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2006 Town Meeting MInutes

March 15, 2006


Emmanual Krasner, Moderator, opened the meeting at 7:00. Pack and Troop 188 presented the colors.  The Moderator then read the results of Articles 1-9 as follows:

See attached election results.

Article 1 (Candidates for office)
To choose two Selectmen for three year terms; one Moderator for a two year term; one Treasurer for a one year term; one Trustee of Trust Funds for a three year term; three Budget Committee members for three year terms and one Budget Committee member for two years; and one Supervisor of the Checklist for a six year term. (Official Ballot)

Article 2       Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 1 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows:

1.03    Zoning Maps.  Adds language to clarify that all Overlay Districts are part of the official Zoning Map:  
1.05    Compliance with Conflicting Codes.  Adds language to clarify the application of Overlay District provisions when two are in conflict.  The result is that the most restrictive provision will apply.  
1.10    Interpretation, Administration and Enforcement.  Vests responsibility for interpretation, administration and enforcement of the Zoning Ordinance in the Department of Planning and Community Development, to more accurately reflect the current administrative structure.
1.11    Innovative Land Use Controls.  Clarifies existing requirements for Special Use Permits and the criteria for review and approval of Special Use Permit applications by adding language to reference the sections of the ordinance that require Special Use Permits, i.e., Section 4.03, Wetlands Conservation Overlay District, Section 4.04, Waterfront Protection Overlay District, and Section 1.12, Non-Conformity; and requires a finding that issuance of a Special Use Permit will be consistent with the purposes of the Ordinance.
1.12    Non-Conformity.  Clarifies conditions to be considered when reviewing an application to expand a non-conforming Business/Civic use, specifically the requirement that expansions within an Overlay District are subject to Special Use Permit requirements of the Overlay District, and that the expansion will not have a negative impact on natural areas or adjacent properties.
1.14    Definitions.  Adds new definitions to the ordinance for the following:
        Land Use Board; Lot; Non-residential; Overlay District; Special Use Permit; and Studio

Article 3       Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 2 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows:
3.01    Relationship of Buildings to Lots.  Adds language to clarify the conditions which must be met in order to site two single-family residential structures on the same lot, specifically that subdivision must be possible with each lot having the necessary frontage and setbacks, or that subdivision is possible under the new Rear Lot Subdivision Standards.
3.09    Signs.  Adds a definition of "temporary sign" to mean no more than 30 days.
3.14    Housing and Other Standards.  Adds specific references in the definitions section to the International Residential Code 2000, and clarifies that all code references are to the latest edition of the code.
  • Open Space – Residential Cluster Development Standards.  Changed to clarify that soil based lot sizing is required where on-site water and septic are proposed.  
Article 4       Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 3 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows:
4.01    Aquifer Protection Overlay District.  Revises the definition of Aquifer Protection Zone to be areas delineated by New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services as Wellhead Protection Areas. (Old definition referenced areas identified by most recent 5-day pumping test reports.)
4.03    Wetlands Conservation Overlay District.  Adds clarification that buffer areas are included in the overlay district.

Article 5       Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 4 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows:
Section 2.00    Base Zoning Districts
Table of Permitted Uses “Removes Manufactured Housing Parks and expansions of existing manufactured housing parks as permitted uses in any zoning district."

Article 6       Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 5 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows:
  • Development of Rear Lots.  Adds provisions to the ordinance to permit a one-time single-lot subdivision of a rear lot within any residential district.  Specific requirements include minimum road frontage and access, as well as requirement that the parent lot to be subdivided pre-dates adoption of this rear lot subdivision provision.  
Article 7       Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 6 as proposed by the Planning Board for the Town Zoning Ordinance as follows:
  • Off-Street Parking.  Eliminates redundancy and allows flexibility
in the application of parking requirements by removing the Minimum Parking Standards for multi-family and non-residential uses from the ordinance, and requires that parking comply with the requirements of the Site Plan Review Regulations.

