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Selectmen Minutes 01/25/2010
Monday, January 25, 2010

Selectmen Present:      Chairman Paula Proulx, Joan Funk, Charlie King, Gail Ellis and Gerry McCarthy.
Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Tony Mincu, Public Works Director Joel Moulton, Water/Wastewater Superintendant Dale Sprague and Town Clerk Kathy Seaver.
Public Present: Sylvia Arcouette, David Wile and Tim Lang
At 5:35pm, Joan Funk motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II. (a) and (e), 2nd Charlie King.  Roll Call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes), Charlie King (yes), Gail Ellis (yes) and Joan Funk (yes).
At 6:22pm the Board came out of non-public session with a roll call vote and Chairman Paula Proulx opened the public meeting.
  • Public Comment:
  • Sylvia Arcouette, resident, read her letter of resignation from the Economic Development Committee to the Board.  The letter stated she was resigning due to her frustrations surrounding the fact that as a committee they have had a lot of great ideas but that she feels they have had no support or direction from the Board of Selectmen and without that imperative support they are rendered pointless.  She gave the example of the recent survey the Committee gave to the Selectmen in December in which they only received two back.
  • David Wile, resident, requested permission to have free access to the landfill to dispose of the wood part of a mobile home he owns that was destroyed by water damage.  Charlie asked how long it would take to dismantle the home and dispose of the wood and Mr. Wile replied he isn’t sure because he wants to make sure he has another home ready to go on the lot before he tears down this one.  Charlie then asked if the flooring and carpeting would be going to the landfill with the wood and he replied yes and that this is a hardship for him because the insurance company totaled the home due to water damage.  The Board was in agreement he could dispose of the wood materials from the mobile home at no charge as long as it meets the requirements of what can be accepted at the landfill.  Charlie King motioned to waive the fees associated with the disposing of the demo wood debris from David Wile’s mobile home with the debris being disposed of be accepted based on Joel Moulton’s determination, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried.
  • Gerry commented to Sylvia Arcouette’s comments in that the questionnaire she was referring to was very difficult to answer and that this was the first time he remembers being approached by the Economic Development Committee and he would be willing to meet with any of the committees in Town.  Paula replied that the frustration lies with the fact the Committee was looking for direction from the Board in the questionnaire and they did not get a response from several Board members.  Also, on other times the Board has had several discussions on topics but do not take action.  Gail commented that she agrees with Gerry’s comments and it would be better to have a meeting regarding the questions in the questionnaire.  The Board was in agreement that some of the questions on the survey were difficult to answer on paper without a discussion and it would be a good idea to have a joint meeting with the EDC.
  • Computer Network Discussion:
Tim Lang of The Network Managers and Trainers, Inc. (TNMTI) informed the Board that they provide management of servers that are accessed through the internet and that they manage all hardware and keep them updated.  He explained the proposed contract in that Microsoft Office comes with the contract under the “Virtual Office Solutions.”  This area covers the licensing for the programs as well.  The contract also includes phone and in-person support for any and all computer issues.  The labor is inclusive to the contract and any additional fees would only be for hardware purchases like a new PC that would be held and used in town.

Charlie asked what the limit is on the amount of data saved and Mr. Lang replied 4G per user.  Charlie asked what the additional cost would be if the Town added GIS to their system and Mr. Lang replied he is not sure and it would depend on what software the Town would be using, but if it is just data storage then there wouldn’t be an additional cost.  Charlie then asked what the quoted fax line is for.  Mr. Lang explained that he cannot take this cost out of the contract because it is part of the program; it allows a user to click on a document or file and fax it straight from their computer rather than printing it out and bringing it to a fax machine.
Charlie then asked why the Town would want to pay for 10 email accounts when we have more than 10 users and we already have email accounts.  Mr. Lang replied that they can provide as many email accounts as the Town would require and that by all departments and employees having the same domain it would provide a more professional and organized environment for the public.  TNMTI would register one domain for the Town at no extra cost and would allow those who are trying to contact individuals an easier way to do so.
