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Selectmen's Minutes 8-10-9
Monday, August 10, 2009
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectman Present:      Chairman Paula Proulx, Joan     Funk, Gerry McCarthy, Gail Ellis and Charlie King.
Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu and Water Superintendent Dale Sprague.
Public Present: Ed Leonard of Wright-Pierce, Bill Spears, Amy Sampson and Steven Dean.

The Board met at 5:30pm to review and sign the manifest.  Chairman Paula Proulx opened the meeting at 6:03pm.

1. Notice of Intent to Award Bid for Construction of RIB (Rapid Infiltration Basin):
Ed Leonard of Wright-Pierce reminded the Board that nine bids were received with the lowest bidder being SUR Construction out of Rochester.  Wright-Pierce reviewed the bid and found their references to be acceptable, including their bank reference.  They are also prepared to begin construction as soon as they are given the okay and expect to have the ground work completed before snowfall. Wright-Pierce recommends the Town award the RIB construction project to SUR Construction.

Joan Funk motioned to award SUR Construction, Inc. the project for construction of Phase 1 of the Wastewater Treatment Facility Effluent Disposal upgrade for a total bid of $591,000; 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried with all in favor.

2. Discussion with Wright-Pierce on Change Orders:
Ed Leonard provided the Board with a memorandum outlining a suggested approach for handling change orders for the Wastewater upgrade project.  In it he suggested all change order items be presented to the Board at their regular meetings.  Plus, items under $2000 the Town Administrator could authorize along with time sensitive items under $5000.  Joan stated she was comfortable with the process Mr. Leonard suggested.  Charlie agreed noting that he would reserve the right to change his mind if he noticed problems as the project went along.  Gail commented that she was not comfortable with reviewing the change orders on a bi-weekly basis and Paula and Gerry agreed.  The Board decided that all change orders, debit or credit, should be put in their boxes when they occur so that they can review them as frequently as they wish.

Charlie King motioned to authorize Tony to draft a change order document as proposed and discussed for debit and credit change orders with the Board being notified through their boxes on the same day the orders are processed, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried.

3. Public Comment:
Amy Sampson, volunteer from the Community Action Program (CAP Office), asked if the Board would consider making the upstairs of the courthouse available to them for a clothing and equipment room (so they can better serve the community).  Gerry asked what towns they serve and Ms. Sampson explained they primarily serve on foot customers from Farmington but also residents from Rochester, Milton, Middleton, and New Durham.  Gerry then asked if they approached other towns for space and Ms. Sampson replied no and that it would not make sense since a vast majority of their clientele comes in on foot from Farmington and the volunteers are disabled and do what they can now.  Gail commented that the space was for the prosecutor and the Board is still investigating to see if they can contract a prosecutor.  Charlie then added that if the Board relinquished this space then they would lose the space value for a prosecutor.  Joan commented that the Board should discuss this at a later meeting and that she did remember previously discussing storing records up there.  Gerry suggested the CAP office check with CHANCES to see if they have any space in their new facility.  The Board will discuss this at a later meeting and Gail requested documentation on the number of clientele they receive from each town.

4. Review of Minutes:
a.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the public minutes of 7-6-09 as presented, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried.

b.  Joan Funk motioned to table the public minutes of 7-13-09 because they Board did not receive the revised minutes, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried.

At 7:07pm, Joan Funk motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II (e), 2nd Charlie King.  Roll Call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes), Charlie King (yes), Joan Funk (yes) and Gail Ellis (yes).

At 8:04pm, the Board reconvened in public session.

Charlie King motioned for a recess, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried.

At 8:11pm the Board reconvened.

5. Water/Sewer Rate Adjustments:
A. Water Department – Dale explained that after reviewing his budget he would be comfortable cutting $54,000 from his budget ($20,000 from mostly the personnel lines and the other $34,000 as discussed earlier for the groundwater exploration, CIP fund and main line renewal project).  This cut would bring the projected deficit down to $11,000 and would require a 4.2% rate increase to eliminate.  Gail asked what the implication would be if the main line renewal project was cut and Dale replied there would not be a negative impact he just tries to put small improvement projects in his budget each year to be responsible.  The current rate is $3.57/1000 gallons.

Charlie King motioned to increase the water rate at 4.2% which is $3.72/1000 gallons with Dale’s cuts as outlined and which will allow the budget to break even, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Discussion followed in which Gail noted that she would have liked the CIP funding to stay in place.  Motion carried with all in favor.

B. Wastewater Department – Dale explained that this budget is tight and that he was unable to find any significant savings.  The current average family pays $421 a year and with the proposed increase the average family would pay $469 a year.

Joan Funk motioned to increase the wastewater rate to $6.70/1000 gallons to be effective 10/1/09, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Discussion followed in which it was noted that notification of the increase would be sent in the next billing.  Motion carried with Gerry McCarthy opposed.

6. Copier Proposal:
Tony informed the Board that he received an offer from the copier company to lease two copiers at $50.00 per month with no increase to the current maintenance agreement.  The lease would be for 3 years and the Town would keep and own the current copier.  Also, the funding for this lease would come from the same administration line because it was already budgeted.  Charlie asked if there is a threshold for the number of copies and Tony replied he did not believe so but he would double check.  The Board was in agreement they would be in favor of the contract if the final written proposal is the same as what was discussed tonight.

7. Review of Minutes continued:
a.  Joan Funk motioned to accept the 7-22-09 public minutes to reflect a small spelling change, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried.

8. Set Date for Policy Workshop:
Gail commented that the Board should review all job descriptions when reviewing the salary and wage scale and the Board agreed.  The Time Clock Policy and Vehicle Policy will be reviewed at the next regular meeting.

9. Other:
a.  Joel Moulton sent a memo requesting the Board consider the purchase of a trailer.  Charlie commented that this decision should not be made in an emergency situation because it has been a known need for the past year.  Paula noted that she did not feel it was presented as an emergency but actually an opportunity that has presented itself and if the Board chooses to wait then the offer may not be available.  Joan Funk motioned to table the trailer discussion until the Board has further information, 2nd Charlie King.  Discussion followed in which Gerry suggested having Charlie look at the trailer in question to see if he feels it is worth the asking price since he has the most knowledge on this subject and then inform the Board if he feels it is a good deal or not.  Charlie agreed he would look into it.  Motion withdrawn.

b. Tony informed the Board the electrical work at the Police Department is complete and Scott is requesting to put out an RFP for the replacement of the sky lights.  The Board agreed the RFP should be posted.
c. Tony informed the Board that the sprinkler system at the Opera House is now online.
d. The Board signed the paperwork giving them the right to review the census paperwork.
e. Tony will follow-up with the business signage request from the Downtown and Business Committee.
f. Gerry asked for an update on the State Road Agreement and Tony explained that Joel sent out the response letter as discussed and no new information has been received yet.  Gerry then asked for an current capital fund expenditure report from the Strafford County Dispatch.
g. Tony explained the Town Clock repairs are going well and should be back together in the next few weeks.  Also, Keith will have the fencing at Edgerly Park repaired by Hay Day.

Joan Funk motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried.
Meeting adjourned at 9:29pm.

Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                          Vice-Chairman, Gail Ellis

__________________________                      _________________________
Gerry McCarthy                                  Charlie King

Joan A. Funk