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Selectmen's MInutes 12-29-08
Monday, December 29, 2008
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectmen Present:      Chairman Gerry McCarthy, Martin Gilman, Paula Proulx and Gail
Selectman Absent:       Joan Funk
Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu
Public Present: Charlie King

Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the meeting at 6:07pm.

1.  Town Report Dedication:
The Board was in consensus to dedicate the 2008 Town Report to Willis Berry and include all the Farmington residents who passed away in the beginning of the report.

2.  Public Comment:

3.  Review of Minutes:
A.  Tony informed the Board that if a decision is made in non-public session under RSA91:A.3.II, then the decision does not need to be made public if doing so would injure an employee, legal suit and such and that minutes can be sealed at any time.

B.  Marty Gilman motioned to amend the public minutes of 12-17-08 as amended to reflect changes to 1 and 3q, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.

4.  Review of Proposed Encumbrances:
A. Tony informed the Board that Dale Sprague has one encumbrance for the consultant line.

B.  Tony explained that Joel Moulton would like to encumber the funds for the drainage study from line 01-5000-18-310 (hwy improvements).  Paula commented that she believes this is encumbered funds from last year and that the Board needs to be careful about how long money is encumbered for.  Gerry stated that he would like a report on how the encumbrances from 2007 were spent and that he would like the 2008 encumbrances separated from the 2007.  The Board was also in agreement that they like the format Joel used last year to present his encumbrances because it was easier to follow.

C.  Marty commented that he did not see an encumbrance for the landfill slope maintenance.  Tony replied that there is $3600 left over this year.

D.  Charlie King asked what Joel Moulton had budgeted last year and Tony replied about $860,000.  Charlie responded that there seems to be about 15% left over and Paula said yes, but there was a budget freeze so some things were not purchased or done.  Gerry added that the town has also experience the floods and therefore the numbers are not a true reflection of the budget due to unanticipated revenues.  Paula then stated that this year’s Public Works budget will depend on what projects the Board approves.

E.  Tony commented that the FEMA reimbursement money went into the general fund and Gerry replied that he thought it went into a separate budget line.  Tony explained that the funds go in as revenue in the general funds but that Pam pays for specific flooding expenses out of a specific FEMA line.  Marty then asked if Joel has all his 2008 bills in and Tony said he is meeting with Joel on Tuesday so he will know for sure.

F.  Paula commented that the Board is behind in their review of the budgets and then asked if Joel and Dale are the only department heads with encumbrances.  Tony explained that the town clerk/tax collector has an encumbrance for $4,725 for the credit card software.  Paula questioned if Rich Fowler has any because he mentioned that he was not able to buy some things due to the budget freeze.  Tony replied that Rich is purchasing those items now and mentioned that all departments were able to buy what they “needed” during the budget freeze; they just had to justify the purchase.

G.  Tony added that one selectman’s salary and $2,500 for the Tan Note Interest is being encumbered also.  Paula asked if Tony knows how much the interest is yet and Tony said no, but the revenue is coming in so the town will be able to pay of the note on time.

H.  Tony stated that $4,500 for the police department mold remediation will be encumbered, as well as, $61,800 for the safe routes grant (which is waiting on the plans to be approved by DOT) and the Town Hall renovation interest line will also be encumbered because the sprinkler system will go out to bid on January 23, 2009.

I.  Paula questioned if the revaluation line has been spent yet and Tony said not yet.

J.  Marty asked if Joel wants to encumber $58,000 on line 18 (rebuild/repave) and Tony said yes.  Paula said that the encumbrance should buy down the budget line though.  Marty then asked if the $7,100 for highway engine oil is also going to buy down that line and Tony said he will be discussing all this with Joel tomorrow but he would assume that Joel’s intention is to buy down the 2009 budget lines with the encumbrances.

K. Gail stated that the rebuild/repair line is $2,000 overspent utilizing the 2007 encumbrance, so something is not right in the report.  Tony replied that he would look into it.  Paula added that the care of trees line is doing the same thing.  Tony explained that the budget sheets were printed today and Joel turned in his encumbrances last week, so he will rework the numbers with Joel and Pam.

