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Selectmen Minutes 03/08/2010
Monday, March 8, 2010
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectmen Present:      Chairman Paula Proulx, Gerry McCarthy, Gail Ellis, Charlie King                                 and Joan Funk                   

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Tony Mincu, Director of Public Works Joel                            Moulton, Police Chief Scott Roberge, Lt. Kevin Willey and                                       Water/Wastewater Superintendent Dale Sprague.

Public Present: Mike Funk and John Quinn

Chairman Paula Proulx opened the meeting at 5:00pm.  Paula asked for a motion to go in non-public to have the discussion with the Police Chief.  Charlie King motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II (c), 2nd Gail Ellis.  Discussion followed where Police Chief Scott Roberge requested that the discussion on the cruisers be held in public.  Charlie King withdrew his motion and Gail Ellis withdrew her second.

The Board discussed that they could move the non-public from the end of the meeting to now since the public meeting is not scheduled until 6:00pm.  Charlie King motioned to go in non-public under RSA 91A.3.II (c), 2nd Gail Ellis.  Roll Call - Paula Proulx (yes), Charlie King (yes), Gail Ellis (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes) and Joan Funk (yes).

At 6:00pm the Board came back into public session.  Gail Ellis motioned to seal the non-public minutes from tonight, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.

1. Public Comment:

2. Review of Minutes:  
Joan Funk motioned to postpone the review of minutes until the end of the meeting, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.

3. Downtown Business Passport Drawing:
Joan explained the closure of the promotion is scheduled for April 15th and the drawing should be the following Monday’s meeting.  Paula asked how the promotion is going and Joan replied that it is on-going and she hasn’t heard anything good or bad about the promotion.

4. Discussion with Police Chief Regarding Cruisers:
Joan requested to make a comment first. (Her comments have been recorded verbatim upon her request):

Joan: "I'm going to recuse myself from commenting on this discussion and I want you to know why.  I've been accused tonight of orchestrating this fiasco, and having the press here and my son here.  I had no knowledge of either one of them coming tonight.  I have also been told that a photograph of you, Chief, has been taken leaving my house on a day after a non-public meeting; which I would invite you or any other employee to come to my house anytime whether it's after a meeting or not."
Scott:  "I've never been to your house."
Joan:  "And I just feel at this time any comments, even though I have knowledge of this type of thing having dealt with it indirectly for over thirty years as I have mentioned several times on this Board.  That I would do nothing but hurt your department and I would not do that intentionally or otherwise.  So, at this point I will recuse myself from this table until this discussion is over."

Paula began by reminding Scott of his previous discussion with the Board in December in regards to how the vehicles were going to be used and be possibly switched around.  The agreement was that Scott was going to come back in and discuss with the Board exactly how the vehicles would be moved around.  Since then the vehicles have been moved without that conversation with the Board occurring.  Paula stated she was looking for comment from Scott on how this agreement was breached.

Scott replied he did not feel he breached the deal and when he reviewed the minutes of 12-21-09 he saw the mileage of the cruisers was discussed which is how the Board justified cutting the cruiser maintenance line by 20%.  He then added that he further sent a memo, dated December 2, 2009, to the Board regarding the cruisers when he was expecting the delivery of the newest cruiser in December and the installation of the cameras in the cruisers and the radio system in the Charger.  Also, included in the memo was that the camera training was rescheduled because the camera installations were not complete. The memo explained what he was anticipating to do with the cruisers, the installation of the cameras and a copy of the policy for the cameras.  He said there was no response from the Board and then Tony called him in on 2/11/10 to tell him Gail had issues with what happened with the cruisers and that he was driving the new cruiser.  Scott stated that he explained to Tony that he was not driving a new cruiser and Tony said he would forward the explanation to Gail in an email.  At this point he thought things were fine, he had nothing to hide and thought he had kept the Board adequately informed.  On 2/19/10 Tony called him again to tell him he was requested by the Board to go in non-public on cruisers and that’s when he called Paula. Scott replied that he views issues in non-public as a matter that he did some wrong which is why he then called Paula.

Paula replied that the last understanding the Board had was that Scott was going to come back and discuss the cruiser assignments with the Board before anything was moved around.  Tony was instructed several times to contact him for information and came back and said that Scott said “he didn’t care what the Board did with the cruisers.”  Scott replied that his response was in regards to the use of the oldest vehicle and he also made the recommendation that he would like to assign that vehicle to the dog officer because it is a better vehicle then what she currently has, but he would follow the Board's wishes.  Tony had told him that the Board wanted the oldest car to go to Code Enforcement and he said that was fine, he would go with whatever the Board decided.  Tony asked him if he wanted to go to the meeting and discuss keeping the car and Scott told him it wasn’t necessary because he had the impression that the Board had already made up their minds.