Article 8       Are you in favor of the adoption of Amendment No. 7 as proposed by the planning board for the town zoning ordinance as follows:
4.03    Wetlands Conservation Overlay District.    Changes the Class Two Wetlands buffer from "up to 50 feet" to "50 feet".

Article 9 (Petitioned article)
Shall we amend section 2.05 of the Farmington Zoning Ordinance adopted March 13, 2001 as follows: amend Table 2.05 to reflect a Minimum Lot Size of ½ acre (21,780 sf) (currently ¼ acre). By Petition.  Not Recommended by the Planning Board.  (Official ballot)
Article 10 (Petitioned article)
Shall we vote to change the organization of the Farmington Fire Department to have a fire chief appointed by the local governing body (Board of Selectmen) with firefighters appointed by the local governing body (Board of Selectmen) upon recommendation of the fire chief. (Majority vote required)

John Fitch made a motion to pass as read, seconded by Gary White.  John exlained the purpose in bringing forth this article.  He said that he felt that the town was growing and we need a more thorough fire department.  Brandon LaRoche spoke against the article because he felt it would destroy the volunteer fire department.  Gail Willard spoke for the article.  She read a list of reasons why it is not working as currently structured.  Arthur Capello reminded everyone that it would not take affect until next year.  Josh Biron offered to make a motion to amend to say that the Selectmen do vote for who the chief is, but that the chief decides who the firefighters are.  This was seconded by Arthur Capello.  He then spoke about reasons why it should be this way.  John Scruton spoke in support of the article as originally written.  He urged voters to defeat the amendment and approve the article as written.  Joseph Carter spoke about the response of a 911 call.  Town Administrator, Paul Weston, spoke against the amendment as proposed.  He stated that the town needs professional firefighters and EMT’s.  He said that he felt that the article as written is in the best interest of the town.  Manny called for a voice vote.  Evelyn Moulton pointed out the need to use the show of cards so that non-registered voters would not be voting.  Manny agreed.  The amendment was defeated by a show of cards vote.  Randy Orvis made a motion to call the question, and it was duly seconded.  The question was called by a show of cards vote.  The article was approved as written by a show of cards vote.  John Scruton made a motion to restrict reconsideration, seconded by Mary Barron.  The motion was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 11 (Firefighter per diem)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $13,500. (Thirteen thousand five hundred dollars) to fund a firefighter on a per diem basis at the Farmington Fire Station. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required)  (This article is estimated to increase the tax rate by 2.9 cents.)

Bill Tsiros made a motion to approve as read, seconded by Jackie Capello.  Jackie Capello asked what was the anticipated schedule.  Paul Weston read a statement of what this would entail.  Charlie King asked what were the designated duties.  Rich Fowler said they will be cross trained for ems/fire.  They will also be doing equipment update, training, etc.  When asked if the position would conduct fire inspections, Chief Fowler said yes.  Arthur Capello said that there could still be a problem due to still having lower than required numbers.  Scott Henry stated that the original proposal was for 2.  Jackie Capello asked if they have 3 firefighters and get to a fire, will we not be able to go in.  Chief Fowler said that there are usually at least 1 or 2 volunteers who respond during the day, so most of the time they would be okay.  Josh Biron asked if we could get a figure on what the 2 per diem members now get paid.  Chief Fowler said the rates were $120/130/140.  Mr. Biron asked for it annually.  Paul Weston said to look on page 65 for the listing of per diem expenditures.  After much discussion, the article was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 12 (Police Patrol Officer)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $ 13,266  (Thirteen thousand two hundred sixty six dollars) in salary and benefits to employ a Police Officer on or about September 1, 2006. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article is estimated to increase the tax rate by 2.8 cents).