L.  Marty commented that the engine oil line has a large proposed increase but only $3,500 was spent.  Charlie King stated that $7,000 would purchase twelve 55-gallon drums of oil, so why is the town buying so much.

M.  Marty asked if there was money encumbered last year on sidewalks and Tony said yes $9,100.

N.  Marty asked if there is money left over in bridges/railings and Tony reviewed several of the lines with the Board.  Paula noted that the encumbrances should have been spent from the 2007 lines and then the 2008 ones.  Gail commented that she believes if there are any funds left over from the 2007 encumbrances it should be returned to the taxpayers.  Paula stated that there shouldn’t be any 2007 funds left over because those should have been expended first and that the budget sheets presented tonight reflect that the 2008 lines were expended without the encumbrances being spent.  Tony said he will have to go back over the report with Pam and have her retroactively apply the lines to the 2007 encumbrances.

O.  Marty commented that the landfill fuel line should have an encumbrance and Tony explained that none of the fuel lines have been encumbered yet because they are coming to fill the tanks this week.

P.  Gail stated that the repaint truck line needs to be checked because only $3,500 was budgeted, yet $3,600 is proposed to be encumbered.  Tony said he would look at this with Joel.

Q.  Marty asked why the grader repair line is being encumbered when all the repairs are complete.  The Board was in consensus that they would like Joel to be present at the next meeting to review these encumbrances.

5.  Budget Review:
A.  Paula stated that the Board has not seen any budget sheets for administration, insurances, general government buildings or health agencies and hospitals.  Tony stated that the Board will have all new proposed budget sheets on Friday.  The Board planned to meet on Monday and Wednesday next week to review the budgets.

B.  Marty commented that all departments need to cut down their overtime lines because those lines affect the workman’s compensation rate.  He added that Dale could cut his overtime by having whatever employee will be checking the meters over the weekend leave early during the week.

C.  Health Agencies and Hospitals Proposed Budget Review
        1.  Gail inquired why there is money left in the juvenile court diversion line.         Gerry replied that they might not have requested the funds yet and that this line is    for CHANCES.
        2.  Paula asked how the sexual assault services line was overspent, when the    Board voted on a specific amount and Tony said he would check.
        3.  Gerry asked what the Avis Goodwin line is for and Tony said it is for       community services.  Paula asked what they do and who they served.  Tony        replied that he did not have the paperwork with him tonight but he would check.         Gail commented that the Clinic is a doctor’s office and dentist that work on a  floating fee scale.
        4.  Gail Ellis motioned to propose the same amounts for all Health Agencies     and Hospitals as 2008; VNA ($13,361), Sexual Assault Services ($1,452),         Juvenile Court Diversion ($4,900), American Red Cross ($500) and        Homemakers ($4,336) due to economic times, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Discussion        followed in which Gerry stated that he does not feel the juvenile court diversion       program should be included because they have been given the old firehouse for a         building and did not return the town’s money, plus other town’s utilize the         program and do not fund it.  Marty agreed with Gerry and that he believes the   Sexual Assault Services line should be cut as well because there should be      someone in town to take care of these services.  Motion failed; Marty Gilman    (no), Gerry McCarthy (no), Paula Proulx (no) and Gail Ellis (yes).
        5.  Paula asked how CHANCES is being funded now and questioned if they  picked up any of the grants from the Guild or any new expenses by moving.       Gerry replied that they do get federal grants but other than that he is unsure and      then he asked Tony to schedule them for the next meeting.  The Board would like         a representative from CHANCES to come to the next meeting with an explanation   of how they expend there funds, what their revenues are and statistics on there         services.
        6.  Marty Gilman motioned to fund $13,634 for the VNA, 2nd Gerry McCarthy.      Discussion followed in which Marty stated there are a lot of elderly people in  town that participate in this program.  Paula asked what the 2% increase is for and     Gerry asked if the Board would like them to come in as well.  Gail replied that if      the Board is going to request one service to come in then maybe they should all         come in except for the Red Cross.  Tony will try to schedule all the agencies and       hospitals for next week.  Charlie King asked if any of the agencies provide the       town with annual reports and Gerry said that the homemakers usually do.  Motion         failed with Marty Gilman (yes), Gail Ellis (no), Paula Proulx (no) and Gerry    McCarthy (abstain).
        7.  Marty stated that the Board needs to discuss what they want to do with SRPC         too.  Tony said the Board will not get any answers from SRPC until January when         their executive board meets.  Paula noted that if they knew towns are awaiting  their answers they might be faster and Tony said they are aware.

