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Selectmen Minutes 12/01/08
Monday, December 1, 2008
356 Main Street, Farmington, NH

Selectman Present:      Chairman Gerry McCarthy, Marty Gilman, Paula Proulx, Gail Ellis and Joan Funk.

Town Staff Present:     Town Administrator Anthony Mincu, Police Chief Scott Roberge and Lt. Kevin Willey

Public Present:         Charlie King

At 5:30pm, Marty Gilman motioned to go in non-public session under RSA 91A:3.II (b), 2nd Gail Ellis.  Roll Call - Gerry McCarthy (yes), Marty Gilman (yes), Paula Proulx (yes), Gail Ellis (yes) and Joan Funk (yes).

At 6:45pm, the Board came out of non-public session and Chairman Gerry McCarthy opened the budget workshop meeting.

1. Discussion on possibility of part-time police officers:  
    Lt. Kevin Willey informed the Board that he did an analysis of replacing a full time police officer with part-time police officers.  First a part-time officer can only work up to 1300 hours per year, so therefore the town would require more than two part-time officers to fill the one position.  In fact, Kevin said he based his analysis on six part-time officers but the town would need a minimum of three.  He explained that from both a financial and quality perspective it would not be worth it to the town.

Paula asked how Scott would advertise for part-time officers.  Scott replied that he would start with the paper.  Paula asked if Scott knows of other towns that utilize part-time officers.  Scott said he knows of several like Hampton, New Durham, Milton, and Barrington but that they are not comparable to Farmington because they don’t have a downtown area or the call volume.

Gerry stated he is in favor of part-time officers, noting that the town could save about $21,137.  Kevin disagreed stating that it would cost $22,411 to train and equip just three part-time officers.  Paula said she would like more information on how other towns use their part-time officers.

