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Selectmen's Minutes 6-1-09
Monday, June 1, 2009
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectman Present:      Chairman Paula Proulx, Joan     Funk, Gerry McCarthy, Gail Ellis                                and Charlie King.

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu, Public Works Director Joel                            Moulton, Police Chief Scott Roberge, Police Lt. Kevin Willey and                                Parks and Recreation Director Rick Conway.

Public Present: Bill Spears

The Board met at 5:30 to review and sign the bills and manifest.  Chairman Paula Proulx opened the meeting at 6:03pm.

1.  Joan Funk motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II. (a), 2nd Gail Ellis.  Roll Call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes), Joan Funk (yes), Charlie King (yes) and Gail Ellis (yes).

At 6:24pm, the Board came back into public session through a roll call vote.

2. Public Comment:
a. Bill Spears, resident, provided the Board with a proposal to do preventative maintenance on the Municipal Building.  Charlie asked if the Town Maintenance Crew currently has a larger workload than they can handle and Tony replied that during the summer months they are “maxed out.”  The Board tasked Tony to create a list of maintenance items that need to be completed for the Municipal Building and then they will be able to determine if the cost of those items will require the bidding process.

b. Brandy Sanger requested permission for some Boy scouts to work with John Fitch to pull up the dead bushes in front of the Municipal Parking Lot sign and the Board agreed this would be okay.  Brandy then added that the Town Forest signs are also being refurbished by the scouts on behalf of the Conservation Commission and then Gerry commented that the parking lot has also been completed for the new Davenport parcel.

3.  Review of Minutes:
a. Joan Funk motioned to accept the public minutes of 5-11-09 as amended, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried.

b. Joan Funk motioned to accept the non-public minutes of 5-11-09 as presented, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried.

4.  Application to the Economic Development Committee (EDC):
a. Paula explained that Nicole Tisher of TD Banknorth has volunteered to take Sharla Rollins place on the EDC.  Gerry asked if a non-resident can sit on a Town board and Paula replied that Dan Merhalski said the EDC can have both residents and Town business representatives serving as board members.  Joan Funk motioned to accept Nicole Tisher as a one year representative to the EDC, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried.

5. Application for Trustee Position:
a. Joan Funk motioned to accept Therese Healey as bookkeeper for the Trustees of the Trust Funds, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried.

6. Public Works:
a. Joel Moulton explained that the Town did not receive approval for the State Aid Bridge Project funding for the Bay Road bridge replacement but that he will continue the planning for replacement because the 80/20 grant is still available.  Paula then signed the contract for the second stage of the Bay Road bridge replacement with approval from the Board.
b. Paula stated the Town did receive the 121/2 % State Reimbursements at $71,934.22 and that the Board will need to set up a public hearing to accept the money as unanticipated revenue.
c. Joel provided the Board with a copy of his summer work schedule as requested.  Joan asked if Joel has plans to paint the arrows in the Fire Station parking lot and Joel said yes, as soon as he finishes the striping.  The Board then asked Joel to amend his work schedule to include tentative dates.
d. RFP for Drainage Study – Joel explained that four RFPs were received and after reviewing them he would recommend Jacobs because he feels they would provide the Town with the most deliverables at a comparable cost.  The Board reviewed the proposals.  Joan asked Joel if he would be able to complete the work laid out in the plans and recommendations given with the study and Joel said yes.  Paula then asked if Joel could work with Dale to resolve the infiltration problems and Joel said yes he would set priorities with Dale to get the work done.  Paula commented that removing the infiltration would save the Town a lot of money by removing the need for the second set of Rapid Infiltration Basins (RIBs).  
        Joel expressed that this study would immensely improve the Town’s chance of be awarded grants because they would have a documented plan in place.  Joan asked if the plan will be effective several years out and Joel said yes, because it will be a revolving tool that can be updated with the GIS system.  He then added that there is $39,000 in the Public Works FEMA reimbursement account (the cost of this study is about $48,000).  Charlie asked where the extra $10,000 would come from.  Gail suggested utilizing some of the State Reimbursement money that was just received, noting that the study would assist in the Orange Street project.  Joel stated that all the proposals have a completion date for September/October but each company has stated they can submit small reports on focus areas like Orange Street as needed.
        Paula asked if this study will alleviate some of the work Dale needs to do concerning the setting the priorities on what areas need to be addressed first due to infiltration issues.  Joel said he was unsure but he would speak to Dale about it.  Charlie asked Joel to confirm if Jacobs is providing a copy of HydroCAD with the proposal.  Joel replied he would as well as, a bulleted summary of the exact deliverables for each company.  These proposals will be reviewed again at the next meeting.
e. Bailer – Joel informed the Board that there is a horizontal bailer at the landfill that has been unused since 2001.  He recommended selling this bailer and then purchasing another vertical bailer before this one deteriorates.  Gerry asked if Joel could get back the approximate $10,000 the Town spent on it and Joel replied he thought so.  Paula then passed on information to Joel regarding grants available from NH Beautiful for purchasing this type of equipment.  The Board was in agreement to let Joel see what he can sell the bailer for.
f. Joel informed the Board that someone approached him about purchasing the old chipper.  Charlie noted that a Bill of Sale should read that the chipper is being purchased as seen, for parts only with it being operational when it is sold.  Joel reminded the Board that this chipper was previously put out to bid.  Joan Funk motioned to have Joel and Tony create a Bill of Sale as discussed for the non-working piece of equipment to Smith Crane Service for $1200, 2nd Charlie King.  Motion carried.
g. New Hire – The Board agreed to have Joel set-up interviews with his top three candidates starting at 5:30 on June 8th.
h. Joel provided the Board with a draft letter that he would like to send out to the residents of the previous “private roads” that were taken over by the Town in March.  The letter refers to mailbox and fence placement and other maintenance issues.  Joan asked what would happen if the residents do not comply with the requests and Joel explained that the Town would not be liable for damages.  Charlie noted that Joel also wants to relocate the speed bump within the Campbell Commons development to assist with winter maintenance and suggested that Joel contact Dan Merhalski, Planner, to get comment from him, the Planning Board and the Homeowner’s Association.  Gerry then asked who owns the transfer road between the two developments and Joel explained that he is not sure and that he would need to clarify the ownership with Dan Merhalski.  The Board directed Joel to hold off on sending the letter until they can get more information.
i. One Ton – Joel received the following quotes for One-Tons to replace the Ford F350.
        *2005 Chevy 3500 Series Truck: 1 ton, 4x4 Dura-max diesel, dump cart, hitch and brake controller with 32,000 miles, automatic, 5 yr. 100,000 mile warranty on motor only for $24, 900.
        *2007 Chevy 3500 Series Truck: 1 ton, 4x4 Dura-max diesel, dump cart, hitch, 7000 miles, automatic, 5 year 100,000 mile warranty on motor and drive train for $32,900.
        *2008 GMC 3500 Series Truck: 1 ton, 4x4 Dura-max diesel, cab and chassis only, 15,000 miles with balance of factory warranty for $29,500.
        *2008 retail GMC Sierra 3500 HD Series Truck: 1 ton, 4x4 Dura-max diesel, cab and chassis only, leftover 2008, full factory warranty for $30,775
        *2009 Retail Ford F350 Series Truck: 1ton 4x4 for $31,201.
Charlie asked how much it would cost to switch over the rake if the brand of the truck is changed from a Ford.  Joel replied that the new truck would need a new push plate which he has been told is about $200.  Charlie then noted that he feels all these trucks are overpriced.  The Board was in consensus that they would like written quotes and that Joel should continue to research other vehicles and further negotiate the prices.  Joan suggested Joel check with Poulin’s and the Dodge dealer on Rte. 11, as well.