6.  New Business:
A.  Correction to the Road Review Policy – Tony read a memo from Dan Merhalski, Town Planner, that recommend the Board substitute the word “warrant” for “ballot” in sections 3 and 5 because an item can not be voted on unless it is on the ballot.  Marty Gilman motioned to accept the Road Review Policy as amended to reflect Dan’s recommendations to substitute the word “warrant” for “ballot” in sections 3 and 5, 2nd Paula Proulx.  Motion carried with all in favor.

B.  EDC Request – The EDC requested the Board remove Steve Durance as a member of their committee because he has not been attending the meetings for several years and he is now living in another country and not able to meet his commitment.  Gail Ellis motioned to remove Steve Durance from the EDC due to his inability to attend the meetings, 2nd Marty Gilman.  Motion carried with all in favor.

7.  Old Business:
A.  Conservation Commission Land Closing – Tony informed the Board that the Davenport’s are hoping to transfer the deed on the six acre parcel they are donating to the town on Wednesday.  He further reminded the Board of the conditions of the gift that were; 1. a 6-8 car parking lot be constructed at the entrance, 2. the town provides a gate and 3. the town provides a sign for the parcel recognizing the gift.  Paula asked if the town is responsible for a maintenance plan for the parcel and Gerry said no and that the Conservation Commission would actually oversee the property.  He also stated that the commission is going to take care of the gate and the sign and that he did take Joel Moulton up to the property in the fall to look at the lot and he said he could build a parking lot in the spring.  Gail asked what the difference is between needing a maintenance plan for the Dubois property and this one and Gerry explained that NH Fish-n-Game provided funds towards the purchase of the Dubois property and required a maintenance plan in return.  Marty Gilman motioned to authorize Tony Mincu to sign the Davenport closing, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with Paula Proulx abstaining because she did not read the deed though she agrees it is a great deal.

B.  Boiler Update -  Tony informed the Board that work will be commencing on the boiler on Monday, but the town will need to provide alternative heat and will do that with a rental from Taylor Rental.  Also Rick will be moving the after-school program to the high school during the repairs.  Marty added that the heater rental is $320 for the week and is diesel operated, but if the temperatures drop way down an additional heater might be needed.  The boiler replacement will take 3-4 days and all the parts were delivered today.

8.  Other:
A.  Gerry asked if the prosecutor is still scheduled to move out by January 1st.  Tony replied that he has not seen anything official but that he would check.  Gerry added that he would also like to know what the town’s prosecution cost will be in 2009 because the Board may want to look at other options.

B.  Paula asked for an update on the Rec. roof and Tony said the Hall Brothers are coming out tomorrow.

C.  Gerry asked if the culvert for Tall Pine has been billed out yet.  Tony said no, that no one has come forward.  Paula asked who ordered it and Tony said that Mr. C. Lapierre picked it up and donated his time to install it.  Paula replied that someone had to have authorized it and asked Tony to find out whom.

D.  Gerry stated that the town has two portable generators on the inventory list and asked Tony to find out where they both are located at this time.  It was discussed that one is probably at the police department.
Marty Gilman motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.
Meeting adjourned at 8:12pm.
Respectfully Submitted,
Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary
__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                               Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman
__________________________                      _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Gail Ellis
Joan A. Funk