Bill Tsiros made a motion to approve as read, seconded by Penny Morin.  John Fitch asked Chief how many calls they had this year.  It was approximately 9,100+higher with walk-ins.  Chief Roberge then gave a listing of types of offenses.  He was asked if there would be 2 men in cruiser from 12:00 on.  Chief said that there would be an additional man until 4:00 AM, but in separate vehicles.  Total men – would be 14.  When asked how come we do not have video cameras in the cruiser, chief said that there were bigger money issues and, therefore it was not a high priority.  Ronald Curtis asked what did we lose this year and last year.  Chief said we lost 2 this year 2 last year.  Ron speculated that if we pay those we have better maybe we will keep them.  Chief said that most are just starting their career and do move on.  If we paid them more money, maybe we could keep them and they would be more competent.  Arthur Capello, asked chief about exit interviews.  Chief said they were saying it was financial, but Paul could answer better.  Paul said that every officer has an exit interview that has departed in his tenure and it has always been economic.  Joseph Carter asked about not having a dog officer presently.  Chief said that it is certainly his goal to get an animal control officer but the budget is $4000 and they supply own vehicle so it is almost impossible to find one.  He is seeking to regionalize animal control where you have one person to handle all calls for several towns.  Ruth Scruton said she thinks they are slack and don’t care.  If they took care of the dog complaints they wouldn’t have to deal with them repeatedly.  Steven Henry asked what the FBI recommendation for numbers is.  Chief said 15 and this would bring us to 14.  Mr. Henry proposed to amend the article to $26,532 to start in July.  Arthur Capello seconded.  Chief corrected his previous statement to us still being 2 under with this officer hired.  Jackie Capello pointed out that it didn’t make sense to double it if you were not doubling the months.  Paul Weston refigured it for six months and it would be $19899.00.  Steven Henry changed the date on the amendment to May 1st and this was accepted as a friendly amendment by Arthur Capello.  This would come to the original $26,532.00.  Mike Mains asked to call the question, however, Penny Morin asked the added tax impact.  Jeff Vaughn asked for a point of clarification on what was the town’s fiscal year.  It is January 1-December 31.  John Scruton asked when they would be able to get someone started.  Chief said we could definitely get someone and get them started by May 1.  They could go to the academy in the fall.  Kevin Willey explained that they last added a position in 1991.  The amendment by a show of cards vote.  The article now reads $26,530 to start on or about May 1.  Jerry McCarthy asked about part-time police officers which would give you more officers for less money with no benefits and they would be certified.  Chief said that he had looked at the issue in the past.  He said that what you run into is part-time people are dedicated to another job and we have to still insure (liability/disability) these individuals and outfit them.  Officers spend roughly 800 hours in court.  The case doesn’t stop and wait for them if they have jobs elsewhere. He also feels that the quality of police is not as good as with full-time officers.  Most of the agencies of our size do not utilize part-time officers except like Hampton, etc who have seasonal officers.  Jerry pointed out that we wouldn’t have to pay health insurance or retirement which is a big issue so you can use the money saved to have a part-time officer for more hours.  Chief said there are also rules that you can only work part-time officers a certain number of hours/day.  The article as amended approved by a show of cards vote.  

Article 13 (Guild Article)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $15,000. (Fifteen thousand dollars) to support the operation of the Farmington Community Preservation Guild. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen. Not recommended by the Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article is estimated to increase the tax rate by 3.2 cents).

Brandon Laroche made a motion to group Articles 13-19 together.  Being no second, the  motion died.  Steven Durrance made a motion to move as written, seconded by Kathy King.  Ruth Scruton asked why the Budget Committee did not recommend.  Arthur Capello said it was not a matter of the position which is valuable, but the fact that the money was coming out of general taxation.  Kathy King stated that the said funds were transferred to the town hall project and Arthur Capello said that he has an opposition to taking it from general taxation and that it should be used from the grant.  Cyndie Paulin wanted to thank the board for putting the article in for them.  She went on to explain what the money will be used for.  She explained the goals of the foundation. Paul Parker said that the benefits that they are providing far outweigh the costs and encouraged voters to pass the article.  Arthur Capello said that he wanted to clarify that they did think it was a beneficial program, but it was the way it was being raised and appropriated.  Cyndie explained that they also are funded by United Way, etc.  When they ask for funding from other entities, they must demonstrate community support.  The article was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 14 (Town Hall Renovations)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $98,285. (Ninety eight thousand two hundred eighty five dollars) for Life Safety Code and other improvements to the Town Hall/Opera House, and to authorize the sums on hand in the amount of $81,600. (eighty one thousand six hundred dollars) to come from the issuance of the bonds approved in Articles 6 and 7 in the 2001 Warrant for the purposes of bridge repair on the West Milton Road Bridge and Hornetown Road Bridge per RSA 33:3-a II, both of which have been completed. The balance of $16,685. (Sixteen thousand six hundred and eighty five dollars)  to come from the unreserved fund balance.~ Work is to be done in 2006 and no amount of money is to be raised by taxation.~Recommended by the Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article has no tax rate impact).

