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Selectmen's Minutes 9-28-09
Monday, September 28, 2009
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectman Present:      Chairman Paula Proulx, Joan     Funk, Gerry McCarthy, Gail Ellis                                and Charlie King.

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu, Public Works Director Joel                            Moulton, Water Superintendent Dale Sprague and Fire Chief Rich                          Fowler.

Public Present: John Nolan, Margaret Russell, Richard Stanley and Tom Lopizzo

Chairman Paula Proulx opened the meeting at 5:36pm.   Gail Ellis motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A:3.II. (a), (b) and (c), 2nd Charlie King.  Roll Call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes), Charlie King (yes), Joan Funk (yes) and Gail Ellis (yes).

At 6:43pm, the Board came back in public session and Chairman Proulx opened the public meeting.

1. Public Comment:
A. John Nolan informed the community that the Women’s Club is hosting a variety show on October 24th at 2pm at the Town Hall in which local talent will be showcased.
B. John Nolan, Drainage Concern – John Nolan informed the Board in writing that he would like the culvert at 27 River Road removed because he fears it will creating ponding on his land and inevitably a swamp.  Joan asked Joel why he installed a culvert there and Joel explained that he has been working on the drainage and the road issues on River Road and during the repairs he found an old clay culvert so he replaced it.  Joel explained that he is trying to control the water that sheets down the road and damages it each year.  Joan then asked if there are ditches and if the road has been repaved.  Joel explained that the ditches are complete but the road is not paved yet though he is hoping to complete the paving in the fall but at the latest in the spring.  Joan asked why he tore up the road if he was not going to replace the pavement.  Joel replied that he spoke to the Board about this earlier and explained that he was spending $2000 to fix the potholes when the road really needed to be regarded to address the problems permanently.

Gail asked if the culvert is removed is there going to be a bigger issue.  Joel replied that there are ditches now and he understands Mr. Nolan’s point of view and he will remove the culvert if the Board approves him to do so.  He further explained that he visited the site during the heavy rain this past weekend and did not notice any pooling in the area Mr. Nolan is concerned about.  Joan asked for Mr. Nolan’s opinion of the weekend’s rain.  Mr. Nolan commented that he is concerned that the water will create a swamp and become a mosquito breeding ground.  
Charlie asked if the water will go down the other side of the road to Rte. 11 if the culvert is removed and Joel said yes.  Charlie stated that he is opposed to digging up the culvert and that Joel should plug the culvert and ditch the opposite side of the road.  Paula asked where the water will go if the culvert is plugged.  Joel explained the water would go down to Rte. 11.

Mr. Nolan stated that he would just like the culvert removed and that he feels it is encroaching on his land by about 46 feet.  Gail asked if he would concede to leave the culvert in to see if it will work properly and Mr. Nolan replied no.  Gerry stated that he visited the site and feels that the culvert may be a problem and would agree to plugging the end.  Mr. Nolan commented that from the center of the road to the end of the culvert is 46 feet.  Gerry replied that if the culvert is encroaching on Mr. Nolan’s property then it should be removed.  Joel stated that to his knowledge his guys only put in 40 feet of culvert so it should only be in the right of way but he will double check in the morning.  The Board was in consensus to get a measurement of the culvert from Joel and revisit this discussion in a few weeks.

2. Review of Minutes:
A. Joan Funk motioned to accept the public minutes of 9-14-09 as amended for clarification, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried.

B. Gail Ellis motioned to seal the non-public minutes of 9-14-09 as written, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried with Gerry McCarthy opposed.  The Board reviewed these minutes in non-public session.

3. Downtown Committee Representative to Discuss Route 11 Signage:
Richard Stanley, representative of the Downtown and Business Committee, stated that they have contacted NHDOT for information on new signage for Route 11.  The Committee would like the Board to obtain visitor service signs for Route 11 to promote more business in the Downtown area.  Paula asked for the estimated cost.  Mr. Stanley explained that the application is $10 and the signs are $204 a piece though there are grants available for their purchase.  Joel added that a representative from NHDOT recently contacted about the rural signage grant and is going to be sending him out the information on it within the next week and he would be willing to look into it further.  The Board was in agreement that they would like Joel to pursue this grant.

Gail asked what type of wordage for the signs the Committee had in mind and Mr. Stanley replied they hadn’t really decided on that.  Mr. Stanley will try to get the Committee together soon to make some recommendations for the signs.

