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Selectmen Minutes 10-26-09
Monday, October 26, 2009
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectmen Present:      Chairman Paula Proulx, Gerry McCarthy, Joan Funk, Gail Ellis                            and Charlie King.

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu, Public Works Director Joel                            Moulton and Water/Wastewater Superintendent Dale Sprague.

Public Present: Steve Dean, Ed Leonard of Wright-Pierce

Chairman Paula Proulx opened the meeting at 5:33pm.

Gail Ellis motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A:3.II (a) and (d), 2nd Charlie King.  Roll Call – Paula Proulx (yes), Charlie King (yes), Gail Ellis (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes) and Joan Funk (yes).

Paula resumed the regular meeting at 6:33pm.

1. Public Comment:
a. Steve Dean stated that he would like to make a Santa visit during the tree lighting and would also like to do a Santa toll on Main Street the day after Thanksgiving and Dec. 12th in order to collect money and/or unwrapped gifts for needy children for the CAP office to distribute this holiday season.  The Board agreed this was a great idea and thanked Mr. Dean for his generosity and asked him to check with Rick Conway at the Rec first to make sure he doesn’t have other similar plans.

Paula then asked Mr. Dean if he knew anything about the CAP (Community Action Program) request to rent the second floor.  Mr. Dean replied that he knew they just received a new grant position.  The Board discussed that they would need more information before making a decision; they would like to know if the space would be adequate based on space, access and egress, what the Town liability would be and the historical rental charge for the space.  Tony will look into this information.  Mr. Dean also noted that the handi-capped ramp in the rear is severely insufficient and in need of repairs.  The Board directed Tony to have this looked at.
2. Review of Minutes:
a. Charlie King motioned to accept the morning public minutes of 10-19-09 as presented, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Discussion followed in which Gerry thought the minutes should be clearer as to what each individual increase was.  Motion withdrawn.
Gail Ellis motioned to table the morning public minutes of 10-19-09, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.

b. Joan Funk motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 9-21-09 part B as presented, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

3. Applications for the Downtown and Business Committee:
Joan Funk motioned to accept Joan Kotsiroplos and Keith Henderson into the Downtown and Business Committee, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with Paula Proulx abstaining.

4. Updates from Wright-Pierce:
Ed Leonard of Wright-Pierce informed the Board that he had a workshop with Dale and they discussed the preliminary design report he forwarded to the Board and how to utilize the existing equipment and still meet the requirements of the new plant.  This report is considered 30% design and is far from 100% complete but now is the best time to make changes to the design to increase value and/or decrease cost.  He is currently awaiting review comments from the Board, the EPA, Rural Development and NHDES.  Once the report has been reviewed by all parties the actual architectural, electrical and such planning will start.

Gail asked what the difference in the cost is attributed to, noting that the $8.96million projected cost estimate is higher than what was allocated  She asked Mr. Leonard to explain how he arrived at the original figures and how that has changed from the study phase.  Mr.Leonard explained the difference is that this is a better estimate because the materials (ie. the equipment) is more set in stone.  In the study phase the numbers were based on similar projects Wright-Pierce has constructed and not specifically Farmington.  He noted that he is fully aware of the budget scope and though it concerns him, it does not worry him.  It is still early in the design and modifications can be made, plus he is working to make the bottom line match by moving the scope of work around between the different phases since the RIBs came in under budget.    He noted that the Town is in design phase now and this phase still holds a contingency for inflation and even more specific costs that are unknown at this time.  Gail questioned if the scope of work has changed and he said no, the scope hasn’t changed at all but for example a mechanical septage retrieval unit for sludge was eliminated and a more cost effective manual way to handle the septage has been included.  

Gerry stated the $8.9million is more than what was allocated for Phase 2 and Mr. Leonard agreed noting he is working to concede some of the Phase 2 project scope to the RIB Phase 1 so that the project stays on budget.  Mr. Leonard explained that both NHDES and Rural Development have agreed to move some of the scope of work from Phase 2 into Phase 1; these items include the effluent screening and modifications to the current sludge tank. (DES approved moving approximately $550,000 worth of work for these items to Phase 1 and Rural Development also agreed but was waiting for the written report for the final go ahead.  Mr. Leonard expects final approval from Rural Development in November.)  Charlie asked what will happen if the report is sent to these outside agencies for approval and the Board reviews it and then wants to make changes.  Mr. Leonard replied that he would send a memo to those agencies outlining the Board’s recommendations for review and approval.

