members

Present:  R. Ballantyne, A. Tolland, J. Fournier, R. Willis
Absent:  M. DePoto, M. Allen, J. Livingstone, P. Stolfa, Associate Member, A. Riordan,                    Associate Member

There was a motion to accept the minutes of the June 21st, 2012 meeting.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 3-0-1; 3 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstention.

There was a motion to accept the minutes of the July 26th, 2012 meeting with 2 corrections.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.


Minor Buffer Zone Activity:  366 Lincoln Street
Mr. David Bernstein, the homeowner, and Mr. Jeff Proudler, project manager for Sandcastle Homes, both appeared before the Commission for the construction of an addition to a single-family house.

The Conservation Chair informed the Commission members that she recently visited the site.

Mr. Proudler stated that the existing house encroaches into the buffer zone in the rear.  The proposed addition would be 194 sq. ft. of disturbance within the buffer zone.

The siltation fence will be used for erosion control.  The Commission members requested that a compost sock be used for erosion control instead of the silt fence.  

Roof drains were requested to be added to the plan.

The replacement deck will be composed of composite materials.

There was a motion to issue a Negative Determination subject to 8 special conditions:

  • The Conservation Department shall be notified at the start of the work.
  • The Conservation Department shall be notified when the work has been completed.
  • The work shall be completed in accordance with the approved plan
  • The plan shall depict a bio degradable compost sock in lieu of the siltation fence.
  • Roof drains shall be shown on the plan
  • No pressure-treated wood to be used on the surfaces of the deck
  • The extent of the driveway expansion shall be shown on the plan
  • Storage of any building materials shall be outside of the 100 ft. buffer zone
The plan shall be revised and delivered to the Conservation Department within 1 week of this evening’s meeting.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.

Discussion:  26 Beech Street
Mr. Ken McKenzie, Engineer of Dunn-McKenzie, appeared before the Commission for a Certificate of Compliance for this site.  Mr. McKenzie informed the Commission that the plantings were put in a year ago and if any of these plantings do not survive, there is a 1-year guarantee.

Mr. McKenzie showed photos of the plantings for Commission review.

Mr. McKenzie requested that a Commission member visit the site and inspect the plantings.

The Commission advised that the applicant take advantage of the warranty of the failed plantings.

A Commission member informed Mr. McKenzie that according to the Orders of Conditions which was issued for this site, there is a 2-year 85% survivability rate on all vegetation and a Certificate of Compliance should not be issued until the 2-year time period has transpired.

Mr. McKenzie will ask the homeowner to contact the nursery where the plantings were purchased and have them replant the plantings that did not survive.  They have to submit a new plan if they are not going to be planted according to the plan.

A revised planting list denoting quantity, what was replaced and where the plantings will be placed was requested by the Commission in order to use when inspecting the site for a Certificate of Compliance.

Permit Decision:  Franklin High School -  CE159-1036
There was a discussion among the Commission members regarding the issuance of Orders of Conditions for this project.  The Commission reviewed numerous proposed special conditions.

There was a motion that the Town has satisfied their burden of proof and to issue State and Local Orders of Conditions with 53 special conditions; 20 through 53 taken from the 3 Forge Park Orders of Conditions and #19 taken from the 847 West Central Street Orders of Conditions.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 3-0-1; 3 Yes, 0 No, 1 Abstention.

Certificates of Compliance:  Residences at Union Place – Upper Union Street
The Commission Chair stated that an email was received from Mr. Bill Yadisernia, Town Engineer, stating that he recommends that the vote on the acceptance on the Certificate of Compliance be continued until the next meeting as he feels that he needs more time to make a more detailed inspection of the site.

Signed Determination of Applicability & Orders of Conditions
Determination of Applicability (Negative) 366 Lincoln Street – Bernstein
Orders of Conditions – Franklin High School - Town of Franklin – CE159-1036

There was a motion to adjourn.  The motion was seconded and accepted with a vote of 4-0-0.  
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Kathleen Celorier
Conservation Secretary