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ZBA Minutes 02/07/2008
THURSDAY - February 7, 2008
Members Present: Elmer W. "Butch" Barron III, Barry Elliott, John David Aylard and Joanne Shompe.
Members Excused: Randy Orvis
Town Staff Present: Director of Planning and Community Development, Daniel Merhalski
Public Present: Norman Vetter, Stacia Vetter, Gregory Worth and Charlie of Norway Plains..
Chairman Barron called the meeting to order at 6:54pm. noting they got a late start because they had a quick non-public meeting.
Before the meeting got started Chairman Barron informed the applicant that he has a conflict of interest with the application and would have to excuse himself. Barry noted that he has worked with the applicant in the past but is comfortable moving forward with the application. Chairman Barron informed the applicant that he has the right to a five member board but he will only have three tonight and the best he could do in the future is four. The applicant decided to move forward.
Chairman Barron calls for a motion on the previous months minutes; Barry Elliott motions to approve the minutes of January 3, 2008 as presented, 2nd Joanne Shompe; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion carries.
Chairman Barron recused himself and Barry Elliot took over the meeting.
Continued Cases:
There were no continued cases.
New Cases:

Application for an Area Variance By: Norman & Stacia Vetter (Tax Map R11, Lot #3); From Article 2.01, Section B of the Town of Farmington Zoning Ordinance; To permit 3 separate single family residential buildings on one parcel; parcel is 162+ acres and has 560 feet of road frontage on Meaderboro Road.

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Charlie of Norway Plains presented that the property had a 5-unit apartment building on it
with a carriage shed attached. This building was taken down and the applicant was told he had two years to rebuild. The applicant now wants to put in 3 single family homes instead of one family unit. The applicant noted that this is an agricultural zone right next to Butternut Farm and the three proposed homes would fit better with the aesthetics and blend in with the farm land. The applicant also noted that the hardship of not granting this variance would be that it would be taking away from the aesthetic values of the surrounding properties as well as adding a paved road to the area.
Barry Elliot opened the meeting to the public but noted there was none. Barry asked if the carriage house will have an apartment and the applicant replied yes and there will be three other single family homes on the parcel.
Barry informed the applicant that if the variance is granted the plan will have to go to the planning board for site review because it is multi-family.
Gregory Worth, attorney for the applicant, noted that this plan would bring the parcel into more conformity with the zone ordinances.
Dan questioned if the applicants were sure they wanted a variance from Section 2.01 and not Section 3.01. Mr. Worth responded that he struggled with that very question. Dan asked if he would be amendable to adding 3.01 to the application and Mr. Worth replied yes. The Board accepted the verbal amendment.
The Board reviewed the application. Barry noted that there is a definite benefit to the abutters and the town because it is more agriculturally and aesthetically friendly. Mr. Worth stated that in the Supreme Court Hudson decision it was decided that undo financial hardship could be a result of subdividing a property and going through site plans.
Joanne Shompe motioned to grant the Variance from Section 2.01 and Section 3.01 of the Farmington Zoning Ordinances to Norman and Stacia Vetter (Tax map R11, Lot #3), 2nd Barry Elliot. Motion carried with all in favor.

Application for Appeal from an Administrative Decision by: Stacia R. Vetter (Tax Map R11, Lot #003); Re: Proposed development of 3 separate family residential buildings on one parcel; parcel is 162+ acres and has 560 feet of road frontage on Meaderboro Road.

Applicant requested a continuation until April 3, 2008 with the intention of withdrawing the application if there are no problems. Barry Elliot motioned to continue the application for appeal from an Administrative Decision by: Stacia R. Vetter (Tax Map R11, Lot #003) until April 3, 2008, 2nd John David Aylard. Motion carried with all in favor.
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Butch Barron motioned to adjourn; 2nd John David Aylard; no further discussion; all those in favor; motion carries.
Chairman Barron adjourns the meeting at 7:47pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary
_______________________________ _____________________
Elmer W. "Butch" Barron III, Chairman Date
Zoning Board of Adjustment
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