Paula stated that the instruction to Tony was to have Scott come to the meeting and then the Board was told you wanted to keep the car for the dog officer.  The Board said no to that because Code Enforcement needed a car.  She added that the conversation should have continued from there.  Scott replied he had one discussion with Tony and that he told him if it was the Board’s wish to give the car to Dennis then that was fine and though he would like to keep it, he certainly wasn’t going to disagree.  Paula then stated that the Board asked for Scott to come to a meeting and then got the information that he was reluctant to meet, so the Board asked to meet in non-public because we had the conversation that we wanted to meet again before any vehicles were moved around.  Scott replied he was shocked by the request to go in non-public because he thought it was all worked out because Tony said he would email the information to Gail and if there was something more he would get back to him.  He didn’t hear anything more until 2/19/10 when Tony said the Board wanted to meet with him in non-public.  He stated he hadn’t been spoken to once or had any questions from the Board since the December budget meeting.  Paula commented again that the last conversation between the Chief and the Board included the agreement that he would come back to the Board before making any changes.  Scott replied that he recalled discussing all these cruiser issues through the budget process and also followed up with a memo and he has not been asked any questions since the 12/21/09 meeting up until 2/11/10.  Tony added that he spoke with Scott sometime in January in regards to the cruisers.  Paula said Scott should have had some discussions because the Board has requested information through Tony.  Scott replied that he has given Tony any and all information that he has requested and he is still surprised that this is an issue because it was discussed so much during the budget season.

Charlie commented that back in the fall the Board had subsequent discussions with Scott regarding the cruisers and the agreement was to get back together when the second cruiser arrived to make decisions on how the vehicles would be moved around.  The follow-up meeting never occurred and he didn’t feel the issue was ever resolved because the information was never presented and discussed with the Board after the second cruiser arrived in December.  Scott replied he disagreed because he forwarded information on 12/2/09 in regards to a timeline of vehicle dispersion and cameras and he discussed the vehicles at great length with the Board in regards to what cameras would go into what cars.  Charlie disagreed stating that the memo was not the discussion that the Board and Scott had agreed to have and Scott replied he did meet again with the Board on December 21, 2010.  Charlie said that was a budget meeting.  Scott then stated that it was discussed and for years he has always gotten rid of the vehicle with the highest mileage on it.  

Scott then stated that he was asked by Tony why he got rid of the car with the highest mileage.  Tony said he was instructed by the Board to find out why Scott took over a 2008 and Gail added that she had asked the question.  Scott explained that his vehicle officer made the decision based on what was the most equitable and he didn’t really care what vehicle he drove.  The decision was made by them to put him in the second to oldest vehicle in the fleet so that the dog equipment would not have to be moved again in 11-12 months.  Gail then commented the discussion should have come to the Board because her question was why all the dog items were put in a 2008.  Scott said it was purely a logistical and economical move and the mileage in both of the oldest vehicles were about the same.  Paula asked why after previous discussions with the Board on communicationdid Scott not feel he should have come to the Board to discuss this.  Scott replied that he answered all the Board’s questions and forwarded a memo with no response and he really felt this move into the second to oldest vehicle was a smart choice to make.

