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Selectmen Minutes 07/19/2010

Monday, July 19, 2010
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH
Selectmen Members Present: Paula Proulx, Gerry McCarthy, Charlie King, Gail Ellis and Joan Funk.
Town Staff Present :Interim Town Administrator Alan Gould and Public Works Director
Joel Moulton
Chairman Proulx called the meeting to order at 6:07pm.
1. Public Comment:

2. Review Of Minutes:
Gail Ellis motioned to table the review of minutes until after the Town Departments discussion, 2nd Charlie King. Motion carried with all in favor.

3. Public Works:
A. Purchase of Handrail Materials - Joel explained that he solicited price quotes from two vendors for the metal materials to construct the safety railing system for the north and south walls at the Transfer Station. The intent of the safety rail system is to be maintenance friendly and will be removable for maintenance purposes. Gerry asked if the pipes are galvanized and Joel explained that for maintenance purposes they will not be galvanized. The quotes are for 1400 LF 2’ diameter Sch 40 pipe. Joel explained his guys will cut and fit the pipes on site. Charlie reminded Joel that he should have followed the purchasing policy. The vendor quotes are as follows;

hen Steel $3081.33
Mills Metals $3216.00
Gerry McCarthy motioned to purchase the metal materials for the safety railing system from Cohen Steel for $3,081.33, 2nd Charlie King. Motion carried with Joan Funk opposed because the purchase order policy was not followed.
B. Well Relocation – Joel informed the Board that the monitoring wells need to be capped because they are in the middle of the construction for the Transfer Station. Gerry asked if the Town has something in writing giving the Town the authority to cap the wells and Joel replied yes, CMA has a letter from NHDES granting the approval. Charlie stated that before the Town does any capping, Joel should have a copy of the NHDES letter.

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 7ion of the conduit run for the transfer station scale house, 2nd Gail Ellis. Motion carried with Gerry McCarthy abstaining.

ula asked if the Board would be interested in completing a site walk at the transfer station site so they can see what is happening. The Board agreed this would be a good idea and it will be scheduled for 5pm on July 26, 2010.
4. Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Signature Authorization:
Alan informed the Board that these contracts are the same contracts that the Board reviewed earlier for the ARRA funding and that at this point the grant requires a Selectman be appointed to be the authorized signatory. This grant is 100% funding. Alan questioned if the amount of work could be completed with the amount of funding that was approved but found the quotes that the previous administrator received. Charlie asked what would happen if these quotes are not accurate what would happen and Alan replied that the Town would have to go back to the NH Office of Energy and Planning and explain the situation and they would instruct the Town how to move forward by changing the scope of work. Charlie asked if the Town meets the ADA Compliance requirements within the grant. Alan reviewed the grant and stated that he the Town is okay in regards to ADA compliance.
an Funk motioned to authorize Paula Proulx, as the Chairman, to sign any and all agreements/contracts, amendments to contracts, affidavits, agreements or obligations on behalf of the Town for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant, 2nd Gerry McCarthy. Motion carried with all in favor.

Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 7w Roman;font-size:6pt;color:#000000;">nd Charlie King. Motion carried with all in favor.

6. Updates:
A. Town Administrator Hiring Process – Alan explained that 27 resumes were received and recommended each Board member select their top six candidates for interviews.

Alan informed the Board that Wright-Pierce is still awaiting a response on the funding change request.

The PSNH Smart Start program contract will be ready to be signed and approved after their visit.

Charlie asked if Alan met with Ms. Miller and Alan replied no, but he did send her a letter after reviewing all the information and he concurs with Joel’s decision.

Charlie noted the Town was awarded $6400 in drug forfeiture money that the Board agreed could be used for the purchase of tazers under the condition that a policy be given to the Board on their use. Also, the camera policy for the PD was previously reviewed but was missing a page and asked Alan if he could remind them that the Board is awaiting a complete copy.

Review of Minutes:
A. Joan Funk motioned to accept the public minutes of July 12, 2010 as amended, 2nd Charlie King. Motion carried with all in favor.

7:14pm, Charlie King motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II (b), 2nd Gail Ellis. Roll call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes), Gail Ellis (yes), Charlie King (yes), and Joan Funk (yes).

At 7:37pm, the Board came back into public session and Paula stated the non-public minutes were sealed.
At 7:38pm, Charlie King motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II (b) and (c), 2nd Gail Ellis. Roll call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes), Gail Ellis (yes), Charlie King (yes), and Joan Funk (yes).
At 8:18pm, the Board came back into public session and Paula stated the non-public minutes were sealed.
Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 7:#000000;">Gail Ellis. Motion carried with all in favor.
Charlie King motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 6-21-10 part B as amended, 2nd Joan Funk. Motion carried with all in favor.

Joan Funk motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 7-12-10 part A as written, 2nd Charlie King. Motion carried with all in favor.

Gail Ellis motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 7-12-10 part B as written, 2nd Joan Funk. Motion carried with all in favor.

Joan Funk motioned to table the non-public minutes of 7-12-10 part C, 2nd Charlie King. Motion carried with all in favor.

Gail Ellis motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 7-12-10 part D as amended, 2nd Joan Funk. Motion carried with all in favor.

Joan Funk motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 7-12-10 part E as amended, 2nd Charlie King. Motion carried with all in favor.

9:17pm, Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gerry McCarthy. Motion carried with all in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary
Board of Selectmen Meeting Minutes 7