Bill Tsiros asked if we should have a motion to change it to 2/3 majority.   Manny said that it was just a procedural issue that 2/3 is needed.  It was moved by Mary Barron, seconded by Bill Tsiros to approve the article as read.  Jackie Capello said that while the original construction on the bridge is done, it is broke again.   Shouldn’t we be using the money to fix the bridge again?  Jane Wingate agreed about the bridge.  She stated that she did not think anyone is ungrateful for the gift from Mrs. Thayer to make the town hall look the way it does today, but rather thinks the dissention has come not from the worth of the project, but the funding.  She spoke of funding sources and the balcony issues and said that she was not clear what this additional funding will cover.  Paul Weston, Town Administrator, put up a power point to explain what has been spent and what the 98,285 would buy.  He explained that without applicable life safety code requirements the building will not be able to be fully utilized.  $98,285 would do structural engineering, heat notification system, fire suppression system design and management, water line installation and sprinkler system installation below and above the balcony and below and above the stage.  Marty Gilman said that if there was a fire in the hallway – both fire escapes are illegal and it has got to be taken care of.  Also the smoke detection system has to be voice activated.  He would like to see this pass.  Arthur Capelllo asked if this would also bring the building up to full ADA compliance.  The front doors are the other issue and they are budgeted elsewhere in the budget, not included in this article.  Mike Morin said that the first page added up to more than what the total said.  We took a 5 minute break while the Town Administrator checked out the figures.  There was a typo on the bottom item.  Jackie Capello asked if there had been a feasibility study on the long term and short term use of building and, if so, were town members involved.  She also asked that if we don’t have seating in the balcony what gets cut out of the money needed and she wanted to know if we were out of code now with people up there doing the filming.  Paul Weston said there was a study on the life safety codes, but there was no comprehensive study on the long-term or short-term use. Steven Durrance asked, if we are building an opera house, and we have already shifted programs like men’s basketball up to the schools, is there going to be a reciprocal use by the schools, for instance, like using it for the school’s drama productions.  Paul Weston said yes.  Debra Cantwell explained that the Hornetown Road bridge money had already been changed to elevator money  so it is no longer bridge money.  Ruth Scruton wondered how the other funds got transferred to this use.  Cathy Tsiros, Chairman of the Trustees said that she was asked if there were any monies available.  She explained that they had already used the Leon Hayes Trust fund to purchase curtains from the fund instead of the ball.  She further stated that we have never depleted the funds of the Leon Hayes fund.  She explained that Mrs. Thayer chose to request that the clock funds account be closed because the clock was now electric.  And also she requested that the purpose of the James E. Thayer trust be changed.  The other two funds are interest only.  These monies were her funds, she donated them and she requested the change in use of them.  Jackie Capello asked if she could have her previous questions 2 & 3 answered. Marty Gilman said they can have janitors and workman in the balcony, but  not full seating.  With the addition of fire escapes and other items explained by Marty we could have seating for 260. Susan Loker said that she really wished she could understand how, when and why this project became such a political hot potato.  