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Selectmen's Minutes 1-5-09
Monday, January 5, 2008
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectman Present:      Chairman Gerry McCarthy, Martin Gilman, Paula Proulx, Gail Ellis (arrived at 8:10pm) and Joan Funk.

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu, Public Works Director Joel Moulton and Fire Chief Rich Fowler.

Public Present: Victor Lapierre

Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the meeting at 5:36pm.

1.  Public Works Department Budget Review:
a. Gerry asked what the difference is between the two-department wages line on each of the budget sheets.  Tony said one employee was moved to the water department, so this department is short  a ¾ position.  Paula asked why the employee was put in another department and Joel replied it was due to personnel issues.  Tony had made the decision to move the employee. Paula commented that she is not in favor of taking a position away from the highway department and adding to the water department because then the ratepayers support the position; and especially employees should not be changing departments when there is an issue.  Tony said he discussed the issue with Joel and they came to the conclusion that the 2 ¼ position could be filled with per-diem for the winter months because they are not needed in the summer.  The Board agreed to discuss this further in non-public session later tonight.
b. Marty commented that the overtime line needs to be watched carefully because it affects the workman’s compensation rate.  Joel explained that he did over expend this year but that he is receiving some revenue back from PSNH for work done during the recent ice storm.
c. Joan asked if Joel put the uniforms out to bid like he said he would do a few weeks ago.  Joel replied that he did not remember he was suppose to put the items out to bid, but that he did do an informal phone inquiry on prices for several companies and then went back to the present company with those figures to negotiate a better price.
d. It was asked if the training line includes the encumbrance.  Joel said no, but he is encumbering $2410 from 2008.
e. Marty asked if Joel has found out if anything is available for a safety bar for the chipper.  Joel said he has placed several call but has not heard back yet.  Paula asked if there is an encumbrance for the “rent hwy equip” line and Joel said no.
f. Marty asked if Joel is going to need that much crushed gravel.  Joel said he cut it $8000 already and that the gravel is for ditches and road shoulder repairs and that the cost has actually increased to $3.50 a yard, but he is purchasing the same amount.  Joan asked if he had the same amount of money as last year in this line would he lose a lot of gravel.  Joel replied about 1500 yards.  Joan said then this amount would just reduce your stock pile and Joel said it would depend on what projects the Board approves.  Gerry commented that he believes the edging on the paved roads is a priority and asked if Joel will have enough gravel to do this.  Joel replied that it will be tight but he will have to work with what he has.
g. Marty asked if the river maintenance line can be cut.  Joel replied that he believes this line should not be in his budget but back in the emergency management area of the budget.  Marty stated that he does not believe the town should be responsible for the maintenance of the river at all.  Paula said that the town has no choice due to the levee and the new regulations.  Marty replied that the Army Corps should be responsible for the river maintenance.  Joel said that the O and M Manual states the town is responsible for the river maintenance.  Joan asked if the town is going to do the dredging.  Joel said the town does not own the equipment to reach into the river from the banking.  The Board agreed to move this line back into the emergency management section of the budget.
h. Joan asked if Joel can use more inmate power for the road clean-up instead of the contract sweep.  Joel said this line is for a contractual road sweeper and that the inmates will do the sidewalks but not the roads.  Joan asked if the amount is negotiable with gas prices going down.  Joel replied he could check.  Joan said maybe this line should be put out to bid again.  Joel said he puts it out to bid every year but this number is just a call around estimate for budgetary purposes.
i. Joel stated that the tree removal line is actually $3,000 less than last year because he cut it down to $4000 which includes a $1500 encumbrance.  He added that there is a lot of tree work that needs to be done.  Gerry stated that PSNH should be taking care of the trees around the power lines.  Joan asked why he would do less tree work than this year if he has money left over to encumber.  Joel explained that he stopped work on the trees due to the budget freeze.  Gerry asked if the amount budgeted should take care of the trees that need to be done for safety reasons and Joel said that this amount would give him three days of work and $7,000 would give him a full week.
j. Marty asked if it is worth installing a concrete slab for the cold patch.  Joel said if the Selectmen don’t want to install a slab then he will have to continue to throw away the cold patch that is left over at the end of each project, noting that cold patch is more expensive than asphalt.
k. Gerry asked if the encumbrance for the repaint trucks line is included in the budgeted amount and Joel replied that the $4000 includes the encumbrance.
l. Gerry asked if the tires line is working the same way and Joel said yes.  Marty asked if all the tires that he just purchased came out of the encumbrance.  Joel said no.
m. Joan stated that she thinks the $40,000 request for culverts and catch basins should be cut.  Joel replied that each catch basin is $2000 and that he has six cast in place basins that he knows of right now that have to be replaced.  Paula asked if any of these failed pieces are affecting roads and/or residents and Joel replied they are on Aiken Rd., Sheepboro Rd., Dodge Cross Rd., Meaderboro Rd., Bunker St., Mt. Vernon St. and Garfield St.  These failed culverts and basins are flooding homes and washing out the roads.  Paula asked if Joel has any culverts left at the barn now.  Joel replied he has some 12” and 24” but that he does not have any 15” or 18” and he also has 6 catch basins.  