Paula asked how many miles are on the 2005-1 and Scott replied 130,000 miles.  Paula asked why he wouldn’t have kept that car for himself since he responds the least.  Scott replied that he thought it was common sense to get rid of the oldest vehicle in the fleet in regards to mileage.  Paula replied the reasoning would make sense for regular patrol cars and Scott replied that he does respond on calls.  Paula said the last thing the Board knew was that there was a camera going into the 2008-1 and now we know you are in that car and things have been changed around and the Board had no knowledge.  Paula then stated that in her phone conversation with Scott it was decided that in lieu of him coming to the Board meeting he promised to have the information requested in the Board’s boxes and he promised to have it in there Monday morning.  Then Tony had relayed the message to the Board that you said we had all the information and we didn't.  Scott replied that on 2/19, when he called Paula he asked why he was being asked to go in non-public and she said it was because the Board had questions regarding the cruisers and Gail had questions as to why he was driving a new vehicle.  He had explained that he wasn’t driving a new car (his had 42,000 miles) and Tony said he sent Gail emails explaining that.  Scott then stated that Paula told him she was going to call Gail and get back to him,  Paula called back in about an hour with more questions like why the K-9 car was a 2008, he answered them and Paula said she was going to call Gail back again and then get back to him.   She called back and requested the cruiser information including what cars had cameras and Scott replied he had no problem and would make sure the Board had the information for the meeting.  Paula replied she asked for current mileage and cars with cameras.  After hanging up the phone Scott told Lt. Willey what the Board was looking for and Lt. Willey said all the information was in the budget packets and the memo so Scott called Tony on Friday afternoon explained what Paula had requested and he believed all the information was there in the memo and budget packets and Tony agreed saying he believed all the information was there.  Scott told him if the Board needed anything else to let him know.  Scott then called back on Monday to make sure everything was there or if he needed to come to the meeting and then he found out there were issues.  Paula asked Tony if that’s what he recalled and Tony said he didn’t recall Scott offering to attend the meeting.  Scott replied he called on two separate occasions and Tony told him “I’m sure the Board is not even going to get to you because the agenda is so full.”

Paula commented that there is still some kind of communication breakdown and the Board wants to know what they can do to eliminate it.  Scott replied that maybe if the Board wants something they could vote on it and forward it in writing because he is under the impression the Board has things and there are no issues and then months later there are issues.  Paula then reminded Scott of the original plan for Scott to come back in and meet with the Board when the second cruiser was received in December.  Scott replied he didn’t really care what happens with the red car and all the cruisers and he will do as the Board wishes but he is not sure why it is such an issue.  Paula explained that other departments in town are in need of vehicles and the police cruisers can be recycled to these departments to save the taxpayers’ money.  Plus by putting the dog stuff in a 2008, a camera was installed in a 2005.  Scott explained that when the 2005 was purchased he had it because the Board voted to do so and therefore the mileage was low, which goes to show the department is dedicated to get the best and most use of each vehicle.  Plus, when he looked back the Town has spent over $14,000 in repairs to the red car and the warning lights are still on.  Gerry replied that one resolution would be to go back to a per-diem animal control officer.  Scott commented that the town used to do this and had issues with keeping the position filled.  With the current person they have been able to collect $9000 a year from a $12,000 a year position and Animal Control is a huge headache in town.

Scott commented that when Tony called him, he said he would keep the red car and do whatever the Board wished.  Paula replied that the Board and Scott had not had that discussion.  Charlie commented that they had agreed (Board and Chief) to meet and have a discussion on what was going to happen.  That meeting never happened and it was up to Scott to schedule the meeting with the Board.  Gail added that if that meeting had happened then this discussion would not be occurring tonight.  Scott replied that he provided the Board with the memo and if the Board had replied with any questions he would have responded.  Charlie replied that the memo was not complete and Scott stated that at the time the memo was complete.  Charlie said that subsequent since the memo Scott has made changes to the fleet without any discussion with the Board in regards to their thoughts and this is the only issue the Board has.  Scott replied that he runs the agency and he doesn't look at his job as a power thing but as a service and he has consistently done what is best for the Town and the agency.  Paula asked why he didn't come back and meet with the Board then and Scott replied he didn't realize there was an issue.

Gail commented that the issue is the lack of communication from what was agreed upon months ago to reading purchase orders and wondering what is going on with vehicles being swapped around.  Scott replied that we have discussed the vehicles in great length and Gail commented that her issue is with the 2008.  Scott then asked Kevin Willey to inform the Board on the process on how the decisions were made on use of the vehicles.  Kevin Willey stated that when they originally looked at the cruisers they were going to make the 2008 a front line vehicle but when they looked at it fiscally the 2005 had limited repairs and they were looking to get another 2-3 years out of it.  They felt it didn’t make any sense to spend the money to relocate the dog cage several times when the 2008 will be in town for four more years or so.  Kevin noted it is much cheaper to move a camera for $600 to $800 then move the dog equipment and the next purchased cruisers will get the camera currently installed in the 2005 and keep it for 5-6 years.