Mr. Stanley also asked the Board to approve an $100 expenditure to print passport books for a Downtown promotion.  The idea is to create a stamp book that customers of the downtown business could use to collect stamps from the different businesses and then turn in for a raffle.  Charlie King motioned to authorize up to $100 for the printing of passports out of the Economic Development line, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with Joan Funk abstaining.
4. Local Government Representative: Meet and Greet:
Tom Lopizzo, of the Local Government Center (LGC), came forward to introduce himself and remind the Board of all LGC has to offer for services to Farmington.  He gave the Board information packets on these services for reference.  Gerry commented that LGC offers a lot of great services but he feels they could work on their communication with the Town a little more.

At 7:50pm, Charlie King motioned for a short recess, 2nd Joan Funk.   Motion carried with all in favor.  The Board reconvened at 7:58pm.

5. Old Business:
A. Time Clock Policy –Gail asked how Joel ended up having time cards in his department when no other departments had them.  Joel explained that he was having some personnel issues and after talking with Tony, based on abuse of time, he added a time clock to his department.  Charlie read an article dated 9/11/09 that read the town of Berwick utilizes a time clock for all its hourly employees.  Charlie stated that he is in favor of time clocks for everyone because not only does it make people responsible for their time it also reduces the amount of time department heads have to spend reviewing time cards.  Charlie stated that he did have some reservations about having the police and fire utilize the time cards but in the “Knowing the Territory” book he found that public safety employees can be paid overtime on work periods based on several weeks.  Gerry stated that he checked around with surrounding municipalities and the Police and Fire Departments don’t generally punch a time clock.  Gail added that she is concerned this policy might create more overtime.  Paula asked if the department heads have any concerns and Joel said he doesn’t have any but Dale said he could forsee some.  Rich stated he purchased a time clock but has not started using it yet because he was trying to work out the details.  Charlie King motioned to put the time clock policy into effect for all departments, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Discussion followed in which Gerry stated he thinks the policy should be revisted in 3-6 months.  Gail offered a friendly amendment to review the policy in 3 months and it was excepted by Charlie and Paula.  Motion carried with Joan Funk opposed.

B. Town Owned Vehicle Policy – Gail asked Tony if he found out if the town owned vehicles are covered while they are not in service at someone’s home and Tony said the Town insurance will initially cover the costs but will go after the person’s home owner’s insurance.  It was then discussed that Dale and Joel should be reimbursed for mileage when called in for an emergency.  Joan disagreed stating that they were not hired under those conditions.  Gerry replied that if they get called in for an emergency then they should get reimbursed for mileage and Gail, Charlie and Paula agreed.  Charlie stated he would also like to see a paper signed if a town owned vehicle is going home that the person will be responsible for any damage to the vehicle while it is not in service.  It was consensus that this be added to the third paragraph of the policy.  Joan asked if the mileage reimbursement is for snow storms as well and the Board agreed it was not.

The Board also added to the policy that seatbelts are required when operating “or riding” in Town vehicles.  Rich pointed out that people in the back of the ambulance are not buckled when providing care and the Board acknowledged that this would be common sense.  Joan asked Joel how dispatch calls him in and Joel explained dispatch calls him and he calls his men in if they are needed.  Joan followed up by asking how Joel accounts for this time and Joel explained he puts notes on the time cards as to the nature of the emergency for reference.  Tony will revise the policy and bring back to the Board at the next meeting.

C. Fuel Bid Results – The following fuel bids were receive;
Company         Gas                     ULSD                            
Webber          $0.18 over rack $0.14 over rack
CN Brown                $0.22 over rack $0.19 over rack

Gerry suggested checking the rack price to make sure the Town is getting the best deal.  The Board agreed and Tony will check to see what the rack price is on one particular day and compare to regular gas stations and the two competitive companies.

Joan then commented that the gate has been being left open.  Joel and Dale both stated that it is not being left open by their departments.  Tony will address this with the other department heads.

6. Sign Warrant for Special Town Meeting:
The Board signed the warrant.  Gail asked if the figure for the grant amount changes the MS-4 that Pam submitted to the State and Tony said that was already submitted so it shouldn’t.

7. Backpack Program Acknowledgement:
Grace Community Church provided 65 school age residents with school backpacks full of school supplies this fall.  The Welfare Director requested the Board to sign a certificate of Thank You for the Church.  The Board signed the thank you but were also concerned about the fact that Church services will be held at the Town Hall on Sunday mornings.  It was discussed that the rental forms probably does not limit the use of the building from Church services.  Joan stated she doesn’t think the Town should rent the space for church services.  Tony will look into this.  Paula stated that church services are not excluded on the Facility Use Form but the Town needs to ensure that they are on solid ground renting the space for this purpose.

8. Public Works Department:
A. Interim Transfer Station – Joel stated that he is looking for input from the Board on the plans he created with CMA Engineers for the development of a 1 acre section of the current landfill to create an interim transfer station.  He said there are different choices out there for disposing of the waste like independent haulers and contractors.  The Board was in consensus that they would like to see all the options so they can weigh which is the most cost effective.  Paula then asked if any of the interim station can be used in the permanent site and Joel said no, NHDES will not allow it.

