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Selectmen's Minutes 12-14-09
Monday, December 14, 2009
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectmen Present:      Chairman Paula Proulx, Gerry McCarthy, Gail Ellis, Joan Funk and Charlie King.

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Tony Mincu, Public Works Director Joel Moulton

Public Present:Bill of CMA Engineers

Chairman Paula Proulx opened the public meeting at 5:55pm.

Joan Funk motioned to go in non-public session under RSA91A.3.II (b), 2nd Charlie King.  Roll call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes), Charlie King (yes), Joan Funk (yes) and Gail Ellis (yes).

At 6:38pm the Board came out of non-public session.

1. Public Comment:none

2. Public Works:
A. CMA Engineers – Interim Transfer Station
Joel explained that he has worked with CMA Engineers to create two draft proposals for an interim transfer station and asked the Board for their input on how he should proceed.  Charlie asked Joel what option he prefers and Joel explained that he prefers option two because he feels the Town will get more for their money in the long run.  Bill Johnson of CMA explained that the Town is very lucky in that they have the last online landfill in the state but NHDES is requiring closure in 2010.  They have proposed soil capping of the landfill because the water quality impacts are so minor and almost non-existent, though final approval has not come yet.  If soil capping is permitted the impervious soils are the only materials the Town would need to purchase for capping because all other materials are readily available in town.  He further explained that there is a State 20% Land Closure Fund but it is currently not funded however it can be applied for retroactively if it is funded again in the future.  

Bill then explained both proposed options.  Option 1 calls for the trash to be compacted with a backhoe which is not very efficient and will cost the Town more in trucking because the containers will not be filled to capacity.  Option 2 is more costly in that it calls for a hydraulic compactor for the containers.  Charlie asked if the figures include labor costs for town workers and Joel said no, it is for materials only.  Gerry stated he is concerned that the Town crew does not have time to do this work.  Joel replied he is confident the Town crew can complete the work.  Charlie and Gerry said they would like to see a plan set-up like option 2 without the compactor and scale.  Paula asked how much the difference is between the compaction with a backhoe and a compactor.  Bill replied the compaction is 50-75% greater with a compactor which would result in about 10 containers as compared to 18 compacted with a backhoe.  Paula and Gail both stated they would initially be in favor of purchasing a compactor because it would be more cost effective.  Joel stated that one 4 yard container and compactor is $38,000.

Charlie stated he would like to see an amended layout with more efficient use of the land and Gerry asked Joel to get the trucking costs as well.  The Board also requested the complete closure costs so that they have a better idea how much money will be left in the closure fund to purchase transfer station materials.

Joan asked what the advantage is to building an interim station and Bill replied that option 2 would provide the Town with a more permanent solution.  Both options are viable for as long as the Town deems them appropriate and expansion would not be possible because the site is so tight, plus no buildings could be constructed.  

B. Winter Storm Maintenance
Joel informed the Board that during the storm event on 12/9/09 several issues arose with vehicles parked on roads throughout the Town, children sledding in the roads in Campbell Commons and residents pushing snow into the roadway.  He would like permission to implement an emergency parking ban with support from the Police Department during storms like this.  Joan asked who would make the decision to put such a ban in place and Joel replied he and Scott would.  Joel further explained that the downtown parking is not an issue because they can plow around it but the problem is on the side streets and in rural areas.  Gerry said there is also a problem with a people parking on the sidewalks.  The consensus was that there should be no parking on any street during snowstorms except in designated parking spaces in the downtown.  Joel will draft a proposal and bring back to the Board for approval.

At 8:18pm, Joan Funk motioned for a recess, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.

At 8:24pm the Board reconvened.

C. Other
a. The Board directed Tony to send his draft letter to the resident with the dump sticker issue.
b. Joel will follow-up with the plowing complaint by Ron Nolan.
c. Charlie asked if the speed limit change signage was installed on Meetinghouse Hill Road and Joel said yes, he installed two signs.  Charlie commented that he doesn’t believe they were placed in the right spot as the new 30mph zone was supposed to be from the intersection of Meetinghouse Hill Road and Ten Rod Road to past the new guardrails on Meetinghouse Hill Road.  Joel said he would relocate the signs.

3. Funding Requests:
A. Tony informed the Board that the 2010 projected Municipal tax impact as the budget stands now is an increase of $21,848 from 2009.  The total taxes to be raised is $3.3 million with a projected tax rate of $7.15.  The current tax rate is $6.57 because the Board bought down the $7.48 rate with the unreserved fund balance this year.  Tony will schedule the final budget reviews for the next three Mondays and the Board will decide on the funding requests once the department budgets are final.

4. Other:
A. Tony explained that the salary lines has a surplus of $51,569 due to the fact that they were budgeted for at 53 weeks, the difference in staff turnover at lower rates and that the salary increases were budgeted at 3% and only given at 2%.  Tony suggested instituting a limited buyback of vacation time for full-time employees at a buyback of 25 hours for employees with over 80 hours on the books.  27 employees would be eligible for this buyback and the cost would be approximately $14,484.  Also, it was brought forward by staff members to give a gift card or cash in the amount of $100 to each employee this year with these funds (knowing there will probably be no increases in 2010), the cost to do so would be $4600.  The Board was in consensus to table the decision on the $100 to all employees until next Monday.

Charlie King motioned to offer a limited vacation hour buyback per Tony’s recommendations at 25 hours for those employees with 80 hours or more on the books, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Discussion followed in which Gerry stated this is being funded with over appropriated money and maybe it should be used in other ways.  Charlie replied that the funds are being used to decrease the liability to the Town for those hours that would need to be paid out eventually anyway though he would like to look into changing the policy so vacation hours cannot be accrued.  Motion carried with Gerry McCarthy opposed.

B. Paula asked Tony if he looked into the legality of selling the equipment abandoned on Town property and Tony said yes, and that he will be sending a letter to the owner of the equipment with a drop dead date to remove the equipment.

C. Paula asked Tony for an update on the generator and Tony replied he is getting another quote.

5. Review of Minutes:
A. Joan Funk motioned to accept the public minutes of 11-30-09 as amended for grammatical changes, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

B. Joan Funk motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 11-30-09B as written, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

C. Joan Funk motioned to accept the non-pubic minutes of 11-30-09B as amended to reflect the correct meeting time, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.  Meeting adjourned at 9:28pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                          Vice-Chairman, Gail Ellis

__________________________                      _________________________
Gerry McCarthy                                  Charlie King

Joan A. Funk