She stated that there have been public meetings with Board of Selectmen and  Marty at least 12-13 times.  She also said that there are very detailed minutes of the committee meetings on the town’s web site and most publically is the work itself as many people have been through here.  She stated that she had heard it said we should be returning it to the citizens instead of restoring this building.  If we did return it and not spend it, it would only be .21/1000 on the tax rate.  A home valued at $200,000 would only get a decrease of $42.00.  She said that this type of cooperation will never happen again.  She urged the voters to please vote yes and let’s not lose this great opportunity.  John Wingate stated that Sean Bergeron’s report said expansion to the fire escapes had to bring them to 140 inches.  He questioned whether it could be done without it being that wide.  If we do not sprinkle, then need to expand the width of the fire escape.  If you use the sprinkler you cut back on the use of the stairs.  Josh Biron moved to call the question, duly seconded and approved by a show of cards vote.    The Moderator had been handed a request for secret ballot.  The RSA for secret ballot was researched. Arthur Capello moved to restrict articles 11-13 while we were waiting for an answer.  Bill Tsiros seconded.  This was approved by a show of cards vote.  Charles Wibel said that the request for a secret ballot was made out of order because it was not recognized by the chair.  The Moderator said that, by announcing it, he did recognize it.  After much debate one of the petitioners, Brandon LaRoche, asked to withdraw his signature.  The Moderator read the RSA and read LGC commentary and felt that, at this point nothing forces Mr. LaRoche to stick with it.  He likened it to withdrawing a second to a motion.  Jackie Capello asked for a point of clarification.  If someone were to protest that ruling would we have to come back to do a secret ballot at another time.  Moderator said it is always a possibility. The article was approved by a 2/3 majority show of cards vote.  Bill Tsiros moved, seconded by Matt Scruton to restrict reconsideration on this article.  This was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 15 (Public Work Garage renovations and addition)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $358,378 (Three hundred fifty eight thousand three hundred seventy eight dollars) for the renovation and construction of a three bay addition to the existing Public Works Garage, and to authorize the withdrawal of $168,987. (One hundred sixty eight thousand nine hundred eighty seven dollars) from the Highway Garage Capital Reserve Fund and to further appropriate $189,391. (One hundred eighty nine thousand three hundred ninety one dollars) from the unreserved fund balance for said project. Recommended by the Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article has no tax rate impact).
Arthur Capello made a motion to approve, seconded by Penny Morin.  John Fitch spoke of the needs with the building being crowded, vehicles outside, putting plows on, chains on, etc. The article was approved by a show of cards vote.
Mary Barron made a motion to restrict reconsideration, duly seconded and approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 16 (Land Use Change Tax)
To see if the Town will vote to authorize 100% of the Land Use Change Tax collected pursuant to RSA 79-A to be deposited into the Conservation Fund in accordance with RSA 36-A: 5 III as authorized by RSA 79-A: 25 II.  (Article 10 of the 2004 Annual Town Meeting was approved by the voters, authorizing 75% of the Land Use Change Tax to be paid to the Conservation Fund).  Recommended by the Board of Selectmen. Not recommended by the Budget Committee. (Majority vote required)