Gerry pointed out that in 2008 this line only had $619 and Joel replied that he had a lot of FEMA money for this line.  Gerry then asked if any of this material is for the Orange St. /School St. project and Joel said no, that project is under the rebuild/repair line.

Joan stated again that she is not in favor of $40,000 for this line.  Paula asked what Joan would propose to cut from the line and Joan replied that Joel would know best, but she would like to see it at least cut in half.  Paula then asked Joel what he could do with $20,000.  Joel said he would do the Hornetown Rd. repair and replace the six cast in place basins that he knows are failed now.  Joan asked if the Mt. Vernon issue is due to a contractor and Joel said no this is in a different area.
n. Joel explained that on line 68 (rebuild/repave) he has two encumbrances for a total of $105,536.30, plus $34,000.  He would like $250,000 for the items listed on the separate work project sheet, like a drainage study, Courtland St, and Orange St. projects and ledge removal, chip seal, grader shims and calcium chloride projects.  Joan asked if any of these proposed projects are on private property and Joel said no.  Joel added that if he did all the work proposed, he would be $107,787 short in the budget.
o. Marty asked if the town is still expecting 2007 state flood reimbursement and Joel said the town is receiving approximately $68,000 soon and that this money could be used for improvements like the drainage ones he proposed.
p. Marty commented that he went through all the department budgets and the town expends about $7000 a month in parts.  Joel replied the figure sounds about right, noting that a rear brake job on a truck is $300 in parts alone.
q. Joan asked why there is a big increase in the sidewalk line and Joel replied the sidewalks are falling apart.  Joan asked if any of this work would fall under the grant and Joel said he should be able to recoup some of the money under the Safe Routes grant.  Paula asked how many sidewalks this line would repair.  Joel replied it would do about 500 feet and reminded the Board that he had a $9,232 encumbrance on this line last year.
r. Gerry stated that there is only $12,000 on the cutting edges line now and Joel replied that this is one of the lines he has to fight back for because the cost of carbide as more than doubled.  He usually replaces all the plow and wings twice a year and the grader and excavator need teeth.  Joel noted that he did not replace the teeth last year and that $12,000 would only take care of the plows and wings at $110/ft for carbide.  Gerry asked how long straight steel would last and Joel explained they ran the straight steel that came on the new plow and it last 1 ½ storms.
s. Joel stated he is proposing a 25 year flood/storm event study for the village area at $54,991, but he can reduce the amount by $41,957.09 (with the May 2006 FEMA flood money) and $8,675.30 (with the April 2007 FEMA flood money), therefore the study budgeted cost would only be $4,358.61.  Joan asked why Joel is not proposing to utilize the FEMA funds for projects.  Joel said he can, but he thinks a study is an important tool and that it will save the town money in the long run like the Bridge study that was done.  Plus, this study would prepare the town to react to any Economic Stimulus Package that comes from the federal government.
t. Marty asked how much money Joel anticipates receiving from the ice storm and Joel replied that he is still working on those figures.
u. Gerry asked if the new equipment line is for one hoist with a steel rail and includes the $5620 encumbrance and Joel said yes.
v. Marty asked what the salt/sand ratio is and Joel replied about 2 ½ loads of sand to 1 load of salt.  Joan asked if he looked at other alternatives.  Joel replied that if you mix the liquid salt with sand you will just get mud and that some towns are just using sand.  Joel explained that this line is for the same amount of salt and that there was an increase in the cost.
w. Marty commented that he did not see the trailer in the budget anywhere.  Joel said he talked about it with Tony and they decided to put it in as a warrant article.  He further explained that a brand new trailer would cost $16,350, but he does have the option to purchase a used one for $6,600.  The Board was in consensus that the trailer should be a line item in the budget in line 85 (new equip) and decided to increase that line to $12,200.
x. Marty asked if the new fuel delivery has been taken out yet and Tony said no, the fuel expense has not yet been plugged in.
y. Marty asked if Joel puts the cutting edges out to bid and Joel said he calls around for three quotes.  Marty asked if Joel can purchase them through the State and Joel said he would look into it.  Gerry commented he thinks the line needs to be increased.
z. Joel stated that the $68,000 State reimbursement could be used for the Orange St project and Courtland Street project.  Marty asked if it is worth it to pre-purchase the culverts and Joel replied that he saves about 20% by doing so.  The Board was in consensus that if the Town receives the $68,000 reimbursement they will have Joel complete the Orange St. project but if they don’t then the project will not get done.  Marty asked if Joel anticipates doing all the digging himself for the project and Joel said yes.
aa.  It was noted that there would be no chip sealing and the new bottom line is about $840,090.

