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Seelctmen MInutes 11-2-09
Monday, November 2, 2009
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectmen Present:      Chairman Paula Proulx, Gerry McCarthy, Gail Ellis, Joan Funk                            and Charlie King.

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu and Public Works Director                              Joel Moulton.

Chairman Paula Proulx opened the meeting at 5:32pm.  

1. Public Comment:
A. Paula informed the Board that Tom DeJulio put together some information on the Christmas lights.  They are 15 watt bulbs and the north system is controlled by an electric eye so they only run at night.  The 2008 light bill cost for this section was $679.52 and the south system runs all day so that light bill was $190.00.  The total light bill for the lights in 2008 was $869.52.  The Board was in consensus to not extend the lights this year.  Gerry stated he will talk to Tom and see how many circuits are running on the south end to see if economical to install an eye.  The Board was also in consensus to start getting the original sets ready.

2. Application to the Economic Development Commission:  
Gail Ellis motioned to appoint Joan Funk to the Economic Development Commission for three years, 2nd Charlie King for discussion.  Discussion followed in which Gerry pointed out that he is not sure Joan can be serving on this Commission because there is already a Selectman seated.  Gail Ellis withdrew her motion and Charlie King withdrew his second.  Gerry and Tony will look at the Commission’s policy to see if this would be okay and the Board will discuss on Monday.

3. Town Vehicle Policy:
Charlie stated that he recalled the third paragraph should state that all the requirements (a) through (f) have to be met.  The Board agreed and Tony will add.  Also, under #1 and #2 the word “and” needs to be deleted at the end of the sentences.  Joan commented that she still does not agree with giving Department Heads mileage for emergency calls because they were not hired under those conditions.

4. Drainage Study:
Joel Moulton explained that he spoke with Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. as requested and received a memo from them explaining the reasoning behind the request for additional funds for a drainage study.  The request is for an additional $6677 to complete the study.  Charlie asked if Town staff assisted with the removal of the basin and manhole covers to take the physical measurements.  Joel replied yes, his department assisted with this task.  Charlie followed up by asking why the Board is just hearing about this need for a study when Jacobs is almost at the tail end of their contract.  Joel replied that they are only 55% complete and they have just now completed their field work, which shows the missing information as a whole.  Charlie stated that it seems reasonable they should have known the information was missing at the beginning of the project.

Gerry stated that he originally voted against this project but the Town is in this far now and it only makes sense to finish with a completed project at this time.  Gail commented that the Board should require Jacobs to seek at least 3 bids and then contract with the lowest bidder.  Joel stated he will contact the survey company on the telephone and post the RFP on the web to solicit bids and then bring back to the Board next Monday.

5. Safe Routes to School Grant:
Joel informed the Board that he has been approached to assist with Round 4 of the Safe Routes to School Grant.  He asked the Board to sign a letter of support for the grant and they signed it.  Joel explained that this round of the grant is for infrastructure and is 100% reimbursable.  They are looking to complete the sidewalks on Lone Star Ave and Civic Street with this grant, though it is due next Monday.

Gerry asked Joel for an update on the road swap with NHDOT and Joel explained that he is still waiting for a response from them though he did just send a follow-up email.

6. Town Report Bids:
The following bids were received;
        Country Press                           $1240.68
        Cocheco Print Works                     $2507.75
        PROforma                                $1550.00
        Staples                                 $4397.25
        Select Print Solutions                  $1649.00

Joan Funk motioned to contract with Country Press to print the Town Report, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.

7. Updates:
A. Paula stated that the Town was officially awarded $306,213.00 for the CDBG grant for the Wastewater Treatment Facility.  Gail asked who’s going to the workshop and Tony replied that he and Dale are.  Tony said that he is going to pursue with CDBG who the grantor for the grant will be.

B. Charlie stated that he received information from LGC that health care costs are going up and asked if this is the only plan they offer or if there are other levels of coverage available.  Tony replied there are cheaper plans based on different deductibles and co-pays.  Charlie asked if the Town should look into other plans and companies for comparison and the Board agreed to discuss this at the next meeting.  Also, Charlie suggested the Board also look into the workman’s comp. programs as well.

At 6:32pm, Gerry McCarthy motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II. (b), 2nd Charlie King.  Roll Call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes), Charlie King (yes), Joan Funk (yes) and Gail Ellis (yes).

Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 7:36pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                          Vice-Chairman, Gail Ellis

__________________________                      _________________________
Gerry McCarthy                                  Charlie King

Joan A. Funk