Paula asked what “other operations” is for in the report under Phase 1.  Mr. Leonard explained that this is a Rural Development worksheet but this line is for start up assistance, warranty and field work for the monitoring wells.  Paula asked if these costs were anticipated and Mr. Leonard explained that the columns show the difference in the estimated costs in April and then the formal contract values that were given when the grants were finalized in July.    Paula then questioned what the $516,170 is for in Phase 2 that reads for future RIB.  Mr. Leonard apologized stating this should have gone under misc. and it is what he is proposing to slide out of Phase 2 for the sludge and screening to take advantage of the funding.  

Paula stated that there was originally a $660,000 contingency built into the project that is now down to $412,000 and questioned if Wright-Pierce is comfortable with that.  Mr. Leonard replied that he is comfortable with the figure because the original numbers were study numbers and they now have more concrete and real numbers in this phase.  Paula then asked for a more in-depth explanation as to why the cost is up.  Mr. Leonard explained that Great Bay Estuary is going to be a bigger deal than previously thought so they had to increase the size of the sequential batch reactors and blowers that go with them and some of the increase is due to knowing more about the project as it goes along.  Mr. Leonard further stated that as the project gets closer and closer to completion the contingency will get smaller and the numbers closer to a final number.  Paula commented that if the RIB Phase 1 had not come in under budget the Town would be in a very different discussion right now and it worries her to think this project would have been needing an extra $800,000.  Mr. Leonard replied that all he can say is the project began in 2005 and the estimate process in 2008 and a lot of the numbers have changed over the past three years.

Charlie pointed out several suggestions for streamlining the infrastructure so there would not be so much redundant power, piping, heating and tankage.  Mr. Leonard took notes and will review each of the suggestions for cost effectiveness and feasibility.

Joan Funk motioned to authorize Ed Leonard of Wright-Pierce to forward this report to the appropriate agencies, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried.

Charlie King motioned for a short recess, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried at 8:08pm.

The Board reconvened at 8:16pm.

5. Public Works:
a. Levy Survey Update – Joel Moulton informed the Board that the levee has been surveyed and flagged with driven metal pins.  He drafted a letter to the residents along the levee and would like the Board’s approval to mail it out to the residents to remind them of the levee maintenance requirement.  His crew is doing the smaller maintenance work but the trees on  the power lines will be contracted out in next year’s budget.  Charlie asked about the items within the maintenance area that pre-date construction of the levee and Joel replied that he knows what is pre-dated.  It was noted that pre-dated means construction prior to 1956 which Joel will add to the letter; plus he will also attach a copy of the levee plan with the signature stamp and registry number on it to the letter.

b. Survey of Drainage Study – Joel explained to the Board that Jacobs has requested a survey for the Drainage Study area; adding that they do act in the best interest in the Town and have given us many extras at no cost.  Charlie asked Joel if he asked Jacobs to increase the scope of work and Joel said no.  Charlie pointed out that in the original bid Jacobs stated they knew the GIS information was lacking and yet now they are requesting additional money to do the work they knew they were going to have to do.  Joel replied that he didn’t think they realized how lacking the information was.  Paula commented that Jacobs has completed what they said they were going to do and have found missing information they would like to complete.  Charlie replied that their bid said they would fill in the missing information.  Joel added that the relative data from SRPC was so far off that it was not helpful.  Gerry stated that he thinks the decision should be tabled so that all the Board members can have all the appropriate paperwork in front of them to review.  The Board agreed and Joel will also get more information from Jacobs in writing as to what their proposal is.

c. Used Vehicle Bids – Joan asked how Joel got bids for the trailer when it wasn’t posted.  Joel explained the ones who bid on the trailer work for him and know it is there.  Charlie suggested putting the vehicles outside the gate to see if some additional bids might come in over the next two weeks; plus he would like Joel to get some prices for scrapping them.  The Board agreed this was a good idea and directed Joel not to repost but to just except inquiries at the garage.

d. Hydro-Seeding Bids – The following bids were received;
        Cameron’s Landscaping   $0.35 SF
        Simply Green Hydro-Seed         $0.35 SF

Gerry McCarthy motioned to accept the bid by Cameron’s Landscaping at $0.35 SF, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Discussion followed in which Charlie asked if the hydro-seeding would take this late in the season.  Gerry stated that the Town has worked with this company for years and they are dependable and stand behind their work so he has no concerns.  Motion carried with Charlie King opposed.