7. Police Department:
a. Grant Update – Scott informed the Board that the matching 50/50 grant for the spike strips was approved.  He further explained that the Town does not currently have any spike strips but that they are a safe and proven way to stop vehicles that are being pursued.  The cost is $500 per set and Scott is going to purchase one set with the grant funding.  Charlie King motioned to approve the funding for the spike strips, with 50% of the cost being reimbursed by the State, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried.
b. Cell Phone Stipends – Scott explained that his department currently pays $239 a month for 5 cell phones.  He proposed providing monthly stipends as follows: Chief $50, Lt. Willey $50, Sgt. Drury $25, Sgt. Ferguson $25, Cpt. McNeil $25, and ACO Welch $20; which would save about $35 a month.  This would allow his officers to not have to carry two cell phones and reduce the cost.  Scott also stated that he spoke with Mark Stewart of Verizon and he said he could transfer ownership of the phones from the Town to the individual officers and that there is no binding contract.  Gerry commented that he doesn’t believe police cell phones should be used for personal calls and feels there could be issues with using personal phones for police business.  Gail agreed.  Paula asked Tony if there is any conflict with using personal phone for police business and Tony said no.  Paula then noted that the Town use to pay a stipend to the Fire Chief for a cell phone and that changed without the Board’s notice and if these stipends are approved she would expect that any changes would come back before the Board.  Gail stated she would like to see a Town Policy on Cell Phone Usage, so it is fair across the board.  Charlie King motioned to approve the Police Chief’s schedule for stipends as discussed for six cell phones, 2nd Joan Funk.  Paula Proulx offered a friendly amendment that the motion includes that there is an understanding that all the individuals will maintain their phones, both Charlie King and Joan Funk accepted the amendment.  Motion carried with Gerry McCarthy and Gail Ellis opposed.  Scott stated that he expects the stipends to start as of July 1st.
c. Electrical Bids – Scott explained that he has received several bids for the electrical work at the station.  Gerry stated that one of the bids did not address the live wires in the ceiling and six light fixtures; replacement of balaists.  Scott stated that he could contact Yankee Electric to make sure they were aware of the need and bring it back next week.  The Board agreed this was a good idea.
d. Updated Recovery JAG Program Report – Scott explained the Town was approved for the 2009 Crown Victoria (which the Town will take delivery of on 12/01/09), tactical equipment, in vehicle recording equipment and in vehicle and department storage.  He also explained that the Town will be eligible for an additional $11,000 in funding through this program after 11/01/09 based on the Town’s crime rate.
e. Paula questioned the STAPLES bill for the Prosecutor’s Office supplies and Scott explained this is the supplies to cover the Town’s cases and that the cost will not go over $100 a year.  Gerry asked what other Town’s are paying and Scott replied he could check but reminded Gerry that Farmington has a larger case load than surrounding towns.
f. Charlie asked for an update on the cruiser repair.  Scott explained the cost was $200 and it is being repaired.  He further explained that the dent was not due to negligence and that a trailer was blown all the way across his property during a high wind storm into the cruiser.
g. Gail asked for an update on the Animal Control Officer (ACO) vehicle.  Scott explained that for several weeks the ACO car was being repaired and that he authorized her to utilize a cruiser for a few calls because he had no other options.  However the red vehicle is operational now though it does look terrible since the Fire Department decals where pulled off.  Scott then stated that he is currently working to get someone to donate their time to repaint the car.
h. Gerry asked what the hours are for the crossing guard and if there is the expectation that the area will be covered if she is out.  Scott replied the hours are 7:15-8am and 2-3pm and that he does have it covered if she is out.
i. Gerry informed Scott that he has received complaints of rude telemarketers making calls on behalf of the Police Association.  Scott replied he would look into it.
j. Scott gave the Board an update on Connor the Police K-9.  He noted that he has done several drug searches over the past several weekends and they have had positive outcomes.  Scott also added that they did alcohol enforcements last weekend and half of the local businesses failed and sold alcohol to minors.  They will continue these efforts as well as increased speed and DWI patrols.
k. Gerry asked how much the Rte. 11 Highway Grant was for and Lt. Willey stated it is for 100% of 88 hours.

