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Selectmen's Minutes 1-11-10
Monday, January 11, 2010
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectmen Present:  Chairman Paula Proulx, Gerry McCarthy, Charlie King, Gail Ellis and Joan Funk                               

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Tony Mincu, Director of Public Works Joel Moulton and Finance Administrator Pam Merrill.

Chairman Paula Proulx opened the meeting at 5:00pm.  

Joan Funk motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91.A.3.II (b), (c) and (e), 2nd Charlie King.  Roll call – Paula Proulx (yes), Charlie King (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes), Joan Funk (yes) and Gail Ellis (yes).

At 7:15pm, the Board came out of non-public session with a roll call vote.

1. Public Comment: none

2. Review of Minutes:  
A. The Board decided to wait until the end of the meeting to review when Brandy was present.

3. Public Works Budget Review:
A.  Pam said to stay level at current tax rate the entire budget would need to be reduced by $100,000.  The highway budget bottom line without benefits is $999,693 and with benefits it is $1,154,450.
B.  Joel forwarded his intended work schedule for 2010 to the Board.  Charlie stated on the catch basin repairs, it says you are working on Ridge Road by the corner of Gerry Lane, is this where you repaired this year.  Joel replied yes, it is not holding and needs to be replaced.  Charlie also asked about the other roads that were scheduled for this year and postponed because he was waiting on the drainage study.  Joel replied he isn’t sure what the drainage study will find but he suspects Bunker Street will need 2-4 catch basins and those are not on the work list.  
C. Joel forwarded more information on chip sealing and sand sealing to the Board.  Charlie commented the true cost for sand sealing is not listed because the costs for the sand and labor are not included and then questioned what the additional cost for these would be.  Joel replied it would be about $10,000 for sand and then two to three days in labor.  Also, sand sealing is good for 3-5 year and chip sealing has a 5-8 year life.  Charlie stated that the potential true cost of sand sealing is only 15-20% cheaper but the life of chip sealing is longer by two years.
D. Gerry suggested cutting the “painting of lines” budget line in half to be $10,000 and using this money to paint half the lines this year and half the next year so the roads will be on an alternating schedule.  Joel replied that some of the roads like Hornetown and Meetinghouse Hill Road should be done yearly for safety reasons due to the curves and fog.  Board was in consensus to reduce the line to $10,000.
E. Charlie asked if the employee training line could be cut by $500.  The Board reduced the line to $2000.
F. Gerry asked how much the 2008 encumbrance was for the rental mower and Joel replied $3350.  Gerry asked if the line can be reduced and Joel explained the line includes the mowing of the landfill and the levee.  The Board agreed to reduce the line to $4500.
G. Charlie asked how much is budgeted in the calcium chloride line that was pulled out of the rebuild/repave line and Joel replied $37,630.  Charlie followed up by asking what projects are scheduled to use the 50 hours of hydraulic hammer and Joel explained almost every project because there is ledge in the ditches.
H. Charlie asked what the bucket is for that is budgeted in the new equipment line and Joel replied the 1988 loader at the landfill.  Joel added that right now he can get a decent used loader bucket for $3500 and save potentially $5000.  Charlie commented he would like to see the line cut and have Joel purchase the used chipper, walk behind saw and bucket and then whatever else he can from the line.  The Board reduced the line to $18,000.  Joel asked if he can purchase a used loader bucket for $3500 would the Board entertain authorizing the purchase.  The Board said yes and directed Joel to look at his 2009 budget to see if he can find the money.
I.  Gerry asked if the cost of the cutting edges have gone down with the price of steel and Joel replied no.  Gerry asked if the line could be reduced and Joel replied no, he already under-budgeted this line item.
J. Charlie noted that he saw Joel’s new quotes for the dumpster and questioned what the specifics were.  Joel explained it is for an 8 yard dumpster with monthly pick-up for $97 a month.  Charlie asked Joel to forward the companies information to the Fire Chief.
K. Noting the budget still needed to be cut significantly so there would not be a tax increase on the town side Charlie suggested pulling the Ten Rod Road chip seal project.  Joel explained that he has been trying to budget a road a year for maintenance to keep the roads in good shape but every year the road maintenance gets cut and he is unable to do the work.  Paula commented that though the River Road project is important the investment the Town already has in Ten Rod Road is much higher and maybe the River Road project should be cut first.    Gerry suggested cutting the Ten Rod Road chip sealing project in half for this year.  The Board agreed that was a good idea and reduced the rebuild/repave line by $33,000.