e. Grinding Bids – One bid from Thomas Huckins was received for the grinding for a lump sum of $5000.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the bid for grinding of demo debris at the landfill by Thomas Huckins for the sum of $5000, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried with all in favor.  Gail pointed out that the RRP did not clarify what type of insurance is needed and Joel explained it is liability but that he will clarify this in the future.

f. Engine 2 Fire Truck Update – Joel provided the Board with a memo that stated his department did the inspection as requested and found Engine 2 meets all NHDOT inspection requirements with the exception of needing an exhaust and muffler and re-plating of two tool boxes. Joel further stated that the Fire Chief indicated that the water tank appears to be leaking, the pump failed the last test and the security of the passenger portion does not meet the NFPA standards for safety because there are jump-seats in the rear.  Charlie asked what the cost is for a pump test and Joel replied about $125 for a certified test.  The Board directed Joel to have his department chase the leak to the tank to see what repairs are needed and get a cost for the exhaust work.

g. Driveway Culvert Policy – Joel informed the Board that he drafted this policy with the Board’s direction.  Gail stated that one thing she noticed was there was no determination of who the culvert is paid to and who will let Joel know when a culvert is paid for and should be released (verification).  It was discussed that section B should be changed to read the Town can install culverts under certain conditions described and that this is only for updated/upgraded culverts in an area the Town is working is and not for new infrastructure.  Charlie pointed out that if RSA 236:13, VI is cited correctly then the Planning Board should appoint Joel as the designee.  Also, it was decided that all payments should be in the form of check or money order payable to the Town of Farmington and received by Joel or Barbara only at the DPW office.  Joel will revise the document and bring it back to the Board.

h. Summer/Fall Maintenance Schedule – Joel provided the Board with a report of the work he has completed this year and/or has pending in the next few weeks.  Gerry asked Joel to look at the ramp at the CAP office.

i. Signage – Joel stated he contacted NHDOT and his contact is still working on the required paperwork for the grant and will forward it to the Town as soon as it is ready.

k. Campbell Commons Easement – Joel asked for an update on the Campbell Commons Easement.  Tony explained that he is waiting for Mr. Campbell to sign the easement.  Charlie stated that he hasn’t received a copy of it yet.  Tony replied that he was waiting for Mr. Campbell to sign it and then he was going to forward a copy to the Board and the easement is for snow removal by the trailer park and that an easement is not needed be on the roads because the Town accepted them.  Paula commented that Mr. Campbell still owns the rights to the roads so an easement is needed; the Homeowner’s Association does not own the road.  The Town vote was to take over the roads but the owner of the road still needs to concede to the agreement in writing.

6. Skylight Bids:
Two bids were received for the repairs to the skylights at the police station and they were;
        Running with Hammers, LLC                       $5,144.80
        Kittery Point Construction and Dev.             $5,148.78

The Police Chief recommended Kittery Point Construction but the Board was unsure why and noted they did not have a copy of the RFP.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the bid from Kittery Point Construction and Development at $5,148.78 to replace the skylights at the police department, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with Paula Proulx (because there was no RFP) and Gail Ellis (because she knows the owner of one of the companies) abstaining.

7. Town Vehicle Policy:
The Board reviewed the policy and Joan commented that #3 was supposed to be stricken and the reimbursement for mileage for emergency situations for department heads still needs to be added.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the Town Vehicle Policy as amended with a copy being sent to the Board, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with Gerry McCarthy opposed.

8. Updates:
a. Gerry noted that the Town clock is not showing the appropriate time.  Tony replied that he is aware of this and already contacted the company that did the repairs.
b. Gerry stated that he is still waiting for an update on the CIP fund from Strafford County Dispatch.  Tony replied he would request it again.
c. Paula asked Tony if he received any quotes for a generator for the Municipal Building.  Tony said he received one quote for $12,150 but that the Town is still accepting bids.  Charlie pointed out that there were several errors in the RFP so it might need to be reviewed.  Charlie also stated that it would be nice if the RFPs could be placed in a more prominent space on the website and if people could sign-up to receive RFP updates like they can for the minutes.  Tony said he would look into it.
d. Paula asked how Tony is doing with the no trespass letter response from the Board and Tony replied that he is still working on it.
e. Paula asked Tony if he found out anything about the recording of the Sarah Greenfield Business Park easement and Tony replied he was still working on it.
Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 10:22pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                          Vice-Chairman, Gail Ellis
__________________________                      _________________________
Gerry McCarthy                                  Charlie King

Joan A. Funk