Gail commented that if this discussion had occurred weeks ago before any vehicles were moved around, there would not be an issue now because we would have had communication and we would have all been on the same page.  Scott replied he didn’t realize it was an issue because he has been moving vehicles around for years without having meetings with the Board.  Gail then commented that the meeting was agreed upon back in the fall that the Board wanted to be part of the conversation as to what was going to occur with the vehicles and the P.D. discussed all the switches with the vehicles but it never came before the Board.  Scott stated he provided a memo with all the information and there were no comments from the Board so he assumed it was okay.  Charlie then stated that again there was an agreement to meet and discuss the vehicles and make a decision as a group but this did not occur.  Charlie pointed to RSA105.A and stated that maybe the Board should create a written policy on how town vehicles will be organized.  Scott stated he was never asked to come back and discuss any of this with the Board and Paula replied he had.

Paula then clarified that when the cruisers were discussed in December it was during budget season and not about cruiser placement or installation of cameras, this was a budgetary meeting; apparently there was a communication break down again.  She then asked Scott if he really believed the Board did not want to discuss this with him.  Scott replied no, after the budget meeting he thought it was resolved.  He noted that his focus has always been to put the best vehicles on the frontline for patrol and there has never been a problem for the 13 years he has been with the department.   Scott said the Board is all welcome to come down to the station or call anytime; but he never gets any calls including from Joan.  He also stated that he has never been to Joan’s house and if the Board ever has a question that should just call him.

(The next section has been recorded verbatim per the request by Joan Funk)
Mike Funk: "Hey Paula, are the public allowed to comment on what we just heard?"
Paula: "It's up to the Board."  (she looked to the Board and they all agreed it would be okay) "Yes"
Mike Funk: "Should I sit, stand?"
Paula: "Whatever you want to do, whatever makes you comfortable."
Mike Funk: "Well, I've been sitting so I'll just stand."
Paula: "State your name for the record."
Mike Funk: "Mike Funk.  Before I comment on Chief Roberge I want to say the eve of an election, because you don't normally see me here, I think maybe one other time I've been to one of these meetings.  Eve of the election I wanted to come and support my mother.  My mother had no idea I was coming.  Driving by at five o'clock seeing all the cars here I thought I had the time wrong.  I came in and it was kind of joked, hey here's another guy coming in for a six o'clock meeting.  I thought the meeting was at six but with all the cars here.  I stopped.  So.  I didn't appreciate the fact of my mom having to excuse herself, on somebody accusing her of orchestrating something that involves me.  So shall that be known right now, she had no idea I was going to be here and I would think you guys would have a whole lot better to do than to do that amongst each other.  Anyway, in regards to this, which I didn't expect to hear, to be honest with you.  I've been in law enforcement, I'm a veteran of law enforcement for sixteen plus yeears.  Having heard some of the things that were said.  It sounds as though dating back all the way to November.  November, December, January, February, March; almost five months of confusion it sounds like.  And it sounds like it's taking you guys, five months, to sort out that confusion and I'm wondering if a public person that's sitting at home watching this knows at all what happened in the last hour.  It just seems really, really ridiculous for a whole hour you guys talked about communication.  This is what I got out of it.  Communication and how cruisers were going to be cycled and all that and having worked in police work for so long I just have never seen anything like it.  The police chief for the department I worked for always dictated where the equipment went, always dictated how the equipment was going to be used.  When it came to budgetary issues, of course, the elected officials, that's what the taxpayer.  Me as a taxpayer, that's what I would hold you folks accountable for because you are spending my money.  But who better to dictate how the equipment is going to be used than the people who are actually using it.  I don't understand why you folk's expertise is so much better than two police officers that are at least here today."
Paula: "I think Mike, not to interrupt you, but that's probably where your confusion comes in."
Mike: "Well, if I'm confused then the person at home watching this on tv is confused.
Paula: "I bet they are. I'll tell you why because if they've watched this all along they pretty much know what's been going on."
Mike: "Well, I watched a couple of them.  I watched a couple of these on tv and as far back, I watched the meeting on the budget and even tonight I listened to you say about the budget that was all fine and good."
Paula: "Yes."
Mike: "So that's a budgetary thing."
Paula: "That's correct."
Mike: "So, moving equipment around from cruiser to cruiser and cost effectiveness and stuff like that.  I could understand a Board being concerned if it was a, if it was an expenditure if you will."
Paula: "Well, it is."
Mike: "Well, I mean to spend five months on something that."
Paula: "It wasn't five months spent.  Maybe, I don't know if you really want me to reiterate this whole thing again."
Mike: "I don't"
Paula: "Well then, okay."
Mike: "But November, December, January, February, were into March."
Paula: "That's what's happening."
Mike: "Well Paula, listen to what I'm saying."
Paula: "I am, I heard every word you said."
Mike: "I can almost maybe see why there is some confusion.  Five months of what even you two said, beating a dead horse, and it seems like he's walking away now with okay there's going to be a policy, so now that there, so now that there's not going to be confusion because they, these folks will have a policy to go by.  But I don't understand who would be better suited to dictate where equipment goes.  I heard Mr. McCarthy say."
Paula: "We would have a say as to that conversation.  That's where it comes in.  Because we have like I said before, I stated if you didn't catch it, was that we also have other town vehicles that we have to usually rotate their hand me downs into.  Okay, in which we have to take care of, we have to figure out what we are going to do with them.  So the conversation with the police department which is relevant to their equipment and how they plan on utilizing it is really relevant to how we take those hand me downs and actually distribute them through the rest of the Town.  Okay, their input, their always the ones you're going to look to for the input on how they use them, what they are doing, where the things are, the most cost effective way to go.  But we also need to do the same thing with the other town vehicles because we utilize their hand me downs. Dale gets them, sometimes the highway department gets them, code enforcement gets them.  You know and we have to figure out which ones are going where and how we're going to best utilize them."
Mike: "Right, but what's that got to do with the PD?  Once they rotate a vehicle out and you folks get it and you reassign that vehicle to where ever, they wash their hands of that vehicle."
Paula: "Right, but we also had to purchase cameras and everything this year.  So we had asked him to do that.
Mike: "And I worked on a department we had all that.  We had laptops, we had all that and we rotate vehicles and basically did the same thing that I heard both of these gentlemen explaining."
Paula: "Okay, so your point is, so we don't spend an hour and confuse the people even more."
Mike: "Well, I'm not going to spend an hour.  I'm a taxpayer I'm allowed to make a comment and you folks said I could make a comment."
Paula: "And we'll let ya."
Mike: "And I wanted to defend the fact that somebody obviously commented in this room before we came in that my mom orchestrated something.  She did not communicate anything with me, I explained that.  Hopefully, every person at home was listening to that.  And secondly, not knowing that this was going to happen and haven been in law enforcement for sixteen plus years and knowing how vehicle turnover occurs, how equipment changes.  We actually got Enzo from Farmington, I think maybe you were on the board when that happened."
Gerry: "Did what?"
Mike: "One of your police dogs, Enzo, I worked over in Milford and we acquired that dog, so I have an idea, it was a great dog, it was a great dog. Anyway, knowing how that works and listening to the explanation, understanding the explanation and you folks not understanding his explanation.  It just seemed a little confusing.  That's my point.  So if I was confused then I can't. If I was confused and I have over five years of college, then I'm going to guess the laymen at home was a little bit confused.  That's my point."
Paula: "Don't underestimate."
Mike: "What's that"
Paula: "Don't underestimate."
Mike: "Honestly I'm not. All right. Thank you."