Penny Morin made a motion to approve, seconded by Steven Durrance.  Jackie Capello said that she was always curious why the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee do not agree.  Matt Scruton, Selectmen said that he enthusiastically supports, and he explained current use and current use penalty.  Budget committee members said that they felt that 75% adequate.  The article was approved by a show of cards vote.  

Article 17 (Landfill Planning)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $92,900. (Ninety two thousand nine hundred dollars) from the Landfill Closure Special Revenue Fund with $67,800. (Sixty seven thousand eight hundred dollars) to pay for strategic engineering planning, groundwater management permit sampling and permitting at the Town Landfill and $25,100. (Twenty five thousand one hundred dollars)  for the annual purchase of garbage bags for the pay-per-bag program. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article has no tax rate impact).

Arthur Capello made a motion to approve, seconded by Mike Morin.  Being no discussions, the article was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 18 (Lagoon Closure)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $6,500. (Sixty five hundred dollars) for the purpose of completing the septage lagoon closure project to be funded by withdrawing $3,335. (Three thousand three hundred thirty five dollars) from the Septage Management Special Revenue Fund established in Article 20 of the 2004 town meeting and $3,165. (Three thousand one hundred sixty five dollars) from taxation.  Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article is estimated to increase the tax rate by .6 cents).

Penny Morin made a motion to approve, seconded Debra Cantwell.  Being no discussion, the article was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 19 (Dubois land purchase)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $170,000. (One hundred seventy thousand dollars) for the purchase of a 178-acre parcel of land (Tax Map R-51 Lot 1 and Tax Map R-45 Lot 4) from Thomas Dubois, to be used for conservation purposes; said purchase to be funded by the withdrawal of $100,000. (One hundred thousand dollars) from the Conservation Fund and contingent upon the receipt of $70,000. (Seventy thousand dollars) of grant funds from the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article has no tax rate impact).

Paul Parker made a motion to approve, seconded by Matt Scruton.  Penny Morin asked what would happen if the grant did not come through.  Paul Weston said that we  have assurance that governor and council has approved.  He also pointed out that there will be additional cost of between $500-2000 and a survey $12,000.  The Center for Land Conservation will donate $3,000 for these costs.  The balance will come from the conservation fund.  Arthur Capello asked if there is enough to fund it from the conservation fund.  Mr. Weston said that there was.  Randy Orvis said that we have been protecting the Mad River Corridor.  With the French property this will give us between 2-3000 feet of the river project.  The article was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 20  (To Capital Reserve Fund – Highway Equipment)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $72,356. (Seventy two thousand, three hundred fifty six dollars) to be added to the previously established Highway Motorized Equipment Capital Reserve Fund in accordance with the Farmington 2004-2009 Capital Improvements Program.  Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and the Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article is estimated to increase the tax rate by 15.6 cents).

Steven Henry made a motion to approve, seconded Rachel Burke.  Being no discussion, the article was approved by a show of cards vote.  

Article 21 (Create a new Road Improvements and Paving Capital Reserve Fund)
To see if the Town will vote to establish a new Capital Reserve Fund under the provisions of RSA 35:1 for the purpose of road improvements and paving and to raise and appropriate $61,000. (Sixty-one thousand dollars) to be placed in this fund and to appoint the Board of Selectmen as agents to expend. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee.  (Majority vote required) (This article is estimated to increase the tax rate by 13.1 cents).

Arthur Capello made a motion to approve, seconded by Ann Titus.  Penny Morin asked what road improvements would be done and would someone be trained in grader operations for rustic gravel roads.  Joel said that he was working on developing a  Pavement management and rural improvement plan.  He stated that he did have funds set aside to do training.  Jane Wingate asked if this would be additional paving or re-doing existing paving.  Joel said that we would be doing the worst case scenario roads first and, upon discussion, might just be able to pave now to repair existing roads.  Randy Orvis said that he thought it was great that we were finally having a capital improvement program for roads.  He offered an amendment to $75,000 and maybe fix correctly, seconded by Hiram Watson. Arthur Capello made it clear that there is money in the operating budget also, this was in addition to.  Joel Moulton did research and it costs $108,000  to pave 1.2 miles with 3 inch layer.  Vote on amendment was approved by a show of cards vote.  Mike Morin offered an amendment to take out make selectmen as agents to expend and have it come back to the town.  This was seconded by Jane Wingate.  Steven Henry asked if this would mean holding a special meeting?  Mr. Weston said that it could be at a regular meeting or special for an emergency that arises prior to the next meeting.  Hiram Watson said that he wants to give selectmen the option to do that and is against the motion.  Much discussion ensued on dirt roads.  Ruth Scruton spoke against the amendment saying that the system we have will work.  We elect people to make these decisions.  Mike Morin said most of our reserve funds are set up so the town votes to spend the money, perhaps we should change all of the funds so they can just spend it without telling us.  He would rather have it justified to a group of people like this.  It was moved and seconded to call the question to the amendment and it approved by a show of cards vote.  The amendment failed by a show of cards vote.  Mike Morin made a motion to call question, seconded Arthur Capello and approved by a show of cards vote.  The article, as amended, was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 22 (To CRF – Technology)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $11,105 (Eleven thousand one hundred and five dollars) to be added to the previously established Future Technology Improvements Capital Reserve Fund, said funds to come from undesignated fund balance.   The purpose of this fund is to offset the cost of future computer and communications technology needs for municipal operations.  The Board of Selectmen are agents of this Capital Reserve Fund.  Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article has no tax rate impact).