    Gail commented that she was not comfortable with the termination of contract requiring a sixty day period of default after notification.  Mr. Lang replied that if they were not meeting the 99% satisfaction rate then they would consider that a breach of contract on their behalf and the Town would not have to wait the sixty days and that the intent is to provide them sixty days to solve a problem that may require additional software or hardware; of which the delivery they would have no control over.  Kathy Seaver commented that she checked with other towns that contract with TNMTI and they have had no issues.  Mr. Lang stated he would reword the section of the contract to meet the intent and bring the requirement down to 30 days.
Charlie asked what will happen with the Town’s current sonic wall.  Mr. Lang replied that it would stay in place but that they would monitor it to ensure that it is working properly at all times.  He then added that the sonic wall backs up data and software so the whole system can be restored quickly if it was to crash.  
Gerry asked Kathy Seaver and Tony if they both recommend this service and they both replied yes.  Charlie commented that he would like to see the revised contract as discussed tonight.  Gerry McCarthy motioned to accept the proposal from TNMTI with the agreed upon changes in the contract for $22,260 over 3 years, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.
Joan Funk motioned to pay the TNMTI contract out of the Technology fund, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried with all in favor.
At 7:30pm, Charlie King motioned for a short recess, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.
At 7:36pm the Board reconvened.
C. Public Works:
        1.  The Board signed the Snow Ordinance.
        2. Application for NH DOT Sign Grant – Charlie asked if the town is going to have input on the type of signage ordered and Joel said yes, but once they are purchased the town will be responsible for maintenance and replacement of the signs.  Charlie King moved to authorize Tony to sign the NHDOT High Risk Sign Grant, 2nd Joan Funk.  Discussion followed in which Gerry said he would agree to the grant only if the town has input on the type and placement of the signs.  Charlie added that Irving Oil is coming before the Planning Board for an expansion of their current site and would need to be kept abreast of any signage changes on Rte. 11 and Rte. 153.  Motion carried with all in favor.
        3. Gerry asked what is happening with North Main Street from Webster Street and down and Joel replied that he sent correspondence back to the New Hampshire Department of Transportation (NHDOT) to say the Town was not interested in a swap that would include the bridge and has not heard anything back since.  
4. Gerry said that he would like to have Tony, Joel, Rich, Scott and the Board all write letters to NHDOT/Bureau of Traffic in regards to the traffic safety issues on Rte. 11 and the Board was in agreement.
5. Bucket Loader Discussion – Joel informed the Board that there is a used loader bucket for sale in Bangor, ME that he would be interested in purchasing and that is being held.  Charlie commented that the photographs do not show the two areas (pins and bottom) that are his main areas of concern but if they were in good condition that it would be a good purchase.  Charlie King motioned to approve the purchase of used loader bucket contingent upon inspection by Joel Moulton and John Radcliffe that it is in good or very good condition and the cost does not exceed $4000, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.
6. Amendment to Jacobs Contract – Joel explained the amendment is to approve Jacobs as the engineer for construction oversight and it is part of the cost package so it will not cost the Town any money above the 80/20 scope.
D. Water/Wastewater Department:
        1. Sludge Interface Detector Discussion – Dale explained this is a unit that will be installed in two circular clarifiers and is an early warning system that will page Dale or whoever is on call when the sludge levels are increasing.  He added that these detectors can probably be used in the sludge holding tanks of the new plant and that they are included in his 2010 budget.  Charlie asked how the sludge is currently being monitored and Dale replied that they do not monitor it when they are not at the facility currently.  Charlie then followed up by asking how long it takes for the sludge to rise 3-4 feet and Dale replied that it depends on the weather but bacteria and such can rise 3-4 feet in just 2 hours.  Joan Funk motioned to purchase the sludge interface detector for $3,100, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.
        2. Update – Dale informed the Board that Ed Leonard of Wright Pierce sent over a memo to update the Board on what has been happening with the wastewater treatment facility over the past few weeks.  NHDES has not provided written feedback to the plan but Ed sent them another letter stressing the fact that the Town needs firm direction from them in order to move forward with any plans.
Gerry commented that the change orders will cost the Town and Dale replied no, the changes will be covered under the contingency costs and he requested the changed drivers for efficiency purposes.  Gerry then asked to be informed of future meetings so that he can attend them if he is available.  Charlie added that he would also like to be informed of meetings.  Paula noted that she is concerned that Wright-Pierce did not make any efforts to evaluate/re-evaluate the potential impacts of financial assistance from Rural Development or DES and that impact on our funding level from a 5 to a 3.  Dale replied that he has been assured that the Town status will not alter from a 5.  Dale then added that he forwarded the 50% drawings for the Plant and Draft Sequencing Batch Reactor Pre-Selection Procurement Package for Selectmen review.  
