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Selectmen's MInutes 1-14-09
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectman Present:      Chairman Gerry McCarthy, Martin Gilman, Paula Proulx, Gail                              Ellis (arrived at 6:43pm) and Joan Funk (arrived at 7:43pm).

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu, Police Chief Scott Roberge,                           Lt. Kevin Willey, Water/Wastewater Superintendent Dale Sprague                          and Public Works Director Joel Moulton.

Public Present: Victor Lapierre

Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the meeting at 6:04pm.

1.  Police Budget Review:
a. Scott informed the Board that there is a meeting tonight with the County Delegation regarding the funding of the prosecution for domestic violence.  The County is cutting this line of prosecution effective April 1, 2009.  Scott stated that he is unsure what this will do to his agency because they are not prepared to prosecute these non-felony domestic violence cases.  However, the County has written a grant for prosecution training for these types of cases.

b. Tony reminded the Board that they need to decide what to do with the cruiser line for this budget.  Scott said that he checked with Somersworth and they do have Chevys because they get a good deal from the local Chevy garage and all their equipment is made for Chevys.  Joel Moulton said that he would be in favor of the town purchasing three vehicles because the maintenance on the cruisers greatly impacts his department because they are in need of a lot of service and take up ¼ to ½ of John’s time.  Marty asked what the cost of one cruiser would be and Scott replied it would be $23,000 with a 36,000 mile warranty.  He then stated that the three cruisers are $29,000 for three years with a 100,000 mile warranty and $6400 back to outfit the vehicles.  Marty pointed out that the town would be paying 5.95% interest.  The Board decided to hold off on a decision until they have decided what to do with the other departments that need vehicles.

c. Scott informed the Board that the new Cocheco Valley Humane Society contract is for $6200.  Marty asked what is brought in for revenue and Scott explained the department received in 2008; $5261 for dog licensing, $613 for dog state licensing, $2244 for licensing late fees, $325 for licensing penalties, $200 for animal transports and $1875 for animal fines.

d. Gerry asked if Tony heard anything from LGC about possible candidates for prosecutor and Tony said no, not yet.

2.  Discussion on Town Vehicle Replacements:
a. Gerry stated he would be in favor of purchasing one Chevy cruiser for the PD.  Marty stated that the fire chief needs a 4wd vehicle and the rec. department needs a new van, so he would be in favor of giving the fire chief’s car to the dog officer and buying the PD one new cruiser.  Gail questioned what the need is for the Rec. van and whether or not it would be more economical to rent a bus on occasion.   She also stated that she does not think the fire chief vehicle is an immediate need and that he could probably function with one he has for one more year based on the fact he only drove 3,000 miles this year; plus she would be in favor of one cruiser.  Paula stated she would be in favor of a fire vehicle and one cruiser and that she would like more information on how the Rec. van is utilized.

b. The Board was in consensus to purchase one PD cruiser to replace the 2004 that will become a detective’s vehicle and a used 4WD vehicle for the fire chief, with his car going to the animal control officer.  They also were in consensus to hold off on the Rec. department van, noting that they are the agents to expend the funds for a replacement one if necessary.  Tony stated that the Board should increase the PD vehicle maintenance line because they are not getting three vehicles.  The Board agreed and increased the line to $10,000, so the PD bottom line is $952,283.48

3.  Water/Wastewater Budget Proposals:
a. Dale stated that the electric line should be at $35,000.

b. It was asked if a floater could be trained to be a flagger and what the cost would be to do so.  Dale said he was not sure.  Paula commented that she doesn’t know why the town departments bill each other for services.  The Board then discussed the need to work with department heads to better correlate efforts.

c. It was discussed that the auditor and the insurances are all a portion of the whole town bill.

d. Gail stated that there is a $42,000 difference between the revenues and the budget and that she was hoping the budget could be cut to eliminate the difference.

e. Paula stated that last year the Board decided to leave $10,000 in the consultant line for water source research but it was not expended.  She then questioned if the funds can be encumbered.  Dale said he will be putting a RFP out and that he has some older quotes so Tony can do the encumbrance.

f. Gerry asked when the water note will be up and Dale explained that there are two bonds left that will be paid off in 2010 and in 2009 the last payments for the backhoe and the well will be paid.

g. Paula asked what the new equipment line is for and Dale explained that he pays $108 a month for a dedicated phone line and he is looking to see if he can change the radio set-up to eliminate this cost.  He will not know if the new system will be feasible or not until the May or June when the trees are all in bloom.  Dale then added that he is also going to call Fairpoint and see if he can negotiate a lower price for the two dedicated lines.  Paula asked how much the radio control equipment costs and Dale said there is a start-up fee of about $4500.  Paula replied that maybe the money should not be budgeted this year until Dale knows if it will work or not.  The Board agreed to reduce this line to zero.