2.  Landfill Budget Review:
a. Marty asked if Joel has priced out port-o-potties and Joel said no, but he would.
b. Marty asked Joel to review the loader repairs and Joel explained the line will be for shims, bushings and pins and that the head on the motor was replace 2 years ago.
c. Gerry asked who the ½ time person is and Joel said he never filled the position.

Gail arrived at 8:10pm.
d. Joel stated he has three encumbrances; 1. TVs and monitors ($4139.20), 2. building maintenance ($1043.90) and 3. transfer station ($8597).  These encumbrances are not included in the budget lines.  Paula asked what will be done for preliminary engineering for the transfer station and Joel explained that the line is for CMAs evaluations of what DES will require and incidental engineering having to do with DES permitting.
e. Gail commented that the diesel line is proposed at $9000 but only $3000 was spent.  Tony said that there is still an outstanding bill for diesel and the line was figured on historical use.
f. Gail asked why the demolition fee line is up.  Joel explained that $10,000 is an encumbrance and the budgeted $5000 will cover the cost of the biannual demolition at $5-7500 a piece.  This year the demolition was only done once.  The Board discussed different options and Tony recommended at least leaving $1000 budgeted in the line and the Board was in agreement that would be okay.
g. Joel stated he is encumbering $11,000 for tire removal.  Marty asked if the town should go up on this fee and Joel said no, it is okay.
h. Paula asked if the recycling line is sufficient and Joel said he has a $1335.15 encumbrance.  It was noted that there was a discrepancy in the budget sheets, so Tony said he would look into it.
3.  Bridges/Railing Budget Review:
a. Joel explained that he originally proposed $68,000 and it is now cut to $50,000, so he would like to request the 2007 encumbrance of $8471.06 being added to the proposed amount.  Paula asked if he had anticipated figures for the Spring Street bridge repairs.  Joel said yes, Bayview gave him an estimate of $59,363.  Paula said that means there are no funds for other bridge maintenance and Joel said yes.  Paula then asked what general maintenance is needed for the other bridges.  Joel replied he should reseal the wooden decks and seal the concrete on the other bridges and all this could be done with $5000.  The Board agreed to increase the line by $5000 to $55,000 plus the encumbrance.

4.  Revisit Public Works Budget Proposal:
a. Gail asked why the electric is up and Joel explained it is to cover the anticipated 9% increase.  Gerry reminded the Board that they already agreed to decrease this line to $6000.
b. Gail suggested cutting the cleaning supply line in half and the Board agreed to reduce the line to $500.
c. Gail suggested cutting the Poland Springs because it sends a bad message to the residents.  Marty added that the dumpster should be eliminated at the garage as well.  Joel said he will get the dumpster cost but that he can put everything in that dumpster (ie.oil) that he can’t in the landfill.  The Board agreed to eliminate the Poland Springs water from all departments.
d. Joel informed the Board that line 95 (erosion control) is missing the $5000 and Tony said he would have it entered.  The line should reflect a $4334.61 budget request and a $665.39 encumbrance.
e. Gail asked if $500 would be sufficient on the radio repair line since that has been the historical expenditure.  Joel replied that he has been fortunate in that he has been able to repair the broken radios but if he had to replace one it would be a $1000.  The Board agreed to leave the line as is.
f. Gerry stated that he thinks $3500 should be added to the crushed gravel line.  After discussion the Board agreed to hold the line at $30,000.
g. Paula asked what the Board is going to do with the river maintenance.  The Board was in agreement they need to do the trees but that even though they will leave the line at $10,000, they will not dredge the river unless it is absolutely necessary.

5. Other
a. Gerry asked Fire Chief Rich Fowler is he has heard any word on the pending fire apparatus grant and he said no, but they are still awarding grants every week.  Rich then told the Board that he was awarded a 50/50 matching grant for forestry equipment and an online training grant at 100%.
b. Marty stated that he is concerned with the overtime under the planning and zoning section of the budget.
c. Paula asked why the personnel liability line is up and Tony explained that the town did not have any vacation buybacks this year due to the freeze and that the line would have been expended for $8500 if they did.  Plus all the expenditures have not been removed yet.
d. Gerry asked why the fire department retirement is down and Tony replied that it is a formula and was probably overestimated in the past but he would double check with Pam.
e. Paula asked for the revenues and reports for Wednesday’s meeting.

At 9:42pm, Joan Funk motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A.3.II (c), 2nd Gail Ellis.  Roll Call – Gerry McCarthy (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Gail Ellis (yes) and Joan Funk (yes).

Marty Gilman motioned to seal the non-public minutes from tonight, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

f.  Paula informed the Board that she spoke with John Law and he will be attending a SRPC TAC meeting on Friday and is going to try to get the answers the Board is looking for from Cynthia Copeland.  

Marty Gilman motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 10:27pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                               Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman

__________________________                      _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Gail Ellis

Joan A. Funk