Charlie King motioned to recess, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried at 9:32pm.

At 9:38pm the Board reconvened.

8. Old Business:
a. Tony informed the Board that there is an additional charge of $1,175 for proposed sprinkler system work in the basement’s suspended ceiling.  Gerry McCarthy motioned to authorize the additional $1175 for the sprinkler system in the suspended ceiling in the basement of the Opera House, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried.

9. Updates:
a. Town Clock Agreement – Tony provided an amended agreement in which the only thing that was added was a signature line.  The Board will review the clock repair bids next week, pending the Church wardens accepting this agreement.
b. Town Hall Roof – Rick Conway stated that he has been a scheduling visit for contractors to look at the roof in need of repair and that the deadline for proposals is 6/12/09.
c. Facilities Request Re-Visit – The Autism Education Fund requested use of the Municipal Building Lawn on June 20 for a yard/bake sale, during the Town Wide Yard Sale.  It was noted that they are not affiliated with the school and nor do they have liability insurance.  Tony said that if he calls Primex they will cover this event with a rider at no additional cost.  Charlie stated that he would like to see this in writing before he agrees.  Gerry McCarthy motioned to allow the Autism Education Fund to use the lawn and have Tony contact Primex for a rider and to have the Board review a policy to limit liability in the future, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried.

10. Any Other Business to Come Before the Board:
a. Gerry informed the Board that the Town has established ownership of the unsightly garbage on Winter Street and it was supposed to be cleaned up last Friday.  Tony replied that he received an email tonight stating that it would be done tonight.  A discussion was held on how this situation and others like it could have been handled much faster and the Board directed Tony to check with Dennis to see if there is criteria on identifying Health Hazards.
b. Charlie read a letter from a resident regarding debris along the roadway and a suggestion for the Town to promote a town-wide “Beautification Day.”
c. Tony explained that Dale had a blower failure at the Wastewater Treatment Plant and received the following bids for its replacement.  The bids are;
        *D.L. Thurrott, Inc. - $3010
        *The Maher Corp. - $3700
        *USA Bluebook - $3300
        *Hultgren & Strutsel, Inc. - $4058.
Joan Funk motioned to purchase a blower from D.L. Thurrott, Inc. at $3000, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion carried with all in favor.
d. Paula informed the Board that Dennis Roseberry reminded her that the Junkyard Permit Renewals will be done at the next meeting.  The Board stated that they would like all applicants who are not in compliance to be present at the 6/8/09 meeting.
e. Tony informed the Board that NHDES contacted him today by email telling him to disregard the contract for the RIB project because they need to make revisions.  Tony said as soon as he receives the revised contract he will notify the Board and then hand deliver it to Concord.

At 10:30pm, Joan Funk motioned to go in non-public session under RSA91A.3.II. (a), (c) and (e), 2nd Charlie King.  Roll Call – Paula Proulx (yes), Gerry McCarthy (yes), Gail Ellis (yes), Charlie King (yes) and Joan Funk (yes).

Gerry McCarthy motioned to adjourn, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion carried.  Meeting adjourned at 11:15pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Paula Proulx                          Vice-Chairman, Gail Ellis

__________________________                      _________________________
Gerry McCarthy                                  Charlie King

Joan A. Funk