Jackie Capello made a motion to approve, seconded by Penny Morin.  The article was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 23 (To CRF – Ambulance)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $28,000. (Twenty eight thousand dollars) to be added to the previously established Emergency Medical Motorized Equipment Capital Reserve Fund, said funds to come from the undesignated fund balance.  Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article has no tax rate impact).

Stephen Dean made a motion to approve, seconded by Debra Cantwell.  The article was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 24 (Bridge Engineering)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $35,000. (Thirty five thousand dollars) from the Bridge & Road Design and Construction Capital Reserve Fund to engage a consulting engineering firm for bridge design and review/inspection of Town bridges. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required). (This article is estimated to increase the tax rate by 7.5 cents).

Steven Henry made a motion to approve, seconded by Arthur Capello.  Randy Orvis asked if we were going to use the same consultants as previous.  Paul Weston said we could avoid it if we know who to avoid.  Randy will provide that information.  The article was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 25  (To CRF – Public Buildings)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $7,500. (Seven thousand five hundred dollars) to be added to the previously established Public Buildings Maintenance Capital Reserve Fund, said funds to come from undesignated fund balance. The purpose of this fund is to offset the cost of expensive building maintenance activities such as roof replacement and other large-scale maintenance or repair projects.  The Selectmen are agents of this fund.  Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article has no tax rate impact).

Penny Morin made a motion to approve, seconded by Brandon Laroche.  Jackie Capello asked what the balance of the fund was.  She then moved to amend to double it to $15,000, seconded by Arthur Capello.  Arthur Capello made a motion to call question, duly seconded  and defeated by a show of cards vote.   The original article was approved by a show of cards vote.  

Article 26 (To CRF – Recreation Equipment)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $8,000. (Eight thousand dollars) to be added to the previously established Recreation Equipment Capital Reserve Fund. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article is expected to increase the tax rate by 1.7 cents).

Joan Funk made a motion to approve, seconded by Arthur Capello.  Being no discussion, the article was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 27 (Discontinue Fire Equipment Reserve Fund – see Articles 28 & 29)
To see if the Town will vote to discontinue the Fire Motorized Equipment Capital Reserve Fund created in 1982.  Said funds, with accumulated interest to date of withdrawal, are to be transferred to the Town’s undesignated fund balance. (Balance at 12/31/05: $437,023. (Four hundred thirty seven thousand twenty three dollars); to be considered with Articles 28 and 29 concurrently).
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article has no impact on the tax rate).

Arthur Capello made a motion to consider 27, 28, 29 and 30, duly seconded by Brandon LaRoche.  Paul Weston explained the commingling of the fire equipment and public safety building.  That is why they must discontinue funds and then raise and appropriate in 2 separate reserve funds.  Arthur offered a friendly amendment to change it to 27, 28 and 29, also accepted by Brandon LaRoche.   This was approved by a show of cards vote.  The articles were approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 28 (Create a new Public Safety Building Capital Reserve Fund)
To see if the Town will vote to establish a new Public Safety Building Capital Reserve Fund for the purpose of planning and construction of a Public Safety Building to house the Fire and Rescue Department and the Police Department and to raise and appropriate $118,304. (One hundred eighteen thousand three hundred four dollars) from the undesignated fund balance to be placed into the Public Safety Building Capital Reserve Fund, and to name the Board of Selectmen as agents for said Fund. Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article has no tax rate impact).