h. Marty asked what line 275 is for and Dale explained it is to do work on Union St, though this is one area that could be cut and completed with capital reserves.  The Board discussed if this is the same area that Joel is proposing to do work and found that it was on the opposite side of the road, so they were in consensus to leave the line as is.  

i. Gerry stated that the new bottom line for the water department is $356,070.80.

j. Gerry asked what the main line maintenance is for and Dale explained the line is for repairs to sewer lines and covers and smoke testing.

k. Marty asked if Dale had any extra expenditures as a result of the ice storm and Dale replied no, except maybe some propane for pump stations four and five.  Gerry asked if Dale has a generator and Dale responded that he had a small 35W generator.

4. Public Works Budget Proposal:
a. Joel informed the Board that there is not a state bid for cutting edges and that he would like $27,000 on that line to purchase 2 sets of edges for each plow and teeth for the grader and the excavator.  Marty Gilman motioned to put $20,000 on the cutting edge line, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Discussion followed in which Gail asked Joel to get a current price and Joel replied he could but he would get today’s price, not the anticipated cost that he is budgeting for.  Motion carried with Gerry McCarthy, Paula Proulx and Marty Gilman in favor and Joan Funk and Gail Ellis opposed.

5.  Landfill Budget Proposal:
a. Joel informed the Board that he spoke with CMA today and based on the groundwater quality (some elevated levels) they do not feel the town should expect to have the permit extended past 2010.  He also stated that the 2009 permit should be accepted or denied by town meeting.

b. Gail asked Joel who directed him to release the culvert for Tall Pines and Joel replied that he was asked for prices and to set aside 40 feet of 18” diameter culvert by Tony.  Tony interjected that he requested the information to be given.  Joel replied that Tony told him to provide what they needed and to stay out of the middle.  Gail asked who requested the cost estimate and Joel replied Tony.  Tony asked who picked up the culvert and Joel replied Mr. Lapierre.  Tony then asked who communicated with Mr. Lapierre and Joel said he did at Tony’s request.  Victor Lapierre commented that as a resident he donated the work to install the culvert and it was his understanding that the town would provide the culvert.  It was decided that the discussion should continue in non-public session.

Paula Proulx motioned to go in non-public session under RSA91A.3.II. (a), 2nd Gail Ellis.  Roll Call – Joan Funk (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Gerry McCarty (yes), Paula Proulx (yes) and Gail Ellis (yes).

The Board came back in public session at 10:21pm with a roll call vote.

6. Non-Profit Budget Requests:
a. Marty Gilman motioned to fund the VNA at $13,634, 2nd Joan Funk.  Discussion followed in which Gail said she recalculated their budget and they are actually working in a $20,000 positive.  It was also discussed that they spend $62,000 on Farmington residents alone.  Motion carried with Gail Ellis opposed. (Gail voted no on all the non-profit non-level funded requests because she believed the requests should be level funded from 2008.)

b. Joan Funk motioned to fund the Sexual Assault Services at $1492, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion failed – Gerry McCarthy (yes), Marty Gilman (no), Joan Funk (yes), Paula Proulx (no) and Gail Ellis (no).

c. Joan Funk motioned to fund the Juvenile Court Diversion program at $5000,2nd Gerry McCarthy.  Motion failed - Gerry McCarthy (no), Marty Gilman (no), Joan Funk (yes), Paula Proulx (no) and Gail Ellis (no).

Gail Ellis motioned to fund the Juvenile Court Diversion program at the same amount as last year, $4900, 2nd Joan Funk.  Motion failed - Gerry McCarthy (no), Marty Gilman (no), Joan Funk (yes), Paula Proulx (no) and Gail Ellis (yes).

d. Joan Funk motioned to zero the Wakefield Resource Center line, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

e. Joan Funk motioned to fund the Homemakers of Strafford County at $4601, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried - Gerry McCarthy (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Joan Funk (yes), Paula Proulx (yes) and Gail Ellis (no).

f. Joan Funk motioned to zero the Avis Goodwin line, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried - Gerry McCarthy (abstain), Marty Gilman (yes), Joan Funk (yes), Paula Proulx (no) and Gail Ellis (yes).

7. Other:
a. Joan restated that she feels the fire chief vehicle can wait until next year.

b. Gerry asked Tony to calculate that tax rate without the capital reserves except for the $8500 for personnel separation for the next meeting.

Marty Gilman motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 10:59pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                               Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman

__________________________                      _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Gail Ellis

Joan A. Funk