Joan Funk rejoined the meeting.

5. Public Works:
A. Update on Baler Swap –Joel informed the Board that he did evenly swap for the two containers has agreed upon and provided photographs of them.  They are in excellent condition.  Charlie commented that he thinks this is the best deal he has seen all year.

B. C & D Discussion – Joel stated that in reviewing the previous discussion on the C & D fees he found there was never an official vote taken but the consensus was to apply those fees to the landfill closure fund.  Gerry McCarthy motioned for all fees collected at the landfill, including the C &D to be placed in the Landfill budget for the remainder of this year.  Tony suggested waiting until after the Town Meeting for this vote so there is a clear fund title for this money.  The Board agreed this was a good idea and Gerry withdrew his motion.

C. RFP Levee Tree Clearing – Joel received the following RFPs for the tree clearing along the levee.  The contractor will be utilized to cut and remove the large trees which exist within the Town’s right-of-way of maintenance.

Urban Tree Service                              $1100.00/day
Jungle Jims                                     $1919.00/day
DJ’s Tree Service & Logging                     contacted/no response
Top Notch Tree Service                  contacted/no response
Burke’s Tree Service                            contacted/no response

Charlie commented that one bid quoted for an 8 hour day that included travel from their facility and back which would result in a 6 hour day of labor and therefore he wanted to know what the other quote was based on.  Joel replied he would get a full 8 hour days work out of both companies and both companies were told they would be assisted by Town staff and equipment.