4. Landfill Budget Review:
A. Gail suggested reducing the pest control line to $200 and the Board agreed.
B. Gail asked if the repairs/parts line could be reduced to $6500.  Joel explained this line is mostly for the landfill loader repairs because the machine is in its last days but it he needs it for one more year.  The Board agreed to reduce the line to $6500.
C. Paula asked how much was encumbered in 2008 for the recycling line and Joel replied $720.  Paula suggested reducing the recycling line to $1500 and the Board agreed.
D. Gail asked if line 73 can be reduced to $1000 and Joel replied that it is based on Waste Management costs.  The Board was in consensus to reduce the line to $1000.
E. Gerry suggested reducing the demolition fee line to $5500 and the Board agreed.

5. Encumbrances:
A. Charlie King motioned to encumber the Safe Routes Grant for $61,136.95 based on an engineering summary that was submitted, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.
B. Charlie King motioned to encumber the FEMA funds designated to the highway department in the amount of $67,932.28 based on an estimate for materials for work to be completed on the project list that is based on an engineering study and to be approved on a case by case basis, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.
C. The 2009 Loader Repair line of $26,830 was discussed.  Charlie stated he is not in favor of encumbering these funds because the transfer station plans are not solidified yet.  Paula replied that the taxpayers already appropriated this money and she thinks it would be wise to put it towards a compacter to save on the closure funds.  Joel provided the Board with a signed price for a compactor and Paula explained the document would justify the encumbrance to the auditors.  Gail Ellis motioned to encumber the loader repair line of $26,830 for the purpose of purchasing machinery for trash compaction, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.   Discussion followed in which the Board was in agreement that they were unsure of exactly what equipment would be purchased for trash compaction so Joel will have to come back to the Board for approval.  Motion carried with Charlie King opposed.

6. Snow Ordinance/Parking Ban:
        A. Gail reviewed the draft ordinance and noted that it should be added that the Police Chief will notify dispatch in the event a ban is put in place.  Joan commented she didn’t see why dispatch wouldn’t be added to the list of contacts Joel made so there is no question of the contact.  The Board agreed this would be a good idea and Joel will amend the draft to add Strafford County Dispatch as a place he contacts when applying a ban.  Charlie King motioned to add “Strafford County Dispatch” behind “police department” in the proposed snow ordinance, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with Gerry McCarthy opposed.

7. Intent to Cut:
        A. Paula explained Bonnie brought her a bunch of Intent to Cuts to sign but there were notes on the tops of the forms that said “see attached.”  Paula said she feels if there are recommendations attached to the Notice of Intent to Cut then the Board should review them at a meeting and approve rather than have them come through the signature file.  Joel added that he and Bonnie discussed this and Bonnie will make sure these get on the Board agenda if they have recommendations on them; plus they are working to create a checklist for recommendations that can be attached to make it easier.
        B. Gerry McCarthy motioned to approve the Intent to Cut by Thomas and Rachel Prescott with recommendations by Joel that they will 1. post a minimum bond of $5000, 2. If not using the existing driveway to access the Cross Street the following conditions should be applied; a. install a temporary culvert with ditch line at a minimum of 15” diameter with a minimum of 30 linear feet and 3. the contractor will advise the DPW prior to commencing work so roadway may be inspected for existing conditions., 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.
        C. Gerry McCarthy motioned to approve the Intent to Cut by Heidi Faulkner with the same conditions as the previous motion, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.
        D. Gerry McCarthy motioned to approve the Intent to Cut by Peter and Bette Daley with the same conditions as the previous two motions, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

8. Highway Other:
        A. Gail explained she received a call from a resident on Ten Rod Road that Joel told them their culvert needs to be replaced but they are having an issue coming up with the money to do so.  She asked Joel for the cost of the culvert to forward to these residents.   Joel replied he would get the cost and forward the information.
        B. Joan asked if Joel is renting trucks to move snow with Town employees driving them.  Joel replied yes, that he has done this for several years though he won’t be any longer because the option is no longer available.  Charlie asked why this was being done and Joel explained it was more cost effective to rent a truck then pull a sander out of one of the other trucks but he will have to rent a truck with a driver in the future.
        C. Charlie informed the Board that during a Planning Board meeting it was brought up that the Town dumps treated snow in the Sarah Greenfield Business Park which is not actually allowed in the Aquifer Protection Area.  He then asked if the snow can be put somewhere else.  Joel replied that NHDES allows them to dump the snow within so many feet of the aquifer and they are okay with this use plus there is no other place in town to dump the snow.  Also there is silt fencing and bark mulch where the snow is dumped for treatment and he is 250 ft. from the wetland.