2.  Police Budget Review:
       A.  Paula asked why Scott pulled out the shift differential this year and Scott explained that it was always included in the personnel line in an oversight.
        B.  Paula asked for a copy of the Police Department’s step plan and Scott said he would forward it but that there is a 3% increase between the steps plus the COLA.
        C.  Marty asked if someone is convicted of a crime by the prosecutor and the town is awarded damages, where does the money go.  Scott explained that the money when collected would go to the town, but it is not always easy getting the funds.
        D.  It was asked if the department charges for film, tapes, etc. when a resident requests surveillance.  Scott explained that the surveillance tapes are reused and only initially cost $3, but his department is in the business of catching criminals and serving the public so they would not charge for this service.
        E.  It was questioned why the new equipment line is up and Scott explained he would like to upgrade the current surveillance system to a digital one for better definition and night vision.
        F.  Gail commented that Scott still has about $129,000 in his budget and questioned if he has bought all the items he planned to.  Scott replied that due to the budget freeze he has not spent the money but certainly can purchase those items if the Board will allow him.  Paula said she would like all department heads to look at their current budgets to what they might encumber for purchases/jobs they should have done but waited to do because of cash flow reasons.
        G.  Gerry asked for an explanation on the holiday pay.  Scott explained that the holiday pay is exactly that holiday pay at double time for the officers, that is generally paid all at once in December.
        H.  Gerry asked if the assessment for the Strafford Dispatch prosecutor is still $25,000 and $15,000 for the dispatch.  Scott replied yes, that as far as he knows the rates are the same as 2008.
        I.  Scott informed the Board that he has spent $11,216.16 on overtime in his department so far this year just for the officers’ court appearances.  Paula requested a breakdown of the overtime line and how much is spent on sick, holiday, shift coverages and court.  Scott replied that most of the overtime is due to shift coverage or extended shifts but he will forward the hard numbers.
        J.  Gail asked for an explanation as to why the police grant line is so high when the grant appears to be for 50% of the costs of the vests.  Scott explained that he has to have 100% of the money in his budget to pay for the item up front and then the department is reimbursed at 50%.
        K.  Gerry asked if it is cost effective to have an Animal Control Officer.  Scott replied it is definitely effective because she has increased the number of licenses being renewed each year, as well as, organizing rabies and microchipping clinics.  Gerry requested a monthly report for the position and Scott said he could certainly do that.  Paula asked how many hours a week the officer works and Scott explained she works 32 hours total with ten of those being as the crossing guard.  He also said that she often goes out on patrol with the officers on her own time to get experience because she would like to become a police officer one day.
        L.  Gerry asked what the computer and printer line is for and Scott explained that the line is to upgrade and rebuild the current desktops and replace some printers.  Paula said this line would be a perfect place for an encumbrance.
        M.  Gerry asked why Scott is budgeting so much on line 122 (supply) when there is $7,000 still on the line this year.  Scott explained that he has not been billed yet for the digital imaging software or SPOTS but that those bills should be coming in soon.
        N.  Scott explained that he could offer the following cuts;
                1. he met with his department and the officers agreed to forgoe their step                      increases this year due to the economic times and just take the COLA.
                2.  He could eliminate the traffic control in the Village Center and                            therefore reduce the line to $6,000.
                3.  He could drop the overtime line to $30,000 but he would not                                 recommend it.
                4.  He could reduce the training line by $500
                5.  He could reduce the mileage line
        6.  He could reduce the vehicle maintenance line to $8,000 if the town agreed to a three car lease purchase.  Scott explained that he has three vehicles that have to come out of commission and with the Ford lease program, the town could purchase three new cruisers for $29,556.24 a year for three years (own vehicles after the three years).  This amount includes the outfitting and lettering and a 100,000 mile warranty.  Scott explained that he has had a lot of vehicle troubles this year and that John Radcliffe attributes the issues to the fuel.  Paula asked what type of fuel is used in the cruisers and Scott replied the regular unleaded.  Paula asked Tony and Scott to do some investigation to see if the cruisers require a higher octane fuel.  Marty asked how much it would be to buy one cruiser outright and Scott replied it would be $23,200 and then the vehicle would need to be outfitted.  Paula asked if the three vehicles were purchased would the Chief utilize the vehicle with the highest mileage and Scott replied that he would use the vehicle he had before.
        O.  Gail asked why the office supply line is up and Scott said that postage has increased and he needs more file cabinets.
        P.  Gail commented that she would like a new budget sheet with the mentioned deductions and the three police cruisers included so she can see the whole picture.

3.  Police Updates:
       A. Marty asked Scott to get a cost estimate to have a company come in and write all the police files to disk.
        B. Scott informed the Board that the canine will be 100% certified as of Thursday.
        C. Paula asked if the Chief has received any new information from Ray Bower, County Sheriff, relevant to firm numbers for the prosecutor.  Scott said he will get a written confirmation.
        D. Gerry stated that he feels the Board needs to address the Overnight Parking Ban Ordinance tonight because there have been several issues already this year.  Scott said the ordinance is already in place and he will have his officers be more diligent in watching for this problem.

4.  Town Report Bids
        A.  Joan Funk motioned to contract Country Press for the town report printing at $1429.00, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

5.  Other:
        A.  Paula asked if anyone on the Board knew who Jeannette Greeley was because the town made a donation in her memory.  No one knew so Tony said he would check.
        B.  Tony informed the Board that he is hoping to have the tax rate set by December 8, but there is no guarantee because DRA is closed for a week because they are moving.  He also explained that the school department is holding a special town meeting on December 16 to revote on the school warrants because they were not signed and therefore improperly posted.

Marty Gilman motioned to adjourn, 2nd Gail Ellis.  Motion carried with all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:48 pm.

Respectfully Submitted,

Brandy Sanger
Recording Secretary

__________________________                      _________________________
Chairman, Gerald McCarthy                               Vice-Chairman, Martin Gilman

__________________________                      _________________________
Paula Proulx                                            Gail Ellis

Joan A. Funk