Gail asked Joel if he is comfortable with the low bidder and Joel said yes, he is confident that he would get a full day’s work from them.  Gail then followed up by asking if the other bidder would be the better choice because they list a lot more equipment and Joel explained both companies have comparable equipment, one just chose to list them all.  Charlie commented that “assisted by Town staff” should have been part of the RFP and Joel replied he would be sure to include that next time.  Charlie King motioned to go with Urban Tree Service in Rochester, NH for $1100/day; 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

D. Update on Landfill Closure – Joel explained he is doing some research with CMA, Wright-Pierce and Dale on a potential cost savings plan for the sludge but they are still investigating so he will bring information to the Board when he has it.

E. Landfill Capping Soil – Joel put out an RFP for the impervious soil material for the landfill closure and received three quotes;

William Renaud, Jr.                     $4.70/cubic yard                4.30 E-8
Interstate Soils, Inc                   $4.78/cubic yard                1.10 E-7
K & B Crushing                  $5.40/cubic yard                1.10 E-7

The RFP was posted on Construction Summary, Foster’s, Town Website, TV 26.  All the quotes meet the required permeability that the State (NHDES) requires to utilize as capping material.  Gerry McCarthy motioned to purchase the capping soil at $4.70/cubic yard from William Renaud, Jr., 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.

F. Curbside Garbage Pick-Up – Joel explained that Joan had requested figures for curbside garbage pick-up.  He received the information from Waste Management and their figures are $7 a home plus $72/ton which would be about $530,592 a year for the Town.

G. FEMA-Rainstorm Estimate – Joel explained that the State is coming through to investigate damages from the most recent rainstorm and he has estimated his department’s expenditures for the storm to be $60,000.  If the state deems this a FEMA reimbursable event it will then go to the President for approval.

H. School and Library Request – Joel informed the Board that the school brought their tvs and monitors down to the landfill and would like to know if the fees can be forgiven and also the library asked if they also could dispose of some equipment in the same fashion.  The cost of the school disposal is $105 and the library cost is $108.  Joan Funk motioned to charge both the library and school department their respective disposal fees of $108 and $105, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried with all in favor.

I. Other – Charlie asked Joel if he contacted the resident he talked to him about with the culvert that keeps washing out.  Joel replied no, he was really busy but he will get to them this week.  Robert Hall stated that the Goodwill is advertising that they are accepting computers (working or broken) for free because they are recycling them.  Lastly, Joel asked if the Co-op presentation for Town meeting could possibly be moved to the beginning of the agenda and the Board said it could probably be arranged.

6. Water/Wastewater Department:
Dale explained that Wright-Pierce provided the pricing and specifications for the Powerflex 70 as requested.  Dale suggested using the Powerflex 70 at 50HP for all the drivers except for the three that would require the Powerflex 700 and noted that the 70 comes with different specified horsepower so each would be determined on need plus a little to allow for expansion.  Paula asked if the 70 would limit the expansion and Dale said he is planning for all possible expansion over the next 30 years.  The total increase to the cost to change the three drivers for the effluent pump station from the Powerflex 700 to the Powerflex 70 is $9000, which is a change order and would provide a $1200 savings per year.  Charlie King motioned to go with the Powerflex 70 for the three Variable Frequency Drives for the Effluent Pump Station to be specified with reasonable output at a total of $9454 for the change order, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried with all in favor.

7. Other:
A. Paula informed the Board that a letter was received from NHDES River Management Program reminding the Town they are still looking for a Planning Board member to be part of their committee.  Paula asked Tony if Kathy Menici received a copy of the letter and he said yes.

B. Paula informed the Board that a letter from Strafford County Commissioners was received to say there is a 5% decrease in the Town’s assessment.  The new police dispatch assessment is $8,844.45 which is down from $9,309.95 and the new fire/ems dispatch assessment is $5,787.40 which is down from $6,092.00.

C. Tony informed the Board that the drive shaft of the Town Clock has been removed and is being repaired.

At 8:20pm, Charlie King motioned for a short recess, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting reconvened at 8:25pm.

8. Review of Minutes:
A. Joan Funk motioned to accept the public minutes of 2-22-10 as amended, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.

B. Charlie King motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 2-22-10 as amended, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with Joan Funk abstaining.

C. Charlie King motioned to accept the 3-1-10 non-public minutes as amended, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:37pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                          Vice-Chairman, Gail Ellis

__________________________                      _________________________
Gerry McCarthy                                  Charlie King

Joan A. Funk