Article 29 (Establish the Fire Department Vehicles/Equipment Capital Reserve Fund)
To see if the Town will vote to establish a new Fire Department Vehicles and Equipment Capital Reserve Fund for the purchase of vehicles and equipment for the Fire Department and to raise and appropriate $318,719. (Three hundred eighteen thousand, seven hundred nineteen dollars) from the undesignated fund balance to be placed into said Fund.  (Majority vote required). Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article has no tax rate impact).

Article 30 (To CRF – Fire Equipment)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of $127,507. (One hundred twenty seven thousand, five hundred and seven dollars) to be added to the previously established (in Article 29) Fire Vehicles and Equipment Capital Reserve Fund in accordance with the Farmington 2004 – 2009 Capital Improvements Program.  Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article is expected to increase the tax rate by 27.5 cents).

Mike Morin made a motion to approve, seconded by Steven Henry.  Randy Orvis asked how soon we will use this money.  Chief said that he thought is was 2010.  This article was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 31 (Purchase of Public Works Dump Truck)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $161,966. (One hundred sixty one thousand nine hundred sixty six dollars) from the Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund for the purchase of a new dump truck with plow equipment for the Public Works Department.
Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required)  (This article has no tax rate impact).

Arthur Capello made a motion to restrict reconsideration on articles 14-30, seconded by Debra Cantwell and approved by a show of cards vote.  Steven Henry made a motion to approve Article 31, seconded by Arthur Capello.  Manny asked how big a dump truck it will be.  It will be a ten wheeler and we currently have 6 wheelers.  They have twice the capacity.  The article was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 32 (Purchase of Pickup Truck)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $32,000. (Thirty two thousand dollars) from the Highway Equipment Capital Reserve Fund to purchase a new pickup truck with plow equipment for the Public Works Department.  Recommended by the Board of Selectmen. Not recommended by the Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article has no tax rate impact).

Mike Morin made a motion to approve, seconded by Debra Cantwell.  The Budget committee was asked why they did not recommend.  They said that they felt that we have done with the sedan for all this time and they did not want to deplete the capital reserve fund knowing that we will be needing a new truck again next year.  The article was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 33 (Operating Budget Summary Article)
To see if the Town will vote to raise and appropriate $5,060,209. (Five million sixty thousand two hundred nine dollars) for the operation, expenses, and commitments of Town Government which represents the bottom line of column No. 8 (The Budget Committee’s Budget) in the posted budget (MS-7).  This appropriation does not include any of the appropriations presented individually in Article 11 through Article 32.  Recommended by the Board of Selectmen and Budget Committee. (Majority vote required) (This article is expected to have a  tax rate impact of $5.51 cents. If articles 11 – 33 pass as written, the net decrease is estimated to be 17 cents).

Randy Orvis made a motion to approve, seconded by Joan Funk.  Arthur Capello asked the Town Adminstrator what impact do the changes we have already made.  Paul Weston said that the new town rate would be $6.41.  Brandon LaRoche spoke saying that he had tried over and over to get the salaries of the town employees and was refused by the town administrator, but finally got the information.  He did not think the town employees should get  4% across the board because they need an incentive to do good.  He made a motion to amend the Town Administrator’s salary from 62,538 to 60,000.  This was duly seconded.    After a short discussion, Arthur Capello made a motion to call the question, seconded by Gail Ellis.  This was approved by a show of cards vote.  The amendment was opposed by a show of cards vote.  The article was approved as presented by a show of cards vote.

Article 34 (Selling surplus equipment)
To see if the Town will vote to authorize the Selectmen to sell to the highest bidder municipal vehicles and other equipment as determined by the Selectmen, with proceeds to go into the general fund (Majority Vote Required).

Gail Ellis made a motion to approve, duly seconded.  Being no discussion, the article was approved by a show of cards vote.

Article 33
To transact such other business as may legally come before this meeting (Majority vote required).

Steven Durrance made a motion to adjourn, Debra Cantwell seconded and it was approved by a show of cards vote at 10:30PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Kathy L. Seaver
Town Clerk-Tax Collector