9. Administration Budget Review:
        A. Executive – Charlie asked what the $15,000 for Covisia is for and Tony explained it is for computer maintenance.  Charlie asked if some of this could be cut based on recent discoveries and Tony said he will be receiving other quotes tomorrow.
        B. Administration – Charlie asked what the line description is for that says health and medical for Chief and Sergeant Wives.  Pam explained this is a subsidy paid for medical for the wives of a deceased Chief and Sergeant that was agreed upon by the Selectmen at that time with no end date.  Charlie then asked if the payroll outsourcing is for the payroll checks and Pam said yes, they do all the checks and reports.  He asked what the temporary coverage line is for and Tony explained it for coverage for Megan when she is out.  Charlie asked if that time can be covered by office personnel and Pam explained that the office personnel can cover Megan for sick days but when she is out on vacation for a week this becomes very difficult.  The Board decided to reduce the line to $1500 and only use it for extended vacation coverage.
C. Planning and Zoning – Paula asked Tony if Kathy Menici had an opinion on SRPC and Tony said that being new she didn’t feel comfortable taking a position either way.  Charlie commented he would concede to not funding the line.  Gerry felt something should be left on the line just in case and the Board agreed to reduce the line to $1000.  Gail asked if the printing/ads line could be reduced and Pam replied it should not be cut because this year’s figure is not a true figure because Dan had her do the bookkeeping differently for awhile, which made it difficult and they are just getting back to the old way.
        D. Elections – Charlie questioned if the line description “additional 10 hours/revenue” is an old description.  Pam replied that she is unsure and that line 21 should be reviewed as well.  The Board will review these lines at a later date.
        E. General Government Buildings – Tony reminded the Board that line #38 was reduced by one part already.  Paula asked if the line is a true figure for one and Pam replied it is for one whole and part of another to get through to Town Meeting.  Gail asked what line #47 is based on and Pam replied one 2 person policy.  Charlie asked if the electrical costs is just for the lights and Tony replied it is for the whole building including the PD.  Charlie suggested having PSNH come in and do an audit and make recommendations thereafter.
        F. Street Lighting – Charlie asked why there is an increase when the Town did an upgrade to reduce the costs.  Tony explained that PSNH did not start assessing the payback until two months ago.
H. Health Agencies & Hospital Requests –
  • The Board agreed to fund the VNA request at $13,322.
  • The Board agreed to fund the Sexual Assault Services request at $1492.
  • The Board discussed the Juvenile Court Diversion program in which Gerry suggested cutting the line because they serve multiple towns and cities without getting money from them.  Pam added that they never requested their funds in 2009.  Gerry suggested cutting the line because there was no formal request and the Board agreed.
  • The Board agreed to fund the American Red Cross request at $500.
  • Gail suggested level funding the Homemakers request at $4601 to be consistent and the Board agreed.
  • Gail recommended not funding CASA.
  • Gail recommended not funding the Big Brothers/Big Sisters request.
I. Welfare – Charlie asked if the Town needs to budget for welfare rents and if they are reimbursable at the state level.  Tony said they do have to be budgeted for and the reimbursement rate is approximately 5%.  The Board agreed to reduce the line to $75,000.
J. Building Inspector – Pam explained there is about $8000 in the special revenue fund for Dennis to start 2010.  She further explained that she uses the special revenue fund till it is depleted and then goes to the budget line and depletes that before returning to the Revenue fund.
K. Reserves –
  • Charlie asked why $3500 is being budgeted for a Rec. van.  Tony replied the revenue fund currently has $800 in it.
  • Charlie suggested cutting the technology fund line because there are no projects pending.
  • Paula asked what is involved in the highway equipment line and Tony said there is $3,903 on the line.  Paula said she would be inclined to shift $11,000 from the tech line to the highway equipment line.  The Board agreed this would be good idea.
  • The cost of a new ambulance if $140,000 - $150,000.
  • Gail suggested reducing the water infrastructure line to $10,000.
10. Fire Department Budget Review:
A. Charlie asked for an explanation of line 155.  Pam explained it is an old not so     she would double check the figure.
B. Charlie commented that the retirement line might need to be addressed and            Tony will get the figures from Diann Pitre.

11. Other/Updates:
A. Gail suggested Tony have the department heads each look at their budgets again and try to cut $10,000 and the Board agreed this would be a good idea.
B. Charlie asked if the longevity line in the PD budget is still a valid figure with the recent retirement and Pam said she believes so but she will check to see if she can reduce the figure by one portion.
C. Tony informed the Board the new generator is coming in this week and the server is up and running.
D. Kathy Menici forwarded an application to the Board for Revitalization Zoning.  Charlie asked what the impact would be.  Tony stated it gives potential business owners the opportunity to apply for state tax credits.  The Board was in consensus they would like more information before accepting.
E. Gerry McCarthy motioned to table the minute review, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with all in favor.

At 10:54pm, Charlie King motioned to go in non-public session under RSA91A.3.II (c), and (e), 2nd Gail Ellis.  Roll Call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gail Ellis (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes), Charlie King (yes) and Joan Funk (yes).

Gail Ellis motioned to adjourn, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11:08pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                          Vice-Chairman, Gail Ellis

__________________________                      _________________________
Gerry McCarthy                                  Charlie King

Joan A. Funk