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Selectmen MInutes 9-27-2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectmen Members Present: Paula Proulx, Gerry McCarthy, Charlie King, Gail Ellis and Joan Funk.
Town Staff Present: Interim Town Administrator Alan Gould, Water/Wastewater Superintendant Dale Sprague and Bonnie Lauze
Public Present: Cathy King, JoAnn Doke, Ann Titus, Deb Howard, Dottie Bean, Mr. Lauze, Sylvia Arcouette, Joel Moulton and Walter Mitchell.
Chairman Proulx called the meeting to order at 5:30pm.
Gail Ellis motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II (d), 2nd Charlie King.  Roll Call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gail Ellis (yes), Charlie King (yes), Joan Funk (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).
At 6:01 the Board came back into public session and noted the non-public minutes were sealed with a unanimous roll call vote.
  • Public Hearing:
Paula opened the public hearing and explained the public hearing is to accept $40,886.16 in federal disaster money.  There was no public comment so Paula closed the public hearing.  Charlie King motioned to accept the FEMA reimbursement of $40,886.16 in unanticipated funds, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

  • Review of Minutes:
Gail Ellis motioned to table the review of minutes until later in the evening, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.

  • New Business:
  • Employee Recognition - Paula presented Bonnie Lauze a plaque in recognition of her 20 years of employment with the town.
  • Farmington Women’s Club Proclamation – Joan read a proclamation recognizing the 100 anniversary of the Farmington Women’s Club.
  • Acceptance of Moose Plate Grant Money – Joan Funk motioned to accept $4,400.10 in Moose Plate Grant money, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Sign MS-5 – Gerry McCarthy motioned to accept the MS-5 as presented and sign it, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Other – Gerry McCarthy motioned to approve the facilities use of the landfill for October 2, 2010 for the sale of popcorn by Boy Scout Troop 188, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Old Business:
  • RFAM Agreement: Single Stream Recycling Center – Charlie stated that the agreement calls for payment 10 days from invoice and the Town standard is 30 days; therefore he believes this should be changed in the agreement.  Liz, representative of the Single Stream facility, and she said that she would make note of this.  Gerry questioned if the Board is allowed to enter into this contract without a Town meeting vote.  The other Board members were unsure of what the vote entailed last March in regards to signing this agreement.  Alan will double check the vote that was taken in March to ensure the Board has the authority to move forward and accept the agreement.  Gail asked Attorney Walter Mitchell if he is comfortable with the Town moving forward with the termination clause as it is written and he responded that the language is complicated but he feels comfortable he can support the Town if needed.  Walter Mitchell asked Liz how the Town would know if the tipping fees are more than they are being paid and Liz replied that the tipping fees are public knowledge and set each fall.
Gerry McCarthy motioned to sign the Concord Regional Solid Waste/Resource Recovery Cooperative contingent upon Alan checking the March vote to ensure the Board has the authority to do so, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.

  • Updates:
  • Waste Water Plant Upgrade – Dale provided the Board with copies of the proposed operating budget for the new plant.  Ed Leonard contacted the State to clarify if the budget summary can be changed over the next few years as construction continues and the response was yes, this summary is a living document.  Dale stated that the user fees also are adjustable and will most likely be lowered.  In the memo attached to the budget summary it states that there are a few lines that need to be amended to match other documents and Paula asked who would be responsible to insure the lines match.  Dale explained that the lines are already updated and match.
Joan Funk motioned to authorize the draft operating budget for the waste water treatment facility upgrade, 2nd Charlie King.  Discussion followed in which Gerry stated that it is his understanding that this document can be amended at anytime and Dale replied yes.  Motion carried with all in favor.
Joan Funk motioned to authorize Alan to sign the draft operating budget for the waste water treatment facility, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor
  • Updates on Transfer Station  – Joel Moulton explained that there are a few time sensitive items he has for the Board.  The first is for a 25% pre-payment for TNT Engineering; Charlie stated that this was not part of the original contract and he would suggest that Alan speak with the firm to explain this.  Alan stated that this was just a request by the firm so he does not expect an issue with not pre-paying.  Joel stated another issue is with the septic for the facility in the scale house.  The original plan was to have a holding tank and have it pumped out occasionally but this is no longer allowed by the NH DES.  Joel suggested a plan to Norway Plains, the engineers for the project, and they agreed they could design a septic system for an additional $500 with the total cost being $1500.  
Gerry McCarthy motioned to move forward with the septic design not to exceed $1500 by Norway Plains, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

  • Road Swap Agreement – Joel Moulton informed the Board that the map presented is in agreement with the conditions of the road swap.  Gerry mentioned that the state owned bridge still needs to be identified on the map and Alan said he would take care of it.
  • Road Work Update – Alan asked Joel Moulton if all the work is complete for the latest FEMA reimbursement and Joel replied that the Hornetown Road work has not been completed.
  • Updates:
  • Gail Ellis asked Alan if he received information from the department heads in regards to the time clock policy and he said he is still gathering the information.   
At 7:05pm, Charlie King motioned to suspend the meeting to have a non-meeting session with legal, 2nd Joan Funk.  Roll call - Paula Proulx (yes), Gail Ellis (yes), Charlie King (yes), Joan Funk (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).
At 7:10, Gail Ellis motioned to go back in public session, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.
At 7:11pm, Gail Ellis motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II (b), 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Roll Call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gail Ellis (yes), Charlie King (yes), Joan Funk (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).
At 9:14pm the Board came back into public session and Paula stated the minutes were sealed with a unanimous roll call vote.

At 9:14pm, Gail Ellis motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II (e), 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Roll Call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gail Ellis (yes), Charlie King (yes), Joan Funk (yes) and Gerry McCarthy (yes).

At 9:22pm the Board came back into public session and Paula stated the minutes were sealed from the non-public session were sealed with a unanimous roll call vote.

7.Other Business:
A.  Alan informed the Board that there are three timber cut applications for the Board to review.  Historically the Public Works Director reviewed these applications and made a recommendation for bond amount and with this position being vacant the Board would like Dennis Roseberry to review the applications.  

  • Alan informed the Board that Barbara Gehres reminded him that it is the historical time of year to put out the RFP for grinding.  Gerry stated the RFP can be put out but the actual grinding should wait until the landfill is closed.  The Board was in agreement to put the RFP out.
  • Alan reminded the Board that Bonnie forwarded a memo about the revaluation contract.  Paula informed the Board that the contract was sent from the company that the Town has used in the past and the Town really should go out for a RFP.  Alan will put out an RFP.
  • The Board discussed the request from Ms. Splaine for a non-public session and came to the agreement that they did not see any new information that would merit a non-public discussion.  
  • Gail Ellis motioned to postpone the review of minutes until the next meeting, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried with all in favor.
  • Charlie brought up that he feels the Board needs to increase Alan’s hours in order to keep all our projects on schedule.  Gerry agreed but stated he is concerned on where the funds are going to come from.  The Board discussed they really need to set their priorities to determine what they would like Alan to focus on and decided they would like to do this next week
At 10:01pm, Gail Ellis motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried with all in favor.
Respectfully Submitted, Brandy Sanger Recording Secretary
__________________________________                      ______________________________
Chairman Paula Proulx                                   Vice-Chairman, Gail Ellis
_________________________________                       ______________________________
Joan A. Funk                                                    Gerald McCarthy
Charlie King