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ZBA Meeting Minutes 09-06-2007
356 Main Street - Farmington, NH

Members Present:        Chairman Elmer “Butch” Barron, Barry Elliot, John David Aylard and
Alternate Joann Shompe

Absent:         Gerry McCarthy - with notification
                        Randy Orvis – with notification

Public Present: John Borg, Carol Borg, Rene Toussain, Gerry Cate, David Currier, Denise Currier, Terry Grant, David Grant, Gail Ellis, Denis Wright, Zack Wright, Chris Berry and Wilfred Thompson.

Chairman Barron called the meeting to order at 6:32pm and seated Joann Shompe for Gerry McCarthy.

Review of Minutes:

Barry Elliot motioned to approve the minutes of 8-02-2007 as presented, 2nd John David Aylard.  Motion carried with Joann Shompe abstaining.

Continuation of Application from 08-02-2007 for an Area Variance:  By Amanda and Edward Bernier (tax Map U10, Lot #118); Requesting a Variance from the setback requirements as detailed in Article 2.04, Section B of the Farmington Zoning Ordinance; to allow the construction of a 12’ X 17’ deck on the side of an existing pool without the required setbacks; Property located at 57 Glen Street; in the (UR) Urban Residential Zoning District.

Barry Elliot motioned to move this agenda item to the bottom of the agenda, 2nd John David Aylard.  Motion passed with all in favor.

New Cases:

Application for a Use Variance: By Gail Ellis (Tax Map R22, Lot #10); from Article 3.12, Section E of the Farmington Zoning Ordinance; To allow the construction of a roadway and removal of 25% slopes.  Property located on Ten Rod Road in the (AR) Agricultural Residential Zoning District; Presented by Chris Berry, Berry Engineering and Survey.

Chairman Barron informed the applicant that they have the right to request a continuation because the board is short one member tonight.  After consulting with his client Mr. Berry requested a continuation to wait for a full board.

Barry Elliot motioned to continue the application for a use variance by Gail Ellis until October 4, 2007, 2nd John David Aylard.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Barry Elliot motioned to send a letter to Amanda and Edward Bernier (Tax Map U10, Lot #118) advising them that their hearing has been continued until October 4, 2008 and to continue the hearing until then, 2nd  Joann Shompe.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Barry Elliot motioned to adjourn, 2nd Joann Shomphe.  Motion passed with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 6:45pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary


______________________________                                  ___________________________
Elmer W. “Butch” Barron, Chairman                                                               Date
Farmington Zoning Board of Adjustment