Charlie asked Dale to review the change orders.  Dale reviewed the change orders.  For #3, RIB Finished Surface Treatment – the material on-site is coarser than originally thought and they are discussing screening the material prior to construction.  Wright-Pierce will provide a cost estimate for the screening for the Board’s consideration; the potential cost is $26,656.  For change order #4 a silt pocket was identified in one area under the edge of the RIB.  The silt pocket was removed for $1188 so the infiltration will not be impacted.  Change order #5 is to remove large boulders that were found in RIB -3.  Change order #6 is an ongoing discussion between SUR Construction and Wright-Pierce to decide if additional grading modifications occurred because there is some disagreement on how the  plan was interpreted.  There is also some discussion with SUR Construction as to if they will need to excavate 12-18” of RIB, refine it and then put the materials back in and regrade or excavate the area and bring in outside material.  They are discussing which option is the most  cost-effective.  Charlie asked if the Town has any materials that can be used in the Sarah Greenfield Park area and Dale said he would look into it.
Dale informed the Board that he and Wright-Pierce would like to meet with them after February 17th when all the proposals are in.  The Board suggested meeting on the 22nd.
E. Finalize Budget:
1. Paula asked if line 5 (deputy town clerk) is the full cost of the position based on a 40hr. work week and Tony replied this is the salary for one position only and that the additional 10 hours are no longer part of this budget.  Paula asked where in the budget the approximate $8723 that was in line 21 go to and Tony explained that he would have to check with Pam in the morning.
2. Tony stated that the Executive line 12 can be reduced to $12,157 because the Town is no longer contracting with Covisia.  Charlie commented he is concerned the town is paying for support from different companies instead of just one.  Kathy Seaver commented that they talk to tech support weekly if not daily for help.
3. Paula asked where the outsourcing for the cleaning of the buildings is budgeted and Tony said that it does not have to be budgeted for because it can be paid out of the rental revenue.  Paula then asked about the mowing outsourcing.  Tony replied this is not in the budget right now but the Board might want to load $5000 in.  Paula asked if the new job description for the maintenance worker includes mowing and Tony said yes.  The Board decided not to add the $5000 into budget for the purpose of mowing because it should be able to be done in-house.  Gail then asked who will be cleaning the rec and Tony replied that the Rec. workers will clean that building.
4. Charlie asked why the SRF fund is up $469,000 and Tony explained it is because of the landfill closure capital funds that has $550,000 loaded in it though it is not to be raised through taxation.
5. Charlie asked if the insurance through Primex can be reviewed for better pricing and Tony replied that he has been investigating the other options.
6. The total taxes to be raised as the budget stands is $3,053,030.
7. Kathy Seaver commented that she understood that 5 hrs. each were added to Dale and Joel’s budgets to cover the 10 hours that were in her budget for the deputy town clerk.  Tony commented that he would double check with Pam in the morning.  Gerry stated that those 5 hours each should come out of those budgets and put under the Executive budget and that the benefits need to be loaded if they are not already.
F. Facilities Request:
Gerry McCarthy motioned to approve the facilities use request by Class of 2011, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.
G. Updates:
1. Tony informed the Board that the generator is being installed on Tuesday.
2.  Gerry asked if there was any response to the letter regarding the abandoned equipment and Tony said no and he will contact legal to see what the next step is.
3.  Tony stated the boiler issue has been resolved.
4. Joan asked what the procedure is for hiring a plow wingman and Tony explained that there is not a set procedure, Joel just has a list.
At 9:38pm; Charlie King motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II. (a) and (e), 2nd Gail Ellis.  Roll Call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes), Charlie King (yes),  Joan Funk (yes) and Gail Ellis (yes).
At 10:02pm, the Board came back into public session through a roll call vote.
5. The Board signed the Economic Revitalization Zone paperwork.
6. Paula gave Tony a letter regarding grants that are coming available.

At 10:08pm, Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary
______________________________                  ______________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                                  Vice-Chairman, Gail Ellis
______________________________                  ______________________________
Gerald McCarthy                                         Charlie King
Joan A. Funk