Joel informed the Board that he is proposing single stream recycling so some revenue will be lost.  Paula asked if the labor to separate the recycles would offset the revenue and Joel replied it would depend on the economy.  Gerry questioned what will happen with wood and yard waste and Joel explained the wood would go in a roll out carrier and the yard waste could be put in jersey barriers and composted.  Gerry commented that the tipping fees should offset the $1 per bag charge and Joel agreed.

B. Fuel Tanks – Joel presented the Board with the results for the RFD for  cleaning and disposal of the AST (above ground storage tanks) which are staged adjacent to the fuel supply area on Town property.  The bids are as follows:

CAB Services, Inc.              $1275
ENPRO                   $4187
Safety Kleen                    $14,076.92
Clean Harbors                   $7131.23

Joan Funk motioned to contract with CAB Services, Inc at $1275 for the cleaning and removal of the AST, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

C. Driveway Culverts – Joel informed the Board that he has been approached by several residents to install culverts and wondered if the Board would like him to do so.  Gerry replied that if the culvert is purchased prior to he would have no problem with Joel installing it if he is working in the area.  Charlie added that if the culvert is in the right of way and compromising the road, then the Town should be installing it.  Paula asked if the driveway is paved who would be responsible to repave it and the Board was in consensus the Town would not be responsible.  The Board was in consensus that as long as the culvert is paid for in full the Town can install it.  Also, residents can purchase a culvert from the Town but it has to be paid in full.  Gail asked Joel to draft a policy and he agreed to.

D. Preliminary Direction for FEMA Money-   Joel stated he is looking for direction for the 2007 FEMA funds as to whether they are going into the general fund or he can utilize them.  Charlie asked when he is expecting the drainage study and Joel said in about one month.  Joan commented that she would like to see all the funds go into the general fund.  Paula stated that the Board previously discussed putting some of this money towards the drainage improvements in the School Street and Orange Street area.  Gerry added that he thinks it should all go to the drainage improvements, so he would like to see the drainage study.  The Board decided to wait for the drainage study before making a decision.

E. Old Vehicles – Joel informed the Board that he is looking for direction on what to do with the many vehicles up at the Town garage.  Charlie replied that it is not worth saving the 2003 Crown Victoria and he would suggest taking off the useable parts and scrapping the rest.  Gail suggested putting the vehicles out to bid with a disclaimer that they are as is vehicles and the Board agreed this would be a good idea.

Joel stated that he would like to take ownership of Engine 2 that the Fire Chief took out of service to flush culverts and such.  This engine was decommissioned because it did not meet the pump test requirements.  Charlie stated that he is unsure why the pump can’t be repaired and put back into service.  It was decided to have the Town Mechanic look at it to see what the cost would be to get the truck back in service.

Dale asked how soon a vehicle would be coming down from the Police Department because his car will no longer pass inspection.  Paula replied, probably sooner than later.  

F. Dump Stickers – Joan asked why the landfill is no longer giving out dump stickers and Joel replied that Megan is handing them out because there were issues with recording the plate numbers in the registry office and it is one last thing that his guys have to do.  Paula asked if Megan has a problem handing out the stickers and Tony replied he is not sure, he wasn’t aware of the issue until Kathy came in to complain that her department had to record the name and plate number.  The Board directed Tony to deal with this.

G. The Board discussed solving the handi-capped parking issue to meet ADA standards at the police department.  Joel will talk to the Chief and the Chief’s parking space will be relocated.

9. Open Wage Scale Discussion:
Gerry stated that he does not think the scale should have so many steps.  Joan replied that so many steps are necessary or you run out.  Gerry added that he thinks there should be a standard COLA because people shouldn’t work for less than they did the year before and maybe 3,6 and 9 year bonuses.  Gail commented that the raises should be based on performance not years of service.  Joan commented that since the PD has had steps the department has been maintained and not had as much turn over.  Gail suggested maybe having a low and high for each position with merit raises each year and once the high is reached then the person would only get COLA.  Paula asked Tony to look up the original 2005 Police Department step proposal.  Gail stated she would like a list of all current staff, their rate of pay and their years of service.

At 10:21, Gerry McCarthy motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II (a) and (c), 2nd Gail Ellis.  Roll Call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes), Charlie King (yes), Gail Ellis (yes) and Joan Funk (yes).

Gerry McCarthy motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 11:04pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                          Vice-Chairman, Gail Ellis

__________________________                      _________________________
Gerry McCarthy                                  